sity units. 95. Detergents. Circle 44 for brochure and samples. 44. Disintegrators. Data on new ultra- sonic unit offered. 174. Dispensers. Booklet of...
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in this neat package. ..

Product Capsules Desiccants. 100-page book on allpurpose drying agents. 31

from CURTIN...

Detectors. Bulletin on 2 new gas den­ sity units. 95 Detergents. Circle 44 for brochure and samples. 44 Disintegrators. Data on new ultra­ sonic unit offered. 174 Dispensers. Booklet offered on glass tilting dispenser. 108 Dispensers. Details on plastic miscomatie unit. 120 Distillates, Oil. Bulletin on applica­ tions, characteristics, prices. 77 Electrodes. Data sheet on unit for precise pH measurement. 43 Evaporators. Vacuum unit with push­ button valving. 49 Evaporators. unit. Fermentors.

pilot plant.

a complete dc laboratory The Keilhley 610A Electrometer has 64 dc ranges . . . all you need to investi­ gate in-circuit measurements with no loading, semi-conductor parameters, capacitor characteristics, photo-electric devices, piezo-electrics, properties of insulators and outputs of ion chambers. The 610A is line-operated and comes in bench or rack models. Brief specifi­ cations: • 9 v o l t a g e r a n g e s f r o m 0.01 t o 100 v o l t s fs w i t h 2 % a c c u r a c y o n all r a n g e s . • i n p u t i m p e d a n c e s e l e c t ua b l e i n d e c a d e steps from 1 ohm to 1 0 ohms. • 2 8 c u r r e n t ranges from 3 amperes to 10 - 1 3 a m p e r e f s . • 2 71 r e s i s t a n c e r a n g e s f r o m 10 o h m s t o 10 * o h m s f s w i t h p r o v i s i o n f o r g u a r d ­ ing. • constant c u r r e n t source f r o m 1 millia m p e r e to 10-11 a m p e r e in d e c a d e steps. • g a i n s t o l O O O as a p r e a m p l i f i e r , dc t o 500 c p s b a n d w i d t h , 10-v a n d 1-ma outputs. • p r i c e $ 5 6 5 OO o t h e r ELECTROMETERS a v a i l a b l e : Model 620 31 ranges, battery-operated $280.00 Model 621 37 ranges, line-operated $390.00 Model EOOA 54 ranges, battery-operated $395.00 Model 603 50 kc bandwidth amplifier $790.00


for latest




12415 Euclid Avenue


Cleveland 6, Ohio

Filters. 10 ταμ.

Data on portable flash 81 Catalog on fermentation 121

In 11 pore-sizes from 5 μ to

Filters. Bulletin on new vacuum ultrafilter. 170 Filters. Samples of three new quanti­ tative papers offered. 1 Fixtures. Service fixture system man­ ual offered. 59 Fluorescence Meters. Bulletin on lineoperated multiplier unit. 144 Fluors. Sample of PPO-POPOP con­ centrate offered. 128

The Best in Gas romatography Accessories Λ and Gurtin Service, too!


Curtin Coated Packings Curtin Adsorbents Curtin Inert Supports MicroTek Valves and Samplers Tl Recorders and Integrators Disc Integrators Temperature Programmers Fraction Collectors Microliter Syringes

Fluorophotometers. For colorimetric and nephelometric determinations. 55 Fractometers. Brochure on new low cost vapor unit. 53 Furnaces. Combustion tube unit for carbon and sulfur analysis. Ill Furnaces. Muffle unit with multiplestep temp control. 35

Complete stocks of quality equip­ ment assure immediate delivery from six conveniently located supply points. On your next order get everything from one source and enjoy the "extras" of Curtin service. For complete information on Accessories for Gas Chromatog­ raphy write W. H. Curtin and Company, Dept. AB, P . O. Box 118, Houston 1, Texas.

Furniture. Catalog on steel lab furni­ ture offered. 42 Furniture. offered.

Catalog on extensive line 164

G. C. Apparatus. Bulletin on thin layer chromatography unit. 61 G. C. Apparatus. Bibliography on thin layer method offered. 172 G. C. Apparatus. layer unit offered.

Literature on thin 181


G. C. Controls. Data on new propor­ tional temp controller. 165






(Continued on page 180 A)

Circle No. 50 on Readers' Service Cam

Circle No. 31 on Readers' Service Card VOL.

3 4 , N O . 2 , FEBRUARY 1 0 6 2
