We've barely scratched the surface. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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We've barely scratched the surfaca

Of course you know about the oil. But there are many more opportunities here, in Saudi Arabia, just waiting to be tapped. Take petrochemicals, for example. Saudi Arabia is one of the leading suppliers of petrochemicals to the world. So it stands to reason that if the refining process is performed at the source, the result is found to be higher quality, increased reliability, and highly competitive prices. Such is the logic behind the creation of

SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation). Using the most advanced technologies, providing a highly trained, highly motivated work force and working with the help and cooperation of a number of major corporationsfroma host of nations, SABIC is rapidly becoming a world-class supplier in the petrochemicals industry. We offer the purchaser of petrochemicals an entire spectrum of commercial benefits. And we can offer the prospective partner

an opportunity to work with an international phenomenon - helping to develop a nation, as well as a healthy profit picture.

SABIC World Class Petrochemicals. World Wide Cooperation. Saudi Basic Industries Corporation PQ Box 5101, Riyadh 11422, Saudi Arabia Telex: 201177 SABIC SJ