We've got just what you need to produce stronger F&DA approved hot

Nov 7, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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We've got just what you need to produce stronger F&DA approved hot melt coatings and adhesives.

ZONAREZ polyterpene resins. The first reason for choosing ZONAREZ polyterpene resins is the fact that they have been approved by F&DA for use as components in adhesives used in food packaging. For another thing, they maintain a high degree of strength while imparting greater elongation and toughness. Last but not least, they exhibit superior heat and color stability with less

Come to Arizona., we've got just what you need.

oxidation. ZONAREZ polyterpene resins in a variety of softening points, are amply available from our 25 million pound per year plant. If you make hot melt coatings or adhesives, you should be familiar with what ZONAREZ resins can do for you. For complete information, come to Arizona.

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FIRST IN FATTY A C I D , ROSIN A N D TERPENE CHEMISTRY Arizona Chemical Company, 111 West 50th Street, New York, New York 10020 MAY 8, 1972 C&EN