We've put together the best men to put up your next process plant

Nov 12, 2010 - We've put together the best men to put up your next process plant... Chem. Eng. News , 1969, 47 (20), ... First Page Image. Advertiseme...
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We've put together the best men to put up your next process plant...

Meet the Procon Pro: He's α blend of the best builders in the world. W e ' v e combined e x p e r i e n c e d , p r o ­ fessional businessmen a n d f i e l d m e n , process engineers and financiers, pur­ chasers and draftsmen. Together, they've got the resources and savvy to build better refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants. Any­ where in the world. So your plants will run right, the w a y

they're supposed to. What's the Procon Pro doing these days? In Chicago, building a coal hydrogasification plant. In Algeciras, Spain, doing a b i o d e g r a d a b l e detergent plant. In Brazil, an ethylene plant. Grass root refineries in Thailand and South Korea. H y d r o c r a c k e r a n d c a t r e f o r m e r s in C a n a d a , and an alkylation plant in Illi­ nois . . . just to name a few. Now, call in the Procon Pro to find what he can do for you.

Homebase 1 1 1 1 Mt. Prospect Rd., Des Plaines, Illinois 6 0 0 1 6 , U.S.A. Offices in C h i c a g o , L o n d o n , R o t t e r d a m , Paris,M a d r i d , M a n i l a , S y d n e y , S a o Paulo, N e w York, Houston, Tulsa, Los Angeles, Singapore and Bangkok.