WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - Chemicals in Processing. The array of metal parts, from screws and bolts to bumpers and frames, which go into an assembled automobile re...
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Neweni Text In 1803 T>r. John lord of London noted that when granulated tin was used as a purge for toornis in humans, it 4ilso> functioned as an excellent sedative. Jls such be prescribed it in several cases of hypertension. Tin remained Or. Jord's special sedative for years and England's standard worm remedy for nearly a century.


WEEK'S PRICE CHANGES Jtûy 16, 1956 Advance*

CDKBBKX Pfcxarioua Corn oil, crude, tks., l b . S 0-13*/* 1\ Q.131/* G u m rosin., f.a.s.„ So.· cwt. 8.22 Water white 8-29 8.15 Window glass 8.29 0.53»A G u m turpentine, So., sal· 0.54 O.1340 Palm oil, tks. 0U345 0,94*/t T i n metal, lb. 0.94V· Wax, carnauba, NO. 1 Î..36 yellow, l b . 1-39 Declines Coconut oil, lb. O.10V· Crude, tics., Coast OU0*/4 0.12V» Crude, tics., Ν . Υ. Os.12 Copper chloride, carlote, lb. Crystal 0.34» 4 OJ32V* O.50V* 0.47V* Anhydrous 0.46 OU40 Copper metal, l b . Copper sulfate, cwt. Crystals, cits. 16.70 15J20 Less carlots 1-7.20 15.70 35.85 32L65 Tri-basic, cits. 37.35 33.65Less carlote 27.00 25.00 Monohydrated cite. O.13V* 0.13V· Cottonseed oil. Valley, lb. 130.00 125.0O Fish scrap, dom., ton 0.13Θ G.I33 Linseed oil, tks., Mpls., lb. 254.00 253.00 Mercury, flask (76 lb.) Soybean meal, Decatur, βθ.50 53-50 ton Soybean oil, crude, Deca­ 0.12»/· 0.12Vi tur, lb. 0.24»/t 0.24-Vi Tungoil, tks., Ν . Υ., lb.

fluids. Where parts are visiBle, colored rubbers, in which carbon black is dis­ placed by other compounding mate­ rials, will be wanted for better styling.

Chemicals in Processing

T O D A Y a compound of tin is doing a remarkable job as an anti-wormant in veterinary medicine. A few years ago D r . Salsbury's Laboratories, pioneers in poultry pharmaceuticals, were looking for a chemical that would be non-toxic for poultry, but effective against the deadly poultry tapeworm, Raillietina cesticillixs. F o r experimental purposes hundreds of compounds of tin were s u p ­ plied b y Metal & Thermit. M & Τ Dibutyltin Dilaurate is now c o n ­ tained in two patented formulations of D r . Salsbury's " W o r m a l / * one of the most effective poultry tapewormers ever developed.

THE VERSATILITY OF TIN CHEMICALS is by no means limited to medicine. In any field—automotive, aviation, textile, food, plastics—if you're looking for ways to lower costs or improve techniques, it will pay you to get in touch with us— TIN « T I N CHEMICALS CERAMIC MATERIALS ORGANIC COATINGS WELDINS SUPPLIES tADIOSRAPHIC EQUIPMENT PLATING MATERIALS METALS « ALLOYS HEAVY MELTING SCRAP




"fa-st /VW » Tut ChmMols" New



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O F F I C E S :




The array of metal parts, from screws and bolts to bumpers and frames, which g o into an assembled automobile repre­ sent yet another large market for chemi­ cals. Each part must b e chemically cleaned and degreased at least once during production; many are plated or have their surface protected and finished by other chemical means. For instance, last year's estimates put t h e amount of materials needed for preparing passenger cars JEor painting at 300,000 pounds of cleaner, 7 . 5 mil­ lion pounds of zinc phosphating chemi­ cals, and 120,000 pounds of chromic acid, as well as 2 million, pounds of water wash paint booth compound and 2 . 4 million pounds of alkali paint re­ mover. Plated surfaces average about 6 0 square feet per car for anodized alumi­ num and stainless steel, about 1 9 square feet for zinc and cadmium plated areas. For bumpers alone plating requires in t h e neighborhood of 4 million pounds of cleaner, 12.8 million of sulfuric acid, and 0.8 million pounds of sodium cya­ nide i n precleaning. J u s t to remove the sand from each automatic trans­ mission casting requires one p o u n d of caustic soda.