Weather Cycles: Real or Imaginary? - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

Apr 15, 1999 - The evidence of cycles with periodicities in the range 2 to 100 years is examined in terms of their being the product of either the nat...
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Chapter 3

Weather Cycles: Real or Imaginary?

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W. J . Burroughs Squirrels Oak, Clandon Road, West Clandon, Surrey GU4 7UW, United Kingdom

The evidence of cycles with periodicities in the range 2 to 100 years is examined in terms of their being the product of either the natural variability of the global climate, or the result of solar activity and/or tidal forces. Conclusions are then drawn on whether either the evidence or the physical explanations of the observed changes are sufficient to influence investment decisions and planning the maintenance of plant and equipment.

The ability to predict changes in the climate on the timescale of a few years to several decades would have a profound effect on how we manage our lives. Leaving aside predictions of global warming, there is no possibility of standard numerical weather forecasts addressing such lengthy changes. If, however, we can develop a better understanding of how the atmosphere interacts with more slowly varying components o f the global climate (e.g. sea surface temperatures, snow cover, pack ice and soil moisture) then it might be possible to predict the probabilities of periods of extreme weather occurring months and years ahead. Evidence o f weather cycles is a useful measure o f whether such progress is a realistic prospect. The subject o f weather cycles has been of peculiar fascination to many meteorologists. Whether the product o f the natural variability of the climate system or the result o f interactions between the Earth's atmosphere and oceans, and external agencies including periodic variations of solar activity and the astronomical motions o f the Moon and the planets, there has been a long and largely fruitless search for clear evidence for predictable cycles. Even more intriguing is how this search has waxed and waned as if to parallel the elusive periodicities that it sought. As far as solar activity is concerned, a good starting point is the comprehensive review (J) which concluded that "despite a massive literature on the subject, there is at present little or no convincing evidence of significant or practically useful correlation between sunspot cycles and the weather or climate". This conclusion, together with a similar general scepticism about other periodic variations in the climate, meant that interest in weather cycles had reached a low ebb. Apart from the well established diurnal and annual cycles in the weather, it is probably fair to say that only the QuasiBiennial Oscillation (QBO) in the stratosphere was accepted by the meteorological community as being real (2). In addition, a similar Q B O was widely acknowledged as being a feature o f many tropospheric weather records, but it was regarded as a "statistical will o'the wisp" (3). But for the rest, the majority verdict was at best 'not proven'. Since the late 1970s there has, however, been a number of interesting developments.


© 1999 A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l Society

Bauer and Martin; Service Life Prediction of Organic Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


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Which cycles? Because of the breadth of work done on cycles, it is not possible to cover the entire field. In terms of making investment decisions and planning the maintenance of plant and equipment, it is best to concentrate on periodicities in the range 2 to 100 years, with particular emphasis on the Q B O , 3 to 5year quasi-cycles, 11, 18 to 22, and 80 to 90-year cycles, and in the case of the last three their possible links with solar activity, and also the alternative lunar explanation for the 18 to 22-year cycle. This omits the 30 to 60-day cycles in tropical cloudiness (4) and their possible links with some of the cycles mentioned above. It also excludes how the evidence for cycles is extracted from time-series which are reviewed elsewhere (5). Also omitted is the major area of work associated with the astronomical theory of the origin of the Pleistocene ice ages (6-8) which became widely accepted in the 1980s. QBO As noted above, the evidence for the Q B O in the stratosphere has become well established (2). This regular reversal of the winds in the stratosphere over the equator had been closely studied since the early 1950s (Figure 1). The interesting developments in recent years have been associated with whether there was a link between this stratospheric periodicity and the weather feature that appeared in so many tropospheric weather records. In particular, it has been linked with the fluctuations in the E l Nifio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (see next section) and identified as a factor in the extent to which the weather is influenced by the 11-year variation in solar activity associated with the incidence of sunspots. The latter provides a particularly good example of how a new set o f observations can breathe life into the dying embers of a hypothesis about weather cycles, only to extinguish the new hopes when predicted events fail to materialise. It has been known since 1980 that the north polar stratosphere during winter tended to be colder during the west phase o f the Q B O than during the east phase. It was then observed that at the maximum in solar activity the polar stratosphere was unusually warm in the Q B O was in its west phase (9). B y sorting out the east and west phase winters it was possible to show a strong correlation. For the period 1956 to 1988, west phase winters showed a marked positive correlation with warmer winters when the Sun was active and with colder winters when the Sun was quiescent, and vice versa for east phase winters. There is a less than 4 in 1000 chance that this combination of correlations could be the product of chance. In terms of tropospheric weather, an examination of the 19 west phase winters during the period 1956 to 1988 showed an interesting correlation between surface pressure and solar activity. Over northern Canada pressure was abnormally high when solar activity was high, while at a point in the western Atlantic (25°N, 55°W) there was an equal and opposite negative correlation. These results suggested that during west phase winters at times o f high solar activity, pressure over North America should be higher than normal while over the western Atlantic it would be lower than normal. This pattern brings cold northerly winds to the east coast of the U S A more frequently than usual (10). So it was predicted that, with the Q B O in the westerly phase and solar activity at high levels, the winters of both 1988/89 and 1990/91 would have temperatures well below average. When the first cold winter failed to materialise, it was argued that abnormally low sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the equatorial Pacific (see next Section) might have disrupted the weather patterns over North America. In 1990/91 this explanation did not wash and, when a mild winter in the east was capped by the warmest February the U S A had experienced this century, the reputation o f seasonal forecasts based on the QBO-solar activity connection was in tatters. ENSO The interannual variability of the atmosphere and ocean of the tropical Pacific basin - generally referred to as the E N S O - has been the subject of widespread discussion (11,12). Instead o f recapitulating the broad features o f this globally important climatological phenomenon, we will concentrate on the evidence of quasi-cycles in the behaviour of the tropical Pacific and how computer models have been developed to simulate this interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere. The basic feature of the temperature of the central equatorial Pacific is a periodicity of between 3 and 5 years (Figure 2). In

Bauer and Martin; Service Life Prediction of Organic Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Bauer and Martin; Service Life Prediction of Organic Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Figure 1. The monthly windspeed at the 50 millibar-level (21 km) above Singapore showing the regular (quasi-biennial) reversal of the wind direction every 27 months or so.

50mb Winds over Singapore

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Bauer and Martin; Service Life Prediction of Organic Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Figure 2. The temperature anomaly in the central equatorial Pacific (150 °W-90 °W, 5 ° N - 5 °S), between 1952 and 1997, smoothed with a 25-month binomial filter to show quasi-periodic fluctuations greater than about a year in duration.

25-month smoothed NIN03 Temperature Anomaly.

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38 addition there is some evidence of a biennial oscillation (/3), which may be linked to the stratospheric Q B O , but it displays variable amplitude and appears to miss a beat from time to time. The longer periodicity appears to be a natural product of the way the atmosphere and the ocean interact across the Pacific basin. Out of the many efforts to model the Pacific basin (12) one particular model has addressed the possibility of quasi-cyclic behaviour. This approach (14) seeks to handle the basic problem of what causes the oscillation between the E l Nifio and non-El Nino conditions. During normal conditions (non-El Niflo) the winds blow from the east towards the area o f rising air over the warmer water in the western Pacific. As these winds pile up warm water in the west they draw deeper colder water to the surface in the east, accentuating the temperature contrast which drives the wind, so strengthening the contrast. During the E l Nino the reverse applies. As unusually warm water extends eastwards, it is accompanied by wind from the west into this rising air over the warm water. As this cuts off the cold water that normally upwells in the east, it strengthens the westerly winds enhancing the anomalous conditions. So, in principle, either the E l Nifio or non-El Niflo could last indefinitely. The way out of this impasse is that when the sea-level rises in, say, the east it transmits a 'signal' to the west to lower the sea-level in the west. This 'signal' is in effect a travelling displacement of the thermocline. The important feature of this process is that hydrodynamical models show that the ideal case of a symmetrical bell-shaped depression of the thermocline will disperse into two waves - an eastward-travelling Kelvin wave and a westward-travelling Rossby wave. The former is a gravityinertia wave which shows no meridional velocity variations and on which the restorative forces are due to the stratification of the ocean and the rotation of the Earth. The latter, by contrast, is governed by the restorative force of the latitudinal variation of the Coriolis parameter, so its speed varies with distance from the equator. Within 2 to 3 degrees of the equator - often termed the equatorial waveguide - processes are dominated by the zonal component o f the wind stress which causes changes in the slope and the thickness of the warm upper layer. The balance of these stresses and the weak Coriolis forces results in downwelling and upwelling Kelvin waves crossing the Pacific basin in 2 to 3 months. Rossby waves move westward at speeds which depend on latitude. Near ihe equator they are trapped in the equatorial waveguide and cross the Pacific basin in about 9 months, but at 12°N and 12°S they take around 2 years. Changes in the depth of the thermocline, and hence the thickness of the warm layer, can be separated into these two types of waves. During the E l Nifio the anomalous pattern is sustained by eastward-travelling equatorial Kelvin waves. Simultaneously, Rossby waves are generated in the east Pacific. Close to the equator they are initiated by the wind anomalies. At higher latitudes they are generated by presently unknown interactions of coastal Kelvin waves (generated by the equatorial Kelvin waves) and the bathmetry along the North and South American coasts. The equatorial Rossby waves can cancel out the positive feedback sustaining the E l Nino. When the warm layer off South America is abnormally thick (i.e. during an E l Nino) the effect is to initiate upwelling Rossby waves. These are reflected at the westerly rim o f the Pacific basin and return in the equatorial wave-guide as upwelling Kelvin waves which tend to reverse the growth in the warm upper layer. This delayed negative feedback serves to switch off the E l Nino conditions. By contrast, the much slower off-equatorial Rossby waves reach the western rim a year or two later, returning as downwelling Kelvin waves which tend to increase the thickness o f the warm layer in the east. This much delayed feedback serves to set up an oscillation between the E l Nino and non-El Niflo conditions. The simple computer model of the Pacific basin (14) has been able to produce a quasi-periodic oscillation of equatorial SSTs. These are irregular, occurring at intervals of about 3 to 5 years and resemble the observed fluctuations in the Pacific. In spite o f its limitations, this simple linear model can produce a physically realistic mechanism which combines a coupled oscillator and delayed feedback. It also suggests that when the oscillations are small the system has little predictability, being dominated by random fluctuations in the global climate. When the fluctuations are large the delayed feedback mechanism and the behaviour are more predictable. This may be the key to many transient examples o f apparently cyclic behaviour in the weather. A major chance disturbance in a slowly varying component of the climate may trigger a delayed feedback process which results in a few oscillations before the 'cycle' fades away.

Bauer and Martin; Service Life Prediction of Organic Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


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North Atlantic Oscillation A similar process to the E N S O may be at work in the North Atlantic during the winter. Known as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), this see-saw behaviour shifts between a deep depression near Iceland and high pressure around the Azores, which produces strong westerly winds, and the reverse pattern with much weaker circulation (15). The strong westerly pattern pushes mild air across Europe and into Russia, while pulling cold air southwards over western Greenland. The strong westerly flow also tends to bring mild winters to much of North America. One significant climatic effect is the reduction of snowcover, not only during the winter, but well into the spring. The reverse meandering pattern often features a blocking anticyclone over Iceland or Scandinavia which pulls arctic air down into Europe, with mild air being funnelled up towards Greenland. This produces much more extensive continental snowcover, which reinforces the cold weather in Scandinavia and eastern Europe, and often means that it extends well into spring as long as the abnormal snow remains in place. Since 1870, the N A O has fluctuated appreciably on timescales from several years to a few decades (Figure 3). It assumed a strong westerly form between 1900 and 1915, in the 1920s and, most notably, from 1988 to 1995. Conversely, it took on a sluggish meandering form in the 1940s and during the 1960s bringing frequent severe winters to Europe but exceptionally mild weather in Greenland. H o w these variations might play a part of an organised atmospheric-ocean interaction is not yet clear. I f it can be demonstrated that a period of one phase of the oscillation produces the right combination of sea surface temperatures to switch it into the opposite phase, then this may provide insight into more dramatic changes in ocean circulation which can occur in the North Atlantic. The fact that this oscillation shows some evidence of a 20-year periodicity suggests that there may be some more predictable mechanism at work. Whatever the impact of the N A O on longer term developments, it remains central to understanding recent climatic events, because o f the influence it exerts on average temperatures in the northern hemisphere. O f all seasons, winters show the greatest variance, and so annual temperatures tend to be heavily influenced by whether the winter was very mild or very cold. When the N A O is in its strong westerly phase, its benign impact over much o f northern Eurasia and North America outweighs the cooling around Greenland, and this shows up in the annual figures. So, a significant part o f the global warming since the mid-1980s has been associated with the very mild winters in the northern hemisphere. Indeed, since 1935 the N A O on its own can explain nearly a third of the variance in winter temperatures for the latitudes 20° to 90° N (16). So understanding more about this major natural factor in climatic change is central to explaining the causes of global warming in the twentieth century. Solar and lunar cycles There are many possible cycles of solar activity and astronomical effects, of which the lunar tides are the most important, which could influence the weather (5, 17). The most significant of these in terms of appearing in many meteorological records and surviving critical scrutiny is the periodicity o f around 20 years. This has been widely attributed to both the 22-year double sunspot (Hale) cycle and to the 18.6year lunar tidal cycle. The most significant evidence of this cycle is to be found in the analysis of records of drought in the western and central U S A (18, 19\ Central England Temperature records (20), global marine temperature records (27), and Greenland ice-core isotope records for the periods 1244 to 1971 (22). The debate about the origin o f this ubiquitous signal in climatic records has yet to be resolved. Perhaps the most interesting feature of this work is the apparent discrepancy between differing interpretations of the U S drought indices. The work o f Mitchell et al (18) clearly pointed to a 22-year cycle of solar origin, whereas Currie's (19) work appeared to support the lunar explanation. Subsequent work by Mitchell (23) showed that the 22-year cycle was the dominant feature in the U S drought series between 1600 and 1962, and there was virtually no sign of the lunar cycle. But i f the series was cut in half and the two halves analysed separately then the lunar cycle appeared as strongly as the solar one. The reason for this behaviour was that around 1780 the phase of the lunar cycle shifted by 180 degrees. As yet there is no adequate explanation as to why any lunar influence on the weather might shift in this way. So at the moment the jury is still out on the climatic significance of the 20-year cycle and, to the extent it is real, whether it is due to solar and/or lunar effects on the weather.

Bauer and Martin; Service Life Prediction of Organic Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Bauer and Martin; Service Life Prediction of Organic Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

Figure 3. The standardised difference of December to February atmospheric pressure between Ponta Delgada, Azores, and Styikkisholmur, Iceland, 1867 to 1996. The smoothed curve is a 21-year binomial filter to show fluctuations longer than about 10 years.

North Atlantic Oscillation Index

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41 One other aspect of possible solar influence of the weather deserves a mention. This is the fact that the 80 to 90-year variation both in the peak in solar activity and in the period between successive maxima shows a marked parallelism with global temperature trends (Figure 4). Satellite measurements have confirmed that solar output doeis vary with solar activity (24), but they are an order of magnitude too small to explain the observed global trends in terms of direct solar input (25). So unless some amplification mechanism is at work, possibly linked to the fact that a disproportionate amount of this variation occurs in the ultraviolet (UV), it is not realistic to attribute observed trends to solar forcing. Estimates of past variations in solar U V output do, however, show a remarkably high correlation with observed temperature trends in the northern hemisphere (26), while modelling work suggests that these U V variations could be amplified by circulation responses in the stratosphere (27). So the jury is still out on whether observed varaitions in solar activity can exert an appreciable impact on the climate. Autovariance and chaos Recent work in a number of areas has shed new light on various aspects of how the natural variability of the climate may hold the key to understanding many aspects of quasi-cycles in the weather. Work at Reading University (28) has shown that a relatively crude model of the climate, but one which handles the non-linear dynamics of the atmosphere in a reasonably sophisticated manner, produces the circulation of the atmosphere which varies strongly for periods longer than a year with the strongest response being at around 10 years. The general result that large-scale features of the atmosphere exhibit significant periodicities in the range 10 to 40 years was obtained from a number of different experiments. This is a fascinating result. Because earlier linear simulations have not produced similar results, it emphasises the importance o f the non-linear behaviour of the atmosphere. Furthermore, the fact that the atmosphere alone can exhibit such long-term fluctuations shows that it is not necessary to involve either the slowly varying components of the climate or extraterrestrial agencies to explain longtemi quasi-periodic fluctuations. So it is possible that, say, the 20-year cycle could be largely the product of atmospheric autovariance rather than due to solar and/or lunar influences. The slowly varying components of the climate remain strong candidates for much of the observed quasi-cyclic behaviour including the 20-year cycle. Modelling work of the thermohaline circulation of the North Atlantic (29), in which warm surface water flows polewards and colder water returns to lower latitudes at depth (30), has shown the possibility of substantial and often chaotic variations. The controlling factor is how temperature and salinity vary in the region where the surface water sinks to form bottom water. Salinity is the dominant factor in the rate at which polar water sinks and, unlike temperature, this is not subject to local feedback. This is because salinity is controlled by the balance between precipitation and evaporation, which is not affected by local salinity but by wider atmospheric and oceanic circulation. When the model uses a distribution of precipitation and evaporation which resembles the climatology of the North Atlantic it produces quasi-periodic but chaotic fluctuations on a decadal time-scale. The N A O could be related to this phenomenon as it clearly has a significant impact on deep water formation (37). This modelling work has also received indirect support from the latest set of Greenland icecore data (Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2, GISP-2). Results from these data have shown that the climate can change dramatically in just a few years. Observations of both the amount of dust in the ice, which is correlated with average temperature (32), and the amount of snow that fell at the end of the last Ice Age (33) show abrupt and substantial changes. In particular, the dust levels show frequent rapid and chaotic fluctuations between mild and cold conditions in as little as 3 to 5 years, and often lasting only for a decade or so. This led to the phrase a 'flickering switch' being used to describe this behaviour, which bears a marked resemblance to the models of thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic. While there remains a considerable challenge to explain how changes of this scale could happen so rapidly, this recent combination of modelling and observations shows how swiftly the subject of climatic change is developing.

Bauer and Martin; Service Life Prediction of Organic Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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Bauer and Martin; Service Life Prediction of Organic Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


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Conclusions This limited review of the search for weather cycles and the explanation of quasi-periodic and chaotic variations in the climate suggests that the prospects for long term predictions are not rosy. With the exception of the 20-year cycle, which can be found in many records, the classic search for cycles has made little progress in recent decades. In contrast, the analysis of the feedback processes in the global climate has grown apace. These advances have, however, highlighted the complexity of the interactions and raised real doubts about whether useful forecasts can be made over periods longer than a year or so. The best that can be said is that when there is a major disturbance in the climate system it can produce a decaying quasi-cyclic response which behaves in a more predictable manner for an oscillation or two before disappearing back into the noise. This conclusion will be put to the test as events unfold in the equatorial Pacific following the sudden onset of a strong E l Nifio during 1997. Parallel investigations of non-linear systems (chaos theory) have combined with increasing evidence of the capacity of the climate to switch between different states abruptly and frequently to show that even more erratic behaviour is possible. These changes are by definition wholly unpredictable: we can only hold our breath and hope that neither natural fluctuations nor human activities trigger any such dramatic shifts. Against this uncertain background the safest course for planners is to work on the basis of climatological statistics, taking account only o f global warming should it continue as predicted and its implications for extremes become apparent. References 1. 2. 3.

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Bauer and Martin; Service Life Prediction of Organic Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.