WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - ... rosins was checked, and at the close of the month, rosin prices turned definitely firm and higher as the result of heavy buying agai...
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mixed I

July IS. 1955 CUEHENT

C o c o a b u t t e r , lb. G r e a s e , w h i t e , lb. G u m a r a b i c , a m b e r sort*;. lb. G a a rcsiii, ?£Ύ c s r t . BtoM Ν WG WW ODs. lb. Red, tajiks Tallow, acidless. tanks Tung Crude, tanks. N.Y. 23 r u m s Oleic acid, cits, l b . Single pressed D o u b l e pressed


S i l v e r b u l l i o n . 02. S i l v e r n i t r a t e , oz. Tallow, fancy, lb. T i n metal, l b . T i n salts, lb. Oxide Potassium stannate S o d i u m st&nnate Stannous chloride. anhyd-




O-60 O-08

0.08V* 0.19*/;


9.25 S.3Û 9.35 9.40

9.20 ».2ô 9.25 9.35





0.25V* 0.26V=

0.24Vs 0.26

0.14 V* 0.14 V * 0.17 0.90*A 0.57V* 0.07V* 0.98

0.13V* 0 . 1 4 V* 0.16Vs 0.90*A 0-57»A O.07»A 0.95V&

0.9775 0.6S9 0.557

O.9550 Ο-686 0.553



i 1 1 i 1 i

^lsnOnaiaci€is^iwîiîfîBîîhei#ôM tTTeassmooîn selective caîalvtic reactions e^saugn^eiasiandire^ ena pronuas.

63.00 65.00 160.00

6S-00 67.50 165.00

0.49 128-00 265.00 13.00

0-52 133.00 268.00 17.00


0.1 I V * 0.12V*

O.l I V · 0.12V*

0.14 0.17Vs 0.13 V * 0.18 0-llVs 80.00

0.14V* 0.18V* 0.14»A 0.18V* O.l I V * 10O.00

0.53 0.56 0.54

0-56 O.Ô7 0.55



• •









*o Composition Sulfonic acids, % Water, % H 2 SO«, % Ash, %

• I


3 3, N O . 3 0



DrûOertïeS ·

The outlook in both rosin and turpentine is generally regarded as strong. When it became apparent early in June that crude pine gum receipts were running contraseasonal, the moderate price decline that occurred in rosins was checked, and at the close of the month, rosin prices turned definitely firm and higher as the result of heavy buying against meager offerings. An expected good export demand should be a contributing factor to the general strength of the market. Rosin consumption abroad has been increasing. Prices on the staple items of the essential oil industry are included in the latest catalog issued by Magnus, Mabee & Reynard, Inc., essential oil firm. Included in the booklet are prices on flavors for animal and poultry feed manufacturers. Commercial Solvents Corp., N e w York, 16, N . Y-, announced cut in the price of riboflavin from $100 to $80 per kilogram. The reduction marks the first change in riboflavin prices since December 1952. YOLUME

Polymerization Alkylation EsterificaHon a n d ester i n t e r c h a n g e Etherification Dehydration A d d i t i o n o f sulfur compounds t o olefins O t h e r condensation reactions

Catalyst for


Dedines Ammonium nitrate. July. Aug., ton B o n e meal, t o n Copra., c o a s t , ton E t h y l silicate, 4 0 % . cits. lb. Fish scrap, t o n M e r c u r y , E u r o p e a n , flask Menthol, Japanese, lb. Oils, lb. Coconut Crude, coast C r u d e , 2S. YCorn Crude, t a n k s Refined, t a n k s . Ν . Y . Cottonseed, crude, S o . E P e a n u t , crude, S o - E . Soybean, tanks. Decatur R i b o f l a v i n , TJSP, k i l o Shellac, l b . Button, No. 1 Lemon. N o . 1 Lemon, No- 2 Tetraethylorthosilicate. cits, lb.


Ik B 1 111i 1 1 ΠΙ.ΤΤΤΕΠΠΙΠΤΠ» g ill A J 1™ acid

Ad* aiictr·*

Molecu,ar w e i h t

94 5 1 0.01




· I • • • • • •

Specific Gravity (25 /4°0 1.35 Viscosity, Centistokes (30°C) 15.3 pH of 1 % solution 1.15 Light color and mild odor. Miscible w i t h w a t e r a n d alcohol. Solubility under 0 . 1 % in benzene, toluene, hexane>, C C 1 4 . Dissolves 2 5 % (vol.) b e n z e n e , 1 5 % toluene, 6 % h e x a n e , 1 % C C 1 4 a t room t e m p e r a t u r e -

If y o u w o u l d l i k e a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n about Indoil M i x e d Alkanesulfonic A c i d , w r i t e f o r Indoil Technical Bulletin N o . 1 1 . Your request will b e given p r o m p t a t t e n t i o n .


INDOIL CHEMICAL COMPANY 9 1 0 South M i c h i g a n A v e n u e Chicago 8 0 , Illinois

2 5.