We threw away the paoer bags and found a way to ship TiO2 in bulk

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We threw away the paper bags and found a way to shipTi02 in bulk • Another example of North American Car innovations that turn demanding customers into happy working partners

• Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. is a large producer of titanium dioxide (Ti02). It's used in rubber, plastics and inks among other things but perhaps its biggest use is as a white pigment in quality paints. Ti0 2 is rough stuff to ship. It's very finegrained, compacts tightly, and sticks to things stubbornly. It is customarily shipped in heavy, strong paper bags. The bags cost money. So does getting the Ti0 2 in the bags, stacking, palletization, breakage, and handling. Obviously, if large volume users could handle Ti0 2 in bulk without affecting product purity, a lot of time and money could be saved. Kerr-McGee transportation, packaging and marketing executives took the problem to North American Car. Together, we worked out a solution. The result was a modified, car that handles almost 100 tons of Ti0 2 in bulk. The pressuredifferential discharge system is super-aerated. It fluffs the Ti0 2 loose so it can be easily and quickly unloaded through air-extraction outlets. Innovations like this are old stuff at North American Car. It's the best way we know to turn demanding customers into happy working partners. North American Car Corporation, ML^M 11 South Wacker Drive, Chicago, KKm Illinois 60606. (312) 346-0400. S - L


C&EN JUNE 21, 1971