We're making a few changes... - Environmental Science & Technology

We're making a few changes... William H. Glaze. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1999, 33 (15), pp 298A–298A. DOI: 10.1021/es9929077. Publication Date (Web)...
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We're making a few changes . . .

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t recent meetings, the Editorial Advisory Board and editors of ES&T made several decisions that we believe will improve the quality of the journal. We hope that all will be responsive to the readers of ES&T and to those who publish their work here. Research Communications—Article eength hnd dignificance: Our Board and editors reviewed data on the impact of Research Communications (as measured by citations thereto), length, content, and the timeliness with which the editors handled them. The majority of the Board concluded that there was no pressing need for this category. On the other hand, all believed that there is the need to identify highly significant articles that should be published as rapidly as possible. The editors will implement this policy immediately by reclassifying Research Communications articles as regular Research Articles in all cases. We will also encourage articles that report results that are highly significant and original. To this end, we will insist that authors include within their submission cover letters a brief statement of why they believe their work is significant enough to be considered for publication in ES&T (a requirement that is already included within our Editorial Guidelines). Authors are encouraged to indicate in this letter if they believe their work deserves priority processing or why extraordinary length is justified Editors a.1*6 encouraged to give authors more leeway on the length of such provided special significance and originality are demonstrated, and to discourage submission of two or more papers on essentially the same topic Policy Analysis Research hapers: Beginning with tht July 15 1ssue, Policy Analysis Research (PAR) papers are now being published in the research section of the journal, not in the "A" pages (the magazine section). This will allow us flexibility in publishing longer PAR papers, and more of them. It will also allow us to publish several papers in the same issue on a particular theme, such as the upcoming series on valuation. Critical Reviews: :he eoard dlso oeard aa nnalysis so Critical Reviews published in ES&T over the past few years. We are generally satisfied with the quality of papers published in this category and believe that they are particularly useful to students and emerging scientists. We hope to stimulate submission of more manuscripts in the future and to encourage authors to make assessments of critical research needs (also already stipulated in our Editorial Guidelines). Finally, we plan to increase the maximum length of critical reviews from 7500 to 9000 words, but, as in the case of current research, our editors will press authors to write economically and to provide special justification for critical reviews that are longer than what the Editorial Guidelines stipulate. We hope that these changes in editorial policy will be well received by our readers and authors. Naturally, we would be pleased to hear any comments or suggestions.

William H. Glaze, Editor ([email protected]) 2 9 8 A • AUGUST 1, 1999 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / NEWS

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Important reader notice The third sentence of the last paragraph of the July 1st ES&T editorial commentary, which appears on page 265A, should read as follows: We stipulate that authors notify us at the time a paper is submitted if the paper has been available on the Internet or an equivalent medium, that authors agree to remove the paper from the electronic site if it is accepted by ES&T, ,nd aa ttat time, if possible, provide an electronic link from that site to the ES&T home page.

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