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WE? Stokes IT? High Vacuum! STOKES is the source of complete information on every phase of vacuum operation. W e do research and testing on vacuum up to one hundredth cf a micron . . . on drying, freeze-drying, extraction, impregnation . . . on every process in which vacuum or high vacuum is, or may be, used. Experience and demand have made Stokes the leader in the vacuum field. We make the Stokes Microvac Pump which creates almost exactly nothing. ^Ve make the Stokes High Vacuum Gage for accurate vacuum measurement. We make the Stokes Vacorder for use when vacuum must be continuously recorded. And we make the processing equipment in which vacuum is
fundamental to the process or the result. As pioneers and constant workers in the high vacuum field we maintain complete laboratory and semi-plant-scale equipment, with Advisory Service in the hands of skilled engineers, widely experienced in all fields related to chemical processing. Stokes semi-plant-scale laboratory and Advisory Staff are at your service for problems outside the scope of your own staff or equipment. W e invite consultation. F. J. Stokes Machine Company, 5 9 1 8 Tabor Road, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania
Stokes makes Vacuum and Special Processing equipment, High Vacuum Pumps and Gages, Pharmaceutical equipment, Industrial Tablctting and Powder Metal Presses, Plastics Molding Presses, Water Stills, and Special Machinery
Stokes Microvac pump with typical vacuum applications . . . Distilling, Impregnati n g , Shelf and Rotary Drying.
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