weeds stay dead . . .
...when you formulate 2,U-D and 2,U,5-T
Esters of Butoxy Ethoxy Propanol Here9s
how your product
1 These esters are low in volatility. This insures maximum efficiency in weed and brush control plus minimum danger from vapor damage to sensitive crops. 2 Esters are approved for use in control of weeds in small grains and general weed and brush control. 3 Formulating problems are reduce These esters are mobile liquids at normal temperatures. They are also miscible in all proportions with aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbon solvents.
aids for herbicides
• Di-and triethanolamine—for alkanolamine salts o f 2.4-D • iJiethylamine, triethvlamine, and isopropvlamine—for 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T
In Canada: Carbide Chemicals Company. Division of Union Carbide Canada Limited, Montreal.
alkvlamine salts of
• 2-Ethylhexanol, butanol, and isobutanol—for esters of 2.4-D and 2,4,5-T • CARBOWAX polyethylene glycols—intermediates in the manufacture o f nonionic emulsifiers
• CARBITOL and CELLOSOLVK solvents—coupling agents
• TERGITOL nonionics N P \ and XD—dispersants and emulsifiers • Epoxides-epichlorhydrin and propylene oxide-acid acceptor stabilizers
Union Carbide Chemicals'•: C 6 m p a n y
For information or samples—write todav to Γ η ion Carbide Chemicals Company, Room 328, Dept. H, 3 0 East 12nd" St.. New York 17. Ν . Υ. "Carboicax" "Carbitol." "Cellosoive,"' registered trade-marks of Lnion Carbide
"Tergitol" and "Union Corporation.
' D ί vis io ri ; 6f v : Uriion
Carbide Λ CôrWorcf ti ο η •
3 0 EçjsfV 4lncf Street,' N e w Y o r k 1 7 ^ ; K Y*-''-
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