Weigh in front

If analysis is your weigh of life, you'll miss out on a lot if you don't check out this success package: the supreme handling ease, the 200 g range pa...
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Weigh in front. If analysis is your weigh of life, you'll miss out on a lot if you don't check out this success package: t h e s u p r e m e handling e a s e , the 2 0 0 g range paired with 0 . 1 m g , t h e p r i c e . We know what we're talking about when we say we have a winner. A pleasure to operate with frontonly touch controls: be it taring, range selection, calibration or reading. Enjoy the confidence of knowing where you are at a glance: no automatic or accidental range traversing to confuse you. You and you

alone decide which range you want at what point, with instant confirmation of your selection by the LED in the pushbutton. T h a t ' s h u m a n e n g i n e e r i n g a t its b e s t !


IPRC, g I p



Sartorius 1 7 0 0 M P 8 That's filling productivity! That's adaptability! That's loading convenience! That's systems potential! 1 7 1 2 M P 8 : t w o a n a l y t i c a l b a l a n c e s in one package. Details available from:

Sartorius G m b H P.O.Box 3243 · 3400 Goettingen/W. Germany Phone (0551) 308-1 · Telex 96 723 Telefax (0551) 308 289

sartorius Weighing and filtration . . . worldwide CIRCLE 193 ON READER SERVICE CARD