Web-Based Tools for Mining the NCI Databases for ... - ACS Publications

Dec 31, 2003 - available from the NCI's COMPARE program, the Spearman's and Kendall's correlation .... A value of rs near one indicates a good agreeme...
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J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 2004, 44, 249-257


Web-Based Tools for Mining the NCI Databases for Anticancer Drug Discovery Xueliang Fang, Lei Shao, Hui Zhang, and Shaomeng Wang* University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Departments of Internal Medicine and Medicinal Chemistry, University of Michigan, 1500 E. Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-0934 Received September 18, 2003

In this paper, we describe the development of a set of integrated Web-based tools for mining the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) anticancer databases for anticancer drug discovery. For data mining, three different correlation algorithms were implemented, which included the commonly used Pearson’s correlation algorithm available from the NCI’s COMPARE program, the Spearman’s and Kendall’s correlation algorithms. In addition, we implemented the p-value test to evaluate the significance of the correlation results. These Webbased data mining tools allow robust analysis of the correlation between the in vitro anticancer activity of the drugs in the NCI anticancer database, the protein levels and mRNA levels of molecular targets (genes) in the NCI 60 human cancer cell lines for identification of potential lead compounds for a specific molecular target and for study of the molecular mechanism action of a drug. Examples were provided to identify PKC ligands using a lead compound and to identify potential ErbB-2 inhibitors using the mRNA levels of ErbB-2 in the NCI 60 tumor cell lines. INTRODUCTION

Since 1990, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has been carrying out in vitro screening of compounds to determine their in vitro inhibitory activity of cell growth in the NCI 60 human cancer cell lines for the purpose of anticancer drug discovery.1,2 To date, approximately 70 000 “open” and proprietary compounds have been tested in the NCI 60 cell lines, which has generated a series of information-rich anticancer drug databases.3 These databases include in vitro cell line screening data of small molecules, protein and mRNA levels of molecular targets (genes) in the NCI 60 human cancer cell lines, and two-dimensional and threedimensional structures of small molecules in the NCI repository collected by the NCI over the last five decades. To better use these information-rich databases for anticancer drug discovery and for study of molecular mechanism of action of anticancer drugs, a number of database mining tools have been developed by the NCI scientists,4-7 which included the COMPARE program.4,5 The COMPARE program employed the Pearson’s correlation algorithm to analyze the correlations between the anticancer activity patterns of compounds or the anticancer activity of compound and protein or mRNA levels of molecular targets (genes) to identify potential novel lead compounds or to study the possible molecular mechanism of action of a drug. Over the years, the COMPARE program has been successfully used for the discovery of promising lead compounds for several molecular targets.8-11 Despite the success of the COMPARE program, several improvements may be made. For example, the Pearson’s correlation algorithm assumes normal data distributions. However, many data points in the NCI anticancer databases, including the in vitro anticancer activity of compounds and * Corresponding author phone: (734)615-0362; fax: (734)647-9647; e-mail: [email protected].

protein and mRNA levels of molecular targets, do not have normal distributions. Therefore, correlation algorithms which are more suitable for analyzing data with nonnormal distributions are needed. Furthermore, correlations between two data sets can be due to chance and assessment of the statistical significance of the correlation results between two variables is essential. In this paper, we describe the development of a set of integrated Web-based tools for mining the NCI’s anticancer databases. For data mining, we implemented three different correlation algorithms, which included the commonly used Pearson’s correlation algorithm available from the COMPARE program as well as the Spearman’s and Kendall’s correlation algorithms. We included a p-value test to evaluate the statistical significance of the correlation results. We implemented a Web-based tool to analyze the two-dimensional structural similarity between compounds and linked the NCI compounds to several commercially available, large chemical databases. These Web-based data mining tools allow robust analysis of the correlation between the in vitro anticancer activity of the drugs in the NCI anticancer database, the protein levels and mRNA levels of molecular targets (genes) in the NCI 60 human cancer cell lines for identifying potential lead compounds for a specific molecular target and for studying the molecular mechanism action of a drug. 1. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION

The raw data were downloaded from the Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) Web site at the NCI (http://dtp.nci.nih.gov, March 2002) and were then decompressed to obtain the plain text files. The key information for each data file was summarized in Table 1. A relational database management system was built to store these data in several different tables. Besides the

10.1021/ci034209i CCC: $27.50 © 2004 American Chemical Society Published on Web 12/31/2003

250 J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 44, No. 1, 2004



Table 1. Information Derived from NCI Anticancer Screening Data Filesa data file

small molecules

molecular targets

gene profiles

entries records

∼37 000 ∼2 000 000

∼197 ∼11 000

∼15 000 ∼900 000


Not all screening data for 60 cell lines are available.

Figure 1. Schematic architecture of relational database management system for NCI anticancer screen data. Table 2. Data Structure of a Typical Table in the Database field name IDa Data CELL PANEL MAX MIN POINTS MEAN_VALUE MEAN_BAR a

note primary identification experimental screening data cell line panel name of the cell maximal value minimal value number of data mean value code for plotting mean bar chart

Figure 2. Systematic architecture of program package.

architecture of the program package is illustrated in Figure 2. 2. MINING TOOLS

ID: NSC number, molecular target name, or gene description.

anticancer screen data, the 2-D and 3-D structures of small molecules and 3D structures of proteins were also included in our databases. The 3D coordinates of proteins were downloaded from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) Web site (http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/) and saved on a local hard disk in pdb file format.12 The gene expressions in the NCI 60 cell lines were determined using DNA microarrays. The microarray data were generated by two groups: one set by Weinstein, Brown, and Botstein (about 9700 entries)13,14 and the other set by the Millennium Pharmaceuticals (about 5300 entries). An in-house program was written to import these data into our databases, so that we can easily retrieve the information using the Structured Query Language (SQL). The mean bar of each entry that revealed the distribution of the cell line screening data was also generated by this program. The databases are managed by Oracle 9.0 for Windows 2000 Server. The schematic architecture of these databases is shown in Figure 1. The databases can be accessed by multiple remote users simultaneously. The information shown in Table 2 can be directly searched by entry identification, e.g. NSC number of a chemical compound, protein name of a molecular target, or a gene name. Our program package was integrated on a Web server powered by Apache 1.2 for Windows 2000 Server. Most of the scripts were written in JAVA language. The system

The COMPARE program was initially developed by the NCI to facilitate the drug discovery efforts at the NCI.4,5 The COMPARE program evaluates the correlation between compounds in terms of their activities in the NCI 60 cell lines, and between the activities of compounds in the NCI 60 cell lines and the mRNA or the protein levels of a specific molecular target, and between the mRNA or protein levels of different molecular targets in the NCI 60 cell lines. The correlations were expressed as the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (PCC). In the COMPARE program, a procedure (PROC CORR) integrated in a commercial statistical package (the Statistical Analysis System) has been used to obtain PCC values. In our Web-based database mining tools, three independent correlation algorithms were implemented and integrated into the databases, which included the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (PCC), Spearman’s correlation coefficient (SCC), and Kendall’s correlation coefficient (KCC), respectively. The core programming source codes were written in C++. 2.1. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient. Pearson’s correlation coefficient (PCC) analysis is widely used in statistical studies. PCC measures the strength of the linear relationship between two variables. It is assumed that both variables are interval/ratio and approximately normally distributed, and their joint distribution is bivariate normal. These two variables are often called B X and B Y, B X ) (x1,x2,...,xN)T and B Y ) (y1,y2,...,yN)T. In our database they are experimentally




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determined activities of compounds in the NCI 60 cell lines and expression levels of molecular targets. The formula for calculating PCC is given in many forms. Equations 1 and 2 are two commonly used forms


6∑(Ri - Si)2 rs ) 1 -



N(N2 - 1)


∑(xi - xj)(yi - yj) rp )

However, when there are ties in the measurement, the exact relationship is slightly more complicated, as follows







∑(xi - xj)2∑(yi - yj)2 N

rp )





∑xiyi - N∑xi∑yi i)1


i)1 i)1



1 N 2 2 x ∑ i N(∑xi) i)1 i)1




1 N 2 2 y ∑ i N(∑yi) i)1 i)1


∑(Ri - Rh )(Si - Sh) i)1




(3) N

∑(Ri - Rh )2 ∑(Si - Sh)2 i)1

6 N(N2



∑(R - S ) - 1)




where R h and Sh are the mean values of R and S, respectively. When there are no ties in the measurement, rs can be expressed as a conventional measure:






where rp denotes the PCC value, N is the size of the data pairs of these two variables, xi and yi are the relative measurements of the ith experiment (e.g. - log GI50 value) of B X and B Y, and xj and yj are mean values of data B X and B Y, respectively. PCC can take on values from -1.0 to 1.0, where -1.0 represents a perfect negative (inverse) correlation, 0.0 represents no correlation, and 1.0 represents a perfect positive correlation. Since the PCC method is a widely used algorithm, it has been integrated in well-known commercial statistical analysis software. 2.2. Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. PCC makes an implicit assumption that the two variables are jointly normally distributed. When this assumption is not valid, a nonparametric measure, such as the Spearman’s correlation coefficient (SCC),15 may be more suitable. Therefore, the second algorithm implemented in our program is based upon the discriminant derived from the SCC conception. It is usually calculated when it is not convenient, economic, or even possible to assign actual values to variables, but only to give a rank order to instances of each variable. Consequently, the SCC is also referred to as the Spearman rank order correlation coefficient.15 Since Spearman’s method works by assigning a rank to each observation in each group separately, it may also be a better indicator that a relationship exists between two variables B X ) (x1,x2,...,xN)T and B Y ) (y1,y2,...,yN)T when the relationship is nonlinear. Let Ri be the rank of xi among the other x’s, and Si be the rank of yi among the other y’s. SCC is given by eq 3

rs )

rs )



3 i



∑(f 12

3 i



- f i)


N(N2 - 1)

- f i) +




∑(g 12 i)1

3 i

- g i)




3 i

- g i)


N(N2 - 1)


where fi denotes the number of ties in the ith group of ties among the Ri and gi denotes the number of ties in the ith group of ties among the Si. If all the fi and all the gi are equal to one, meaning there are no ties, then eq 5 reduces to eq 4. Spearman’s rank correlation is a distribution-free analogue of the correlation analysis. Like regression, it can be applied to compare two independent random variables, each at several levels (which may be discrete or continuous). Unlike regression, Spearman’s rank correlation works on ranked (relative) data, rather than directly on the original data itself. Like the R2 value produced by the PCC regression, the rs value indicates the agreement between two variables. A value of rs near one indicates a good agreement, and a value near zero indicates a poor agreement. As a distributionfree method, the Spearman rank correlation does not make any assumption about the distribution of the data. Therefore, the SCC method generally produces more satisfactory results than the PCC method in our studies. The SCC method has also been used in consensus scoring for ligand and protein interactions by Clark.16 2.3. Kendall’s τ Correlation Coefficient. Compared to Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient rs, Kendall’s τ is even more nonparametric.15 Instead of using the numerical difference of ranks, Kendall’s algorithm only concerns the relative ordering of ranks: higher in rank, lower in rank, or the same in rank. Nevertheless, ranking the data is not necessary. In our implementation, we started with the N pairs of measurements in the NCI cancer cell lines B X ) (x1,x2,...,xN)T T and B Y ) (y1,y2,...,yN) . We considered all C2N ) N(N - 1)/2 pairs of data points for each variable, where a data point cannot be paired with itself, and where the points in either order count as one pair. If the relative ordering of the ranks of the two x’s is the same as the relative ordering of the ranks of two y’s, a pair “concordant” is counted. If the relative ordering of the ranks of the two x’s is opposite from the relative ordering of the ranks of two y’s, a pair “discordant” will be counted. If there is a tie in either the ranks of the two x’s or the ranks of the two y’s, then we do not call the pair either concordant or discordant. If the tie is in the x’s, an “extra_y” pair is counted. If the tie is in the

252 J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 44, No. 1, 2004


Table 3. Tools Integrated in the Package

Table 5. 2D Structure Searchable Databases


module (seed vs targets)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

compound vs compounds compound vs molecular targets compound vs gene expressions molecular target vs molecular targets molecular target vs compounds molecular target vs gene expressions gene expression vs gene expression gene expression vs compounds gene expression vs molecular targets


experiment ID

cell 1

cell 2

cell 3

cell 4

cell 5

1 2 3

x x x

O x x

x x x

x x x

x x O

a x: denotes data present. O: denotes data missing. For pairwise deletion: 1. Data of cell 1, 3, 4, and 5 will be applied to analyze the correlation between case 1 and case 2. 2. Data of cell 1, 3, and 4 will be applied to analyze the correlation between case 1 and case 3. 3. Data of cell 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be applied to analyze the correlation between case 2 and case 3. For casewise deletion: only data of cell 1, 3, and 4 will be applied for correlation analysis.

y’s, an “extra_x” pair is counted. If the tie is in both x’s and y’s, we do not call the pair anything at all. Kendall’s τ is defined as


xC + D + EyxC + D + Ex



Aldrich 129 000 ChemDiv 318 000 ComGenex 213 000 Merck Index 6085 CHM 9367 NCI 249 000 Ryan 153 000 total >1 000 000

Table 4. Pairwise and Casewise Deletion Examplea




where C is the number of “concordant” pairs, D is the number of “discordant” pairs, and Ey and Ex denote “extra_y” and “extra_x” pairs, respectively. As shown, -1 e τ e 1. A larger τ value shows a good rank agreement. 2.4. Handling Missing Data. In the NCI databases, not all compounds, molecular targets, or microarrays were analyzed against all the 60 cell lines; in other words, some data were missing. There are two ways of handling missing values: pairwise deletion and casewise deletion. A simple example for pairwise deletion and casewise deletion is provided in Table 4. The results for pairwise deletion of the example can be described as follows: (1) for 1-2 pair, cells 1, 3, 4, and 5 are used; (2) for 1-3 pair, cells 1, 3, and 4 are be used; (3) for 2-3 pair, cells 1, 2, 3, and 4 are used. While for casewise deletion, the results of the example depend on the total system, both cells 2 and 5 are deleted for all pairs of correlations, so only cells 1, 3, and 4 are used for all the correlation evaluations. We selected the pairwise deletion method for correlation calculation so that we can keep as much useful information as possible. 2.5. p-Value Test. Once we calculate the correlation coefficient for two variables, we need to determine what is the likelihood that the correlation occurs by chance. When a correlation is known to be significant, correlation coefficient (r) value is one conventional way of summarizing its strength. In fact, the value of r can be translated into a statement about the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD)

catalog of Sigma-Aldrich, Inc catalog of Chemical Diversity Labs, Inc. catalog of ComGenex, Inc. build in-house, Merck Index XIII build in-house, Chinese Herb Medicine NCI small organic molecules catalog of Ryan Scientific, Inc.

being expected if the data are fitted to a straight line by the least-squares method. Unfortunately, r is a rather poor statistic for deciding whether an observed correlation is statistically significant and/or whether an observed correlation is significantly stronger than another. The reason is that r is ignorant of the individual distributions of B X and B Y, so there is no universal way to compute its distribution in the case of the null hypothesis. About the only general statement that can be made is this: If the null hypothesis is that B X and B Y are F F uncorrelated, if the distributions for X and Y each have enough convergent moments (“tails” die off sufficiently rapidly), and if N is large enough (typically >20), then r is distributed approximately normally, with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1/xN. In that case, the significance of the correlation, that is, the possibility that |r| should be larger than its observed value in the null hypothesis, is

p ) erfc

( ) |r|xN x2


where erfc(x) is the complementary error function.

erfc(x) ) 1 - erf(x) )1)

2 x -t2 ∫ e dt xπ 0

2 ∞ -t2 ∫ e dt xπ x


A smaller p-value indicates that the two distributions are significantly correlated. 3. STRUCTURAL SIMILARITY SEARCH

In the last five decades, approximately 500 000 small molecules (primarily synthetic organic compounds and natural products) have been collected by the NCI, and approximately half of the compounds (“open” compounds) are publicly accessible.6 However, only 70 000 compounds out of the 500 000 have been tested for their anticancer cell activity in the NCI 60 cell lines and 37 000 are “open” compounds.3 To further facilitate the use of the NCI databases for drug discovery, we have developed a Webbased tool for a structural similarity search and linked the NCI structural database to approximately 1 000 000 compounds (listed in Table 5) from different commercial chemical suppliers. For the structural similarity search, we used the Tanimoto coefficient (S),17 which is expressed in eq 9




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Table 6. Top 20 NCI Compounds (GI50 e1 µM) Correlated with NSC 239072 Using Pearson’s Correlation Method best mean activitya selectivity valueb (fold)c (GImin 50 :nM) (-log GI50)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

239072d,e 266186d,e 654239d,e 623310 703749d,e 703750d,e 688228 252940e 627960e 688220d,e 631939d,e 688222 688235e 703751d,e 645597d,e 629156d,e 329507 688239d,e 686038e 631941d,e

1.000 0.808 0.802 0.776 0.662 0.650 0.627 0.615 0.578 0.571 0.565 0.558 0.555 0.551 0.543 0.524 0.520 0.518 0.505 0.505

0.500 10 612 205 109 81 977 100 63 463 10 136 13 902 838 700 44 912 321 10

7.295 5.880 4.332 3.699 5.361 5.355 4.574 4.634 3.346 5.446 5.435 5.874 6.180 5.059 4.348 4.863 5.311 4.833 4.178 5.166

3020 2042 162 4898 162 214 102 10000 10000 43 2512 60 339 23 120 145 1202 28 309 3890



