We've thought of changing our name to "Consistency Chemicals, Inc

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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We've thought of changing our name to ^Consistency Chemicals, Inc." ...because our customers say Espesol products are so consistently consistent...always manufactured to the same tight specs and always high in product purity. And our consistently reliable, helpful and eager service makes some of our customers want to take us to lunch. Take the recent case of our Louisville District Manager, Bill Snyder (left). It was Saturday afternoon and Bill was having lunch at home after

finishing a hot round of golf (89 is hot for Bill). The phone* rang. It was the vice president of a major varnish manufacturer, and he had to have 5,000 gallons of Toluene before 8 a.m. Monday morning. Between bites of his sandwich Bill called the trucker and instructed him to pick up the Toluene at our Madison, Indiana terminal. The product was picked up at 4 a.m. Monday morning and was delivered on time. Bill has probably forgotten the incident by n o w . . . but the customer hasn't. It's the kind of service you can count on . . . consistently... when you specify Espesol.

*Bill's home number in Louisville is GL 8-5629, but don't bother him unless you want Espesol products or a round of golf.



Let us demonstrate our consistency next time you need: AROMATIC, INTERMEDIATE OR ALIPHATIC SOLVENTS, HEXANE, HEPTANE, BENZENE, TOLUENE, XYLENE, PROPYLENE, CYCLOHEXANE, BASIC PETROCHEMICALS. - For consistently better service, we have offices and terminal facilities in every major industrial area: HOUSTON, WAInut 3-1651 • NEW YORK, Circle 7-2520 • CHICAGO, Village 8-5410 • CLEVELAND, EDison 3-0188 • LOUISVILLE, JUniper 3-7634 ATLANTA, 233-3227 • OAKLAND, OLympic 3-8052 • LONG BEACH, NEvada 6-3301 • SIGNAL CHEMICAL (EUROPA) N. V.-ROTTERDAM, HOLLAND: Grotiushuis, Westblaak 37, Telephone 13-50-45 • SIGNAL EXPORT COMPANY- LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 1010 Wilshire Boulevard, Telephone HU 2-0722