What CARBIDE Acrylates CAN DO - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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What CARBIDE Acrylates CAN DO

CLEAN SAVING Money-saving glacial acrylic acid to fit your formula. This scrub-resistance test compares two latex paints—one containing glacial acrylic acid, the other methacrylic acid. The result? Glacial acrylic acid and methacrylic acid can deliver the same perform­ ance advantages in a latex paint. But CARBIDE glacial acrylic acid has one big advantage: it lowers your costs.

The reason for this is the lower molecular weight of acrylic acid. In a pound-by-pound comparison, gla­ cial acrylic acid provides a greater number of reactive sites for crosslinking than methacrylic acid —at the same price. Thus, CARBIDE gla­ cial acrylic acid saves you money on a cost-performance basis. Want other ways to save? Just order· low-cost combination ship­ ments of glacial acrylic acid with other commercial or developmental acrylates and with NIACET vinyl ace­ tate. Or, choose from a complete line of solvents and TERGITOL sur­ factants. For full inforn$jMon, call your nearest CARBIDE representative. Or write Union Carbide Chemicals Company, Division of Union Carbide Corporation, 270 Park Avenue, New York 17, New York.



NIACET and TERGITOL are registered trade marks of Union Carbide Corporation.