What Determines the Rate of Growth of Crystals from Solution

Publication Date (Web): December 5, 2007 ... Crystallization from solution underlies numerous laboratory, industrial, geological, and biological proce...
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CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 2007 VOL. 7, NO. 12 2796–2810

ReViews What Determines the Rate of Growth of Crystals from Solution? Peter G. Vekilov Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-4004 ReceiVed May 8, 2007; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed August 27, 2007

ABSTRACT: Crystallization from solution underlies numerous laboratory, industrial, geological, and biological processes. The interface between a crystal and the solution is smooth and comprised of singular crystal faces. On such smooth interfaces, the locations at which a molecule from the solution can associate to the crystal, the kinks, are few and located along the edges of unfinished crystalline layers, the steps. The rate of step propagation, and through it, the rate of growth of a crystal from solution, is determined by the kink density and by the kinetics of incorporation into the kinks. In turn, the latter depends on the free energy barriers for incorporation. Here, three mechanisms of generation of kinks are discussed: by thermal fluctuations of the steps, by one-dimensional nucleation of new crystalline rows, and by association to the steps of two-dimensional clusters, preformed on the terraces between the steps. The latter two mechanisms only operate in the cases where the kink density, determined by the thermal fluctuations, is low. The rate of incorporation into kinks follows Kramers-type kinetics, in which the transition over the free energy barrier is governed by diffusion in the solution, in contrast to the Eyring-type transition state, which decays due to the vibrations of the activated complex. Finally, the barrier is not due to stretched bonds between the incoming molecules and the kink but rather corresponds to the destruction of the shell of structured water around both the kink and the incoming molecule. The latter two insights allow rationalization of the effects of additives on crystallization kinetics, especially those employed in biological regulation in living organisms. Introduction Crystallization from solution underlies a large variety of technological and laboratory procedures, and physiological and pathophysiological processes. Single solution-grown crystals of inorganic salts or mixed organic–inorganic materials are used in nonlinear optics elements1 and for other electronic and optical–electronic applications, chemical products and production intermediates are precipitated as crystals in thousands-oftons amounts, and organic and protein pharmaceuticals are prepared in crystalline form to ensure slower and sustained rates of release upon administering into the patient,2 etc. Insulin crystals form in the β-cells in mammalian pancreases and serve as storage for this hormone.3,4 Crystals of a mutant hemoglobin, C, form in the erythrocytes of patients with an inherited disorder and cause hemolytic anemia.5–8 Molecular-level understanding of the crystallization processes provides the capability to quantitatively model the respective crystallization processes, to prevent or control them, and to direct them toward desired outcomes in terms of crystal size, crystal quality, size uniformity between numerous crystals growing in the same environment, etc. The elementary act of growth of a crystal is the attachment of building blocks: atoms, molecules, assemblies, or particles, from the growth medium: vapor, melt, solution, gel, plasma, or

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the structure of the surface of a faceted crystal.

other. This attachment occurs at sites called kinks, in which an incoming building block, which we will call “molecule” from here on, has half of the number of neighbors that it would have in the crystal bulk9,10 (Figure 1). The kinks were defined as special sites for growth because of two specificities of attachment there: the kinks are retained after the attachment, and the attachment does not alter the surface free energy of the crystal.10 The rate constant of growth of a crystal is determined by two factors: the density of kinks on the interface with the growth medium, and the barriers, both entropic and enthalpic, for incorporation of a molecule into a kink.

10.1021/cg070427i CCC: $37.00  2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 12/05/2007


Crystals growing from solution typically exhibit smooth interfaces because, roughly, of high surface free energy between the crystal and the growth medium. The correlation between the surface free energy and the step roughness can be established in two steps: First, the Jackson11 and Temkin12 criteria link the step roughness with the latent heat of crystallization so that high latent heat leads to smooth interfaces. Second, a correlation by Nielsen and Söhnel13 demonstrates that high latent heat of crystallization corresponds to high surface free energy. At the solution crystal interface, high surface free energy is partially due to the dramatically different density of the two phases, which leads to significant surface enthalpy. The surface entropy is also significant: it is due to the large difference in rotational and translational degrees of freedom between the solution and the crystal.14 On smooth interfaces, the kinks are located along the edges of the unfinished crystal layers and the generation of kinks is a major rate-determining step of the mechanism of crystal growth. The presence of solvent leads to significant barriers for incorporation of the solute molecules into the kinks. Thus, if one strives toward understanding of the elementary act of crystallization from solution at the molecular level, one should understand both kink generation and the nature of the incorporation barriers. Below, we discuss mechanisms of kink generation during growth of crystals from solution, the mechanisms of incorporation of molecules into the kinks, and the nature of the free energy barrier for this incorporation. We deliberately avoid several very significant features of the mechanism or crystallization from solution. We do not discuss the mechanisms of layer generation and only briefly summarize them at the start. We do not discuss the pathway by which molecules reach the kinks: directly from the solution, or after adsorption on the terraces and surface diffusion toward the steps. The latter issue has been the subject of significant controversy: it was initially assumed that direct incorporation was favored in solution growth;15–19 however, further investigations revealed for all tested cases that the “surface diffusion” mechanism20–22 operated.23–30 We do not discuss step–step interactions or impurity effects on step kinetics;31–33 experiential evidence for these at the molecular level has been reviewed elsewhere.34–40 We do not discuss complex kinks consisting of chemically or symmetrically different molecules.41–43 We do not discuss instabilities of step motion and step configuration44,45 and the effects that they may have on the overall kinetics.46–50 The objectives of the review limit the considerations to molecular-level experimental data. Of all solution growth systems, the most abundant set of molecular-level data is available for proteins and is obtained by in-situ monitoring of the crystallization processes by atomic force microscopy (AFM);34–36,38,51–62 results at the mesoscopic lengthscales, dealing with step generation and motion for protein and inorganic crystals and obtained by a variety of techniques,24,63–71 are not considered here. Proteins are particularly attractive for studies of fundamental crystal growth mechanisms. This is because the size of the protein molecules (a few nanometers) and the time-scales for growth (up to a few seconds between sequential discrete growth events) are within the reach of the current advanced experimental techniques. On the other hand, the molecular masses typical of most protein molecules still leave the thermal equilibration times relatively short. Thus, conclusions drawn from studies of protein model systems may still be meaningful for small molecule crystallization. In this regard, proteins could be a better model than, for instance, colloid crystals.72,73 To ensure that the

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conclusions drawn from experimental results obtained with proteins are relevant to the numerous nonprotein crystals grown from solution, these experimental observations are placed in their respective theoretical context. In several cases, the specificity or generality of concrete results is addressed in the text. Relationships between Growth Rate, Kink Density, and Molecular Flux into Kinks The smooth interfaces between crystals and solution are usually crystal planes with a high density of molecules, designated with low Miller indexes. Faceted crystals in contact with solution typically follow the layer growth mode. In this mode, a new layer, typically one lattice spacing high, is deposited on the smooth surface of the previous lattice layer (Figure 1). The edges of the incomplete layers are called steps. The flat terraces between the steps are singular crystal planes. The kinks on faceted crystals are located at the steps (Figure 1). Thus, faceted crystals grow by the generation and spreading of layers. New layers are generated only in supersaturated solutions by several mechanisms. A common layer generation mechanism is by screw dislocations, piercing the growing facet. The dislocation produces a step on the facet, which terminates and is pinned at the point where the dislocation outcrops on the surface. The step grows in a supersaturated solution and because of the pinned end, twists into a spiral around the dislocation. This mechanism was postulated by F. C. Frank in 194874,75 and is illustrated by an image from insulin crystallization in Figure 2a.26,49 Another common layer generation mechanism is by twodimensional (2D) nucleation of islands of new layers. This is the original layer generation mechanism, put forth by Stranski and Kaischew in the 1930s.76,77 This mechanism operates at high supersaturations and is illustrated in Figure 2b on the example of an apoferritin crystal. Recently, a new mechanism of layer generation was discovered during crystallizations of the enzyme lumazine synthase. In a certain supersaturation range, below the threshold needed for 2D nucleation, droplets of dense liquid of the protein,78 several hundred nanometers in size, land on the crystal facet and transform into a crystalline matter, which is in perfect registry with the underlying lattice.79,80 The island of layers, several lattice parameters thick, spreads sideways generating several new steps (Figure 2c). Since such clusters are common in protein,78,79,81 and, importantly, also in small-molecule solutions,82 this mechanism is likely to operate in a wide range of systems.83 Other modes of layer generation discussed in literature mostly involve gross defects in the crystals: occlusions of solution, or the imperfect incorporation of microcrystals into larger growing crystals.38–40,84,85 The growth rate R of a faceted crystal, measured in a direction perpendicular to the growing facet, is related to the step velocity V via the mean step density, h/l, where l is the characteristic spacing between the steps and h is the step height R ) (h/l)v (1) If the steps are generated by a screw dislocation, the spiral around its outcrop point forms a hillock. Since the spacing l between the steps in this spiral is constant,15,75 this hillock has constant slope p ) h/l and R ) pv


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Figure 2. Three mechanisms of generations of crystalline layers. (a) By a screw dislocation outcropping on the face: a (100) insulin face is shown (reproduced by permission from ref 26. Copyright 2003 American Chemical Society. (b) By 2D nucleation; a (111) ferritin face. (c) By the landing and subsequent crystallization of metastable clusters of dense liquid, as the one indicated with an arrow; a (001) face of a lumazine synthase crystal (reproduced by permission from ref 79. Copyright 2005 American Chemical Society).

If the step contains kinks with a mean spacing y0 ) ajnk, where a is the molecular size or more accurately, the lattice parameter, and njk is the mean number of molecules between two kinks, then86 υ ) a/nk(j+ - j-)


In this relation, (j+ – j–) is the net flux of molecule into a kink, the difference between the number incoming j+ and departing j– molecules per unit time, and a(j+ – j–) is the rate of kink propagation along the step. The kink density njk–1 relates the one-dimensional (1D) growth of a kink to the 2D growth of a step in the same way that the slope p relates the step propagation to the three-dimensional (3D) growth of the crystal. Since the incorporation of molecules into steps is a monomolecular process and follows first-order chemical kinetics, V is proportional to [exp(∆µ/kBT) – 1],87,88 where ∆µ ) µsolution – µcrystal is the difference in chemical potential of the crystallizing species, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and T is absolute temperature. Note that according to the general physico-chemical convention, ∆ ) final – initial; however, since µcrystal ) µsolution,equilibrium, in studies of phase transitions, the above definition of ∆µ is accepted. This leads to a change of sign of the underexponential expression in the above formula for the driving force. In the case of crystallization of ionic, or other binary, ternary, etc., compounds, the expression in the exponent is more complex.30 Since 0 eq µsolution ) µsolution + kBT ln ^a and µcrystal ) µsolution ) 0 µsolution + kBT ln aˆe


where â and âe are the activities of the crystallizing substance in, respectively, the growth solution and in equilibrium with the crystal. Since â ) γC, where γ is the activity coefficient and C is the concentration of the crystallizing substance, it is often assumed that γ/γe ≈ 1 and C/Ce ) 1 is often designated with σ. In some cases, the activity coefficient has been evaluated from data on the second osmotic virial coefficient.89 In the case of the formation of polymers of sickle cell hemoglobin, which may be viewed as 1D crystals, up to six virial coefficients have been employed to adequately account for the solution nonideality in γ.90 This is because the hemoglobin concentration in the solution is up to 35 g/100 mL. The correction increases the value of ∆µ by about 2-fold.91 It has always been assumed that the incorporation of molecules from the solution into kinks follows first-order rate law.15,75 Chernov was the first to view the incorporation into kinks as a chemical reaction and suggest that a barrier for the

incorporation exists, which is likely related to the solvation shell around the incoming solute molecules.15 Chernov introduced the step kinetic coefficient β to correlate the step velocity to the driving force [exp(∆µ/kBT]. Since the molecular concentration of the crystallizing species in the solution is significantly lower than in the crystal, the coefficient of proportionality between V and C/Ce – 1 is divided into two, and V is written as v ) βΩCe(C/Ce – 1)


where Ω is the crystal volume per molecule, so that the dimensionless product ΩCe accounts for the change in number density between the solution and the crystal. Derivations of eq 5 have been offered, which however imply a mechanism of incorporation of molecules from the solution into the crystal.86 Thus, it is better justified to use eq 5 as a definition of β. This provides uniformity and the ability to compare kinetic coefficients of different systems regardless of their concrete mechanism. On the other hand, the physical meanings of β should be judged on the basis of additional data on the mechanism of attachment of molecules from the solution into kinks.25 The kinetic coefficient β has units of length per time and is related to the first-order kinetic constant for incorporation into a kink k as β ) ak. β is also related to the free energy barrier ∆G‡ for incorporation into a kink as -1 ‡ β ) an-1 k ν+ exp(-∆G ⁄ kBT) ) ank ν+

exp(∆S‡ ⁄ kB) exp(-∆H‡ ⁄ kBT)


where υ+ is an effective frequency of attempts by a solute molecule to enter a kink by overcoming the barrier ∆G‡. Equation 6 shows that the kinetic coefficient β and thus the step velocity V and, to a large extent, the crystal growth rate R, are determined by the kink density njk–1 and the incorporation barrier ∆G‡. The kink density njk–1 is determined by the mechanism of generation of kinks, while ∆G‡ is determined by the mechanism of incorporation of molecules into kinks and the chemical interactions between solute and solvent and crystal surface and solvent. Below we discuss these issues. Generation of Kinks by Thermal Fluctuations at Equilibrium and in Supersaturated Solutions The suggestion that the edges of the unfinished layers, the steps, fluctuate and in this way create kinks was put forth by J. W. Gibbs.92,93 Considering the equilibrium between a crystal and its medium, he wrote in a footnote to the second of his two


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Figure 3. (a) Molecular structure of a growth step on an apoferritin crystal at protein concentration of 70 µg/mL, corresponding to supersaturation (C/Ce – 1) ) 2.0. Dark color: lower layer; light color: advancing upper layer. Adsorbed impurity clusters and surface vacancies are indicated. (b–d) Distribution of number of molecules between kinks on steps located >0.5 µm apart, obtained from images similar to (a) at the three supersaturations indicated in the plots; the mean values of the distributions for each case are also shown. Reproduced by permission from ref 99. Copyright 2000 American Physical Society.

papers “On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances”,92,93 p. 325 “. . . several of the outermost layers of molecules on each side of the crystal are incomplete towards the edges. The boundaries of these imperfect layers probably fluctuate as molecules join them and depart from them.” Burton, Cabrera, and Frank hypothesized that the same mechanism would apply in supersaturated solutions, and it would determine the kink density during growth of a step.75 They derived a relation between the mean kink density nj–1 k and the free energy of kinks ω. On a step segment of length L oriented along a dense singular crystallographic direction, the number of positive n+ and negative n– kinks should be equal, n+ ) n– ) n (see Figure 1). If the number of lattice sites without kinks along the step segment is n0, then n+ + n– + n0 ) 2n + n0 ) L/a


On the other hand, n+/n0 ) n–/n0 ) n/n0 ) η ) exp(–ω/kBT)


Solving for the mean number of molecules between kinks njk, we get nk ) L/2na ) 1 + 1 ⁄ 2η ) ½ exp(ω/kBT) + 1


To justify their hypothesis that the equilibrium kink density is maintained in supersaturated environments during growth, Burton, Cabrera, and Frank estimated the kink energy from the expected energy of the bond between molecules in the crystal. These estimates suggested that the equilibrium nj–1 k is sufficiently high so that its further increases with supersaturations would not occur. According to eq 9, the validity of this conclusion crucially depends on the kink energy ω. A test of the applicability of the equilibrium kink density to the kinetics of steps in supersaturated solution was carried out with the proteins ferritin and apoferritin. In the presence of Cd2+, ferritin and apoferritin crystallize in the cubic F432 group.94,95 The molecular structures of a {111} apoferritin face and of a growth step are shown in Figure 3a. A molecule at a kink in the f.c.c. lattice of ferritin and apoferritin has six neighbors, which is half of the total number of adjacent molecules in this lattice. Out of the six neighbors in a kink, three molecules belong to the underlying layer, and three molecules are from the step.

From Figure 3a and other similar images, the distribution of the number of molecules between two kinks, nk, is determined and is plotted in Figure 3b–d for apoferritin. The mean njk ) 3.5 was obtained for both proteins.96 Comparing Figure 3, panels b, c, and d, we see that the nk distributions are nearly the same near equilibrium, as well as at very high supersaturations. The lack of dependence of the kink density on the thermodynamic supersaturation suggests that additional kinks are not created at higher supersaturation. Hence, the observed kink density njk–1 is an equilibrium property of this surface, which is retained during growth in a supersaturated environment. In this case, the number of molecules between the kinks nk is solely determined by the balance of molecular interactions and thermal fluctuations in the top crystal layer and should be a function of the energy ω needed to create a kink. From the value of njk in Figure 3 and eq 9, we get ω ) 1.6 kBT. Quite surprisingly, this value of ω is only slightly lower than the energy of kinks on Si crystals:97 one would expect the strong covalent bonds in the Si crystal lattice to lead to significantly higher kink energies. If we assume first-neighbor interactions only, we can evaluate the intermolecular bond energy, φ. When a molecule is moved from within the step on a (111) face of a f.c.c. crystal to a location at the step, four kinks are created. For this, seven bonds (four in the top layer and three with molecules from the underlying layer) are broken, and five are formed. Then, ω ) φ/2 and φ ) 3.2 kBT = 7.8 kJ/mol. The intermolecular bonds in ferritin and apoferritin crystals involve two chains of bonds Asp – Cd2+ – Glu between each pair of adjacent molecules.95,98 The above value of φ seems significantly lower than the typical coordination bond energies. This lowering may stem from the need to balance Cd2+ coordination with the amino acid residues and with the water species (H2O and OH–) or from free energy loss due to spatially and energetically unfavorable contacts by the other amino acid residues involved in the intermolecular contacts. This type of bond makes the ferritin and apoferritin systems more akin to inorganic crystallization systems than to proteins. To judge whether the equilibrium kink density indeed scales the step velocity, as suggested by Burton, Cabrera, and Frank, one needs to determine the net flux of molecules into a step site (j+ – j–) and test whether eq 3 is obeyed. To monitor the fast kinetics of incorporation, the slow scanning axis of the AFM was disabled, and the fast direction was oriented perpendicular to a step. The advance of the monitored step site is shown in Figure 4a.99 Despite the relatively high solution supersaturation (C/Ce –1) ) 2, the time trace in Figure 4a reveals not only 25 arrivals to but also 22 departures of molecules from the monitored site. All arrivals and departures of molecules to and from the monitored site involve single molecules. Molecules may enter the line of observation due either to molecular diffusion along the step or to exchange with either the terrace between the steps or the adjacent solution. While the latter results in step propagation and growth, the former is a process that only involves rearrangement of molecules already belonging to the crystal and may not be associated with growth. The distinction between the two scenarios was carried out using the time correlation function of the step position (Figure 4b). Analyses of the resulting correlation, following theories from refs 100 and 101, revealed that the trace in Figure 4 likely reflects exchange of molecules between the step and interstep terraces.25,99,102 This conclusion allows us to extract from Figure 4a the net frequencies of attachment of molecules to kinks. For apoferritin at (C/Ce – 1) ) 2, from the net attachment of three

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Figure 4. Incorporation of molecules into steps at apoferritin concentration of 70 µg/mL, (C/Ce – 1) ) 2.0. (a) Pseudoimage recorded the Y scan axis disabled at time ) 0 shows displacement of one step site. Contour traces step position. Red arrows indicate attachment and detachment events with residence time >1 s, blue double-sided arrows - with residence time 80 s, highlighted in green, is due to events at a neighboring site that enters the image due to scanner drift. (b) Time correlation curve, characterizing mean square displacement of a location at a step for a time interval ∆t as a function of this ∆t, corresponding to the trace of step location in (a); inset: logarithmic plot. Solid squares - data; lines - fits with exponential dependencies of time as indicated in plot. Reprinted with permission from ref 99. Copyright 2000 American Physical Society.

Figure 5. Dependencies of the step velocity V on the crystallization driving force (C/Ce – 1) for ferritin and apoferritin. Red boxes and blue diamonds denote V values for, respectively, ferritin and apoferritin, from sequences of molecular resolution in situ AFM images of the advancing steps. Blue solid triangles are data for apoferritin extracted from disabled y-axis scans. Red solid squares are data for ferritin from time traces of the step growth rate using laser interferometry. Straight line corresponds to the step kinetic coefficient β ) 6 × 10-4 cm s-1. (Used by permission from ref 127. Copyright 2003 National Academy of Sciences).

molecules for 162 s and the probability of viewing a kink of njk–1 ) 1/3.5, we get (j+ – j–) ) 0.065 s-1, or one molecule per ∼15 s. For ferritin at (C/Ce – 1) ) 1, the net growth is two molecules for 128 s, leading to an average net flux (j+ – j–) ) 0.054 s-1 into the growth sites. The step velocities V for the two proteins are shown in Figure 5. The data fit well the proportionality in eq 5. Since there are no sources or sinks of molecules at the step other than the attachment sites, the step velocity V should be expressed by eq 3. At (C/Ce – 1) ) 1, at which all data for ferritin were collected, the value of the step growth rate for ferritin from Figure 5 is V ) 0.20 nm s-1, equal to the product ajn–1 k (j+ – j–). For apoferritin,


Figure 6. Structure of steps on {100} faces of insulin crystals at supersaturations (C/Ce – 1) < 0.05. (a) AFM image of typical structure of steps on a (100) face of insulin crystals. A step with two kinks, indicated with arrows, is shown. An insulin molecule is encircled in black. (b) Distribution of the number of molecules between kinks nk determined from images similar to (a).

the average step velocity at (C/Ce – 1) ) 2, is V ) 0.26 nm/s. The product ajnk–1(j+ – j–) determined at the same conditions is 0.24 nm/s. The closeness of the values of the product ajnk–1(j+ – j–) and measured V’s indicates that the step propagation in ferritin crystallization occurs only due to incorporation of molecules into the kinks along the steps.99,102 Furthermore, this equality shows that the kink density, determined by the thermal fluctuations of the steps and independent of supersaturation, is the factor scaling the step velocity. 1D Nucleation of New Molecular Rows According to eq 9, on materials for which the energy of the bonds between the molecules is such that ω becomes higher than (1–2)kBT, the distance between kinks exponentially increases. One example of such high kink energy is the crystallization of insulin, illustrated in Figure 6. At low supersaturations, near equilibrium, the step only contains single-molecule kinks. From Figure 6a and other similar images at low supersaturations, the number of molecules between kinks nk on step segments along the densely packed directions was found to have a Poissonian-like distribution with a mean njk ) 5.6, Figure 6b, corresponding to a kink density nj k–1 ) 0.18. Assuming that the kinks at low supersaturations are generated by thermal fluctuations, a kink energy ω ) 5.5 kJ/mol and energy of the bond between an insulin molecule and the other molecules in the same layer φ2 ) 11.1 kJ/mol were determined.103 This value of φ2 agrees with independent thermodynamic determinations of the enthalpy and entropy changes of the solvent and solute during crystallization.104 This consistency confirms the applicability of the assumption of kink generation


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by thermal fluctuations at low supersaturations. Note that an increase of the intermolecular bond energy from 7.8 in ferritin/ apoferritin to 11.1 kJ/mol in insulin results in an almost 2-fold decrease in kink density and, as shown below, allows the action of another kink generation mechanism. Several other cases of such steps have been studied, and it was found that instead of growing with correspondingly low velocity, the steps use additional mechanisms of kink generation. One of these mechanisms, by 1D nucleation of new molecular rows is discussed in this subsection; a second one, by the association to the steps of clusters preformed on the terraces, is the subject of the next subsection. In contrast to 3D and 2D nuclei, 1D nucleus cannot be defined thermodynamically. A nucleus is a cluster for which the free energy gain due to the formation of the new phase stops the increase of free energy due to the formation of an interface between the old and new phases. For 2D and 3D nuclei, the surface free energy is proportional to the number of molecules on the surface or at the contour, while the gain is due to the total number of molecules in the nucleus, proportional to the nucleus volume. These dependencies provide for a unique size of the respective nucleus. For a growing row of molecules, the boundary consists of the two ends and is not a function of length of the row. These conditions cannot be used to thermodynamically define a 1D nucleus.105,106 However, as put forth by Voronkov,107 a 1D nucleus can be defined kinetically, as a molecular row of length such that its probability to grow is equal to its probability to dissolve. At equilibrium, the incoming and departing fluxes into a row of molecules are equal, j+ ) j– and the end of a molecular row fluctuates with a diffusivity D ) a2j–


In a supersaturated solution, the end of the row, the kink, moves with velocity (11) vk ) a(j+ – j–) ) aj–(C/Ce – 1) where the second equality follows from eqs 3 and 5. During a time ∆t, a molecular row would retract by a distance l l ) 2√D∆t - υk∆t


The most likely shift backward for any ∆t is lmax ) D/vk ) a(C/Ce – 1)–1


If the thermodynamically determined kink density is such that a retraction of length lmax reaches a kink of opposite sign, the row would disappear. Thus, a molecular row with a length greater than a(C/Ce – 1)-1 has a higher probability to grow than to dissolve, while molecular rows shorter than this length are more likely to dissolve. This quantity plays the role of a 1D nucleus. Remarkable, the length of the 1D nucleus is inversely proportional to (C/Ce – 1), the “kinetic supersaturation”, similar to the inverse proportionality between 2D and 3D nuclei and ∆µ, the “thermodynamic supersaturation”. If we extend this analogy further, we note that the role of the surface free energy or the edge energy is played, in the case of 1D nuclei, by the end point energy, which is equal to the thermal energy kBT. From here it follows that if (C/Ce – 1) is greater than the thermodynamically determined kink density njk–1, most newly formed molecular rows will grow and the step will move forward at a rate faster than suggested by the equilibrium kink density.107 Further analyses107 yielded that if new rows are generated by 1D nucleation, the mean distance between kinks decreases with supersaturation from its equilibrium value njk,0

Figure 7. Illustration of 2D cluster association mechanism. Single molecules and 2D clusters exist and diffuse on terraces between steps. Clusters reaching the step create multiple kinks. Because of incorporation of molecules into steps, denuded zones of width ∼ 50 nm,16,17 in which the surface concentration of insulin is lower, exist along the steps. Because of the exchange between molecules and 2D clusters, the concentration of 2D clusters in the denuded zones is also lower. The association of an cluster to a step and the creation of a multiple kink promotes the step into the denuded zone, where the cluster concentration is higher, and this increases the probability of association of another cluster and the creation of even larger kink agglomeration.

nk ) nk,0(C/Ce)–1⁄2


v ∝ aυ+(C/Ce)1⁄2(C/Ce – 1)



Equation 15 assumes that the kinks generated by 1D nucleation are still relatively few and the kink density does not reach its limit. However, the kink density is limited by geometry to 0.5, and, if one accounts for kink stabilization due to their mobility, reflected in eq 10 above, the upper bound of the kink density should be even lower. Thus, if upon supersaturation increase this maximum kink density is reached, V can only increase linearly with supersaturation. The total dependence of V on (C/Ce – 1) then consists of a linear part at (C/Ce – 1) < njk–1, accelerating part at (C/Ce – 1) > njk–1, and a second linear part at (C/Ce – 1) >> njk–1. Such dependencies have been observed for the very important case of calcite crystallization, both in pure solutions and in the presence of inhibitors.29,108 Another example of low kink density is the crystallization of the orthorhombic form of lysozyme, for which it was found that ω ) 7.4 kBT.109 This high value leads to an extremely low kink density with njk as high as 400–800, and step propagation limited by the rate of kink generation.109 Generation of Kinks by the Association of Preformed Clusters A novel mechanism of kink generation was demonstrated for the crystallization of insulin: 2D clusters of several insulin molecules, preformed on the terraces between steps, Figure 7, associate to the steps. This mechanism operates at moderate and high supersaturations, while, as shown in Figure 6, at low supersaturations, only kinks generated by thermal fluctuations exist. The action of this mechanism during the growth of insulin crystals is illustrated in Figure 8, which monitors the association of two 2D clusters to a step. The 2D clusters are only detected in the vicinity of a step: they are undetectable on the terraces because of their mobility and hydrodynamic interactions with the scanning tip.96,110 The mobility of clusters of several molecules is not surprising (see discussion, theory, and experimental examples in refs 111 and 112). In the vicinity of a step, the cluster mobility is reduced. Still, their residual mobility prevents identification of their structure prior to their association. They might be ordered or disordered, akin to a 2D liquid formed

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Figure 8. Attachment of two clusters to a multiple kink formation. (a) Starting configuration of a step with an advancing multiple kink. (b) A 2D cluster, indicated with a white arrowhead near a multiple kink. Image of cluster is fuzzy, likely due to cluster mobility. (b) Cluster joins step creating. (c) Another cluster indicated with a black arrowhead is seen near protruding mound. Black arrows indicate scan directions. Black lines mark step position in current image; white lines mark location of step in the preceding image. Reprinted with permission from ref 103. Copyright 2006 National Academy of Sciences.

in the pool of insulin hexamers adsorbed on the terraces: examples of liquid phases in 2D systems113 have been discussed.114 A 3D analogue of this process would be layer generation by the landing of dense liquid droplets on the surface of an existing crystal,79 seen in Figure 2c. The clusters form on the terraces between steps from the population of adsorbed mobile molecules.25–27,47,49 Step propagation by multiple kinks leads to a several-fold increase in the step velocity V: the step kinetic coefficient β, defined in eq 5, is 2.2 × 10-3 cm s–1 at (C/Ce – 1) ) σ e 0.05 and 6.3 × 10-3 cm s–1 at σ g 0.1.103 The association of 2D clusters affects step propagation in two ways: they lead to higher kink density njk–1 and each cluster locally advances the step several molecules at a time, Figures 9 and 10. The statistics of single and double or greater kinks, and the times between single-molecule attachment events103 revealed the existence and propagation mostly of single kinks. It was concluded that the main contribution of the cluster attachment to step kinetics is by generating abundant kinks. Because of the limitation on the kink-density increase, the cluster mechanism of nonlinear kinetic acceleration is limited, and a constant value of the step kinetic coefficient would ensue over a threshold supersaturation. Comparing β ) 6.3 × 10-3 cm s–1 at σ ≈ 0.1 to β ) 6.3 × 10-3 cm s–1 at σ > 0.2,115 we conclude that the threshold value of σ is 0.10–0.15. The nonlinear acceleration in step kinetics due to cluster attachment is schematically illustrated in Figures 11a,b and compared to experimental V(σ) data in Figure 11b. Some of the multiple kinks in Figures 9 and 10 are deeper than the observed clusters at the steps in Figures 8 and 10.

Figure 9. Step dynamics on (100) faces of insulin crystals at supersaturation (C/Ce – 1) ≈ 0.1. A pseudoimage showing, in addition to one-molecular-diameter stepshifts, indicated with arrowheads, jumps of 5 and 11 molecular diameters, indicated with double-sided arrows, due to the propagation of multiple kinks. Reprinted with permission from ref 103. Copyright 2006 National Academy of Sciences.

This suggests that a mechanism of cooperative association of several clusters operates. Cooperative association of two clusters is illustrated in Figure 8. The sequence of processes that may lead to such cooperative association is schematically depicted in Figure 7: an associating cluster promotes the step to the area away from the step, where the concentration of molecules and clusters is higher, and this facilitates the association of further clusters. This is a mechanism of instability of the step shape, similar to the Mullins-Sekerka116 or the Bales-Zangwill117 models; however, the instability is due to the supply of clusters to the step, and correspondingly, the evolution of the instability is stopped by the depletion


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Figure 11. A schematic illustration of the effect of cluster association on kink density njk–1, kinetic coefficient β, and step velocity V. (a) As the supersaturation C/Ce – 1 increases from top to bottom cartoons, the intensity of the cluster association increases. This leads to a higher njk–1 and proportionally higher β and V, according to eq 3. In (a), kinks are indicated by light-color contour around molecules to left or right of them. In (b), × marks kinetics at (C/Ce – 1) ≈ 0.05, V ≈ 0.10 nm s–1; + marks kinetics at (C/Ce – 1) ≈ 0.1, V ≈ 0.6 nm s-1, and mark data from ref 26 for (C/Ce – 1) > 0.2. Vertical dashed lines delineate (C/Ce – 1) ranges of three kink generation regimes illustrated in (a). Used by permission from 103. Copyright 2006 National Academy of Sciences.

Figure 10. Evolution of step morphology at (C/Ce – 1) ∼ 0.1. Two newly attached clusters, indicated with a black arrowhead and a white square (shown enlarged in inset) are seen in (b); cluster size d is defined in the inset. The lower cluster in (b) produces multiple kinks indicated with arrowhead in (c). Multiple kinks generated above the field of view cover molecular rows generated by clusters in (b). At 430 s in (d), the step straightens out again. Black arrows indicate scan directions. Times after first image are marked on frames.

of the clusters on the terraces. This mechanism explains the occurrences of 7- and 11-fold kinks initiated by clusters that are at most five molecules deep. Rhombohedral crystals of insulin form in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreatic β-cells of mammals.3,4,118,119 The likely biological function of insulin crystallization in vivo is to protect the insulin from further proteolysis (after conversion from proinsulin) while it is stored until regulated secretion into the blood serum.4,118 Also, crystal formation increases the degree of conversion from soluble proinsulin.4,120 Either of the two functions of crystallization requires that the rate of growth of the crystals be fast and readily responsive to inevitable fluctuations in the rate of conversion. The other two kink generation mechanisms, by thermal fluctuations,75,92 and by 1D nucleation of new crystalline rows30,107,109 lead to weak near-linear responses of the growth rate to variations of the Zn-insulin concentration.30,75,99,109 Thus, they fail to provide an understanding of the expected fast growth rates and nonlinear acceleration of the rates of insulin crystallization.

In this context, the physiological significance of the nonlinear acceleration of step kinetics is related to the corresponding values of the kinetic coefficient for the face βf defined as R ) βfΩneσ so that βf ) βp; for insulin p ≈ 10-2 in broad supersaturation ranges.26 The βf values are 2.2 × 10-5 cm s–1 at (C/Ce – 1) e 0.05 and 6.3 × 10-5 cm s–1 at (C/Ce – 1) g 0.1. If these βf values apply in vivo, crystal growth rates of ∼0.05 nm s-1 (that would allow ∼100 nm crystal to grow within 30 min)4 require C ≈ 2Ce with the high βf and significantly higher C ≈ 4Ce if kinks are only generated by thermal fluctuations and the lower βf operates at all supersaturations. The low supersaturations related to the higher density of cluster-generated kinks indicate that neither of the two steps in the proinsulin conversion/insulin crystallization reaction control its overall rate: if proinsulin conversion were the slow and controlling step, C ≈ Ce would ensue; if the crystallization step were slow, this would result in the accumulation of dissolved insulin and high σ values. Thus, proinsulin conversion and insulin crystallization are kinetically coupled. Eyring or Kramers-type Kinetics of Incorporation into Kinks Both Eyring’s87 and Kramers’s121,122 kinetic mechanisms evaluate the rate of an elementary chemical reaction from the rate of decay of a transition state or activated complex. The excess of free energy of the transition state over the reactants is the free energy barrier for the reaction. Eyring modeled

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reactions in gases. In gases, the reactant molecules have kinetic energy, which is transformed into vibrational energy of the activated complex, when it is formed. Thus, the reaction rate is proportional to the frequency of oscillation of the activated complex. Because the vibrations of the activated complex stem from stored kinetic energy, the oscillation frequency depends on the mass of the molecules. In the case of crystallization, in which one of the reactants is the large crystal, the reduced mass of the activated complex is equal to the mass of the incoming molecule. Kramers considered reactions in solution.121 In viscous media, the kinetic energy of the solute molecules is completely dissipated to the solvent.123 The solute molecules move only by Brownian motion, a sequence of random jumps in different directions. These jumps occur due to the misbalanced collisions by solvent molecules, and these misbalances are significant only for small solute molecules; for solutes with a diameter greater than a few microns, Brownian motion is negligible. Thus, the rate of Brownian motion does not depend on the solute mass but is inversely proportional to solute size. Furthermore, it is inversely proportional to solvent viscosity. The expression derived under Kramers’ assumptions is similar to the one derived by Debye as an expansion of the Smoluchowski mechanism of diffusion limited aggregation for chemical reactions between molecules interacting in solution via midrange repulsion.87,124 In Debye’s derivation, the role of the barrier is played by the maximum in the repulsive potential between the reacting molecules. From these considerations, it seems clear that the kinetics of crystallization from solution should follow a Kramers-type law. Historically, the transition state for crystallization from solution was introduced to distinguish it from crystallization from vapor,15,16 where incorporation barriers are negligible.75 Direct molecular observations of the elementary acts, which would be matched to theory, were not possible at that time, and an Eyringtype transition state, which decays due to its vibrations, was assumed. In the derived kinetics law, the kinetic coefficient was a decreasing function of the mass of the solute molecules. In further works, this apparent misconception was expanded, and the slow crystallization of large molecules, such as proteins, was explained through their large mass. Critical tests to decide between Eyring and Kramers-types kinetics were carried out with ferritin/apoferritin, a unique pair of proteins, which share a near-spherical protein shell.94,125 In addition to this shell, ferritin contains a ferrite core, which leads to its greater mass. The molecular mass of apoferritin has been determined by many techniques to be Mw ) 450 000 g mol-1,94,125 with the mass of a molecule m ) 7.47 × 10-19 g. Mw of ferritin in the samples used in these studies was determined by static light scattering126 and was Mw ) 780 000 g mol-1, m ) 1.30 × 10-18 g. The crystals of ferritin and apoferritin are faceted by [111] faces and grow by the lateral spreading of layers generated by 2D nucleation25,99,102 (see Figures 2b and 3a). For both proteins, it was shown that the steps propagate by the incorporation of single protein molecules at the kinks, as discussed above.25,99,102,127 To quantify the crystallization kinetics of ferritin and apoferritin, the step velocities were measured using AFM102 and interferometry.128,129 Figure 5 shows that the proportionality between the step growth rate V and the crystallization driving force (C/Ce – 1) is valid in a broad range of concentrations of both proteins. Figure 5 shows that at equal driving forces, the step velocities are equal for the two proteins. The kinetic coefficient defined


Figure 12. A schematic illustrating the potential energy relief in front of the growth interface.

is eq 5, with Ω ) 1.56 × 10-18 cm3, and is for both proteins β ) (6.0 ( 0.4) × 10-4 cm s-1. This accuracy in the determination of the two β values is due to the high accuracy of the determinations of the step velocities V, whose standard deviation < 7% for all of the data points in Figure 5.127 If β were proportional to m–1/2, the values of β for ferritin and apoferritin should differ by ∼40% due to the ∼2-fold difference in their masses. Since for both proteins step propagation occurs only due to incorporation of molecules into the kinks along the steps,25,99,102 the equality of the kinetic coefficients suggests that β does not depend on the mass of the crystallizing molecules. This observation is in apparent contradiction with Eyringtype kinetic laws, in which the vibrational components of the transition-state partition function lead to proportionality of β to m–1/2. This leads to the conclusion that the kinetics of incorporation into the kinks follows Kramers–type kinetics, in which the decay of the transition state preceding the incorporation into kinks is driven by the collisions of the solvent molecules into the incoming molecule. Equivalently, one could say that rate of incorporation into kinks is determined by the slow diffusion over a repulsive maximum in the interaction potential between the incoming molecule and the kink, a statement from Debye’s theory of diffusion-limited kinetics. An expression for the kinetic coefficient of growth of crystals from solution as diffusion over a free-energy barrier ∆Gµ, followed by unimpeded incorporation was derived127 following refs 87, 121, and 130. The assumed potential mean force U(x) in the vicinity of the kink is schematically depicted in Figure 12, and its physical nature is discussed below. The potential reaches its maximum value ∆G‡ at the crossing of the increasing branch, due to the repulsion between the incoming solute molecules and the crystal surface at medium separations, and the receding branch, which corresponds to the short-range attraction required if the molecules should enter the growth site. A finite curvature was assigned to U(x) about x ) 0 in analogy to previous solutions to similar problems.131,132 Since Brownian diffusion does not depend on the molecular mass, the above model yields a mass-independent kinetic coefficient.127 Using eq 3 to link step velocity and the flux into the step, an expression for the step velocity V was obtained v)

( )

a3 D ∆G‡ exp (C - Ce) kBT nk Λ


where Λ contains the radius of curvature of U(x) around its maximum. With a3 ) Ω, eq 16 can be rewritten in the typical form of eq 5 that is readily comparable to experimental data. This defines β as β)

( )

1D ∆G‡ exp kBT nk Λ



Equations 16 and 17 were derived assuming a SmoluchowskiDebye pathway of incorporation into the kink, that is, a molecule diffuses toward the kink and on its way overcomes a barrier. This is reflected in the presence of the diffusivity in the preexponential term. However, an analogous expression could be derived assuming Kramers-type incorporation pathway through a transition state of free energy ∆G‡. Accordingly, since D is proportional to η-1, β is inversely proportional to the solution viscosity η. The parameters in this expression, njk–1, D, Λ, and ∆G‡ have a clear physical meaning. njk–1and D can be independently measured. The evaluations of the enthalpy and entropy components of ∆G‡ ) ∆H‡ – T∆S‡ and of Λ from crystallization kinetics data are illustrated below. An advantage of the definition of the kinetic coefficient β in eq 17 is that the found values can be compared to expectations stemming from the model for an initial validation. Evidence for Kramers-type kinetics in other solution crystallization systems can be found in experiments on growth of protein crystals in gels, where the protein diffusivity is significantly lower than in a “free” solution. It was found with two proteins that the maximum value of the growth rate, recorded at the early stages of growth before solution depletion and transport control set in, is 1.5–3 times lower in gels than in free solutions.133 Since in the viscous gel environment the diffusivity is lower than in free solutions, this suggests that the kinetic coefficient of growth is correlated to the diffusivity. In another work with the protein lysozyme, it was found that in gelled media the protein concentration at the growth interface is essentially equal to the one in free solutions, while the concentration gradient at the interface, proportional to the growth rate, is lower by ∼1.5 times.134 This is only possible if the kinetic coefficient in gels is lower, supporting the correlation between β and D derived above. The Nature of the Barrier for Incorporation into Kinks Numerous recent investigations have shown that a severalangstroms-thick solvent layer exists around molecules.135–139 Within this hydration layer,139,140 the water molecules are in either of two states, between which a dynamic equilibrium exists: directly attached to the protein surface and “free”. Another equilibrium exits between the hydration layer and the bulk solution–water.139 For protein molecules, this layer determines the thermodynamics and kinetics of enzyme–substrate and DNA–drug binding.141,142 Below, we show that enthalpy and entropy contributions from the solvent layer largely determine the thermodynamics of crystallization. Furthermore, the dynamics of the water molecules within the hydration layer and of exchange between the layer and the bulk water determines the kinetics of incorporation into kinks. The transfer of molecules from solution to an ordered solid phase, such as crystals, is governed by the reduction in the free energy ∆G° ) ∆H° – T∆S°. Intuitively, it appears that crystallization is prohibitively disfavored by a negative change in entropy. The entropy balance due to the ordering of the molecules into crystals consists of a loss of six translational and rotational degrees of freedom per molecule, only fractionally compensated by the newly created vibrational degrees of freedom.143,144 It is estimated that for protein molecules, this results in an average loss of entropy ∆S° ≈ –(100–120) J mol-1 K–1,143,145 although it may be as high as –280 J mol-1 K-1.144 Experimentally determined values reach –100 J/mol K.7,102,104,146 Unless this entropy contribution to the free energy is compensated, no crystallization will occur.

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Figure 13. The potential of interaction between ferritin (and apoferritin) molecules in solution. Dashed line: in the presence of Na+, the interactions are repulsive at all separations, due to hydration structuring of the water molecules with the help of the Na+ ions, illustrated in the inset. In the presence of Cd2+, short range attraction exists due to the ferritin–Cd2+–ferritin bond, leading to potential depicted with the solid line.

Several analyses of protein crystallization have shown that the respective standard free energy change, ∆G°, is moderately negative. To understand the nature of the compensating factors, which make crystallization possible, we consider the crystallization enthalpy ∆H°. In several studied protein systems, ∆H° varied within a broad range, from –70 kJ/mol for lysozyme,147 through ∼0 for ferritin, apoferritin, and lumazine synthase,80,102,148 to 155 kJ/mol for hemoglobin C.7,146 This broad variation of crystallization enthalpy is similar to the situation with inorganic materials, where several examples of ∆Ho > 0 exist. Thus, enthalpy effects cannot rationalize crystallization in general, and in many cases are unfavorable. The answer to the above puzzle was found in recent experiments on the thermodynamics of crystallization of the proteins apoferritin, ferritin, hemoglobin C, lysozyme, insulin, and lumazine synthase. The enthalpy, entropy, and the standard free energy change for crystallization were evaluated as functions of the temperature and of the composition of the respective solutions.7,102,104,146 Additional data derived from the investigations of the interactions between the dissolved protein molecules yielded intermolecular interaction potentials for these proteins.126,148 This potential, illustrated in Figure 13, contains a repulsive maximum at intermediate separations of ∼1 nm. However, interaction potentials with a repulsive maximum are by no means limited to the studied proteins. A summary of many biophysical data sets suggests that they are a general feature of interactions in protein solutions and between biological surfaces, where water is structured due to a combination of hydration and hydrophobic forces.136,149 The data on the intermolecular interactions are consistent with the evidence stemming from the thermodynamics of crystallization. Both data sets indicate that upon incorporation into a crystal lattice, some of the structured water/solvent molecules are released (Figure 14) or, conversely, additional water/solvent molecules may be trapped. Both phenomena would have a significant entropy effect, commensurate with the one of the transfer of water from clathrate, crystal hydrate, or other icelike structures that leads to an entropy gain of ∼22 J mol-1 K-1.124,145,150–152 Considering how important the entropy effects are, solvent and protein entropy changes were distinguished: ° ° ∆G°)∆H° – T∆Sprotein – T∆Ssolvent o


A negative value of the standard ∆G that would thermodynamically allow for crystallization to proceed is favored by a

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Figure 14. A schematic illustration of the increase in solvent entropy, ∆Ssolvent > 0, during incorporation of solute molecules from solution into kinks. The protein molecules in solution and the kink are coated with water molecules, which are released upon attachment of the protein molecules to the crystal. If, alternatively, additional water molecules are trapped upon attachment of a protein molecule, ∆Ssolvent < 0 would ensue.

Figure 15. Step velocity on the (110) face of insulin as a function of supersaturation (C/Ce – 1), in the presence and in the absence of acetone. Lines are regression fits to the respective sets of data. (Used by permission from ref 26. Copyright 2003 American Chemical Society).

positive sum of (∆S°protein + ∆S°solvent). Separating the two entropy factors, ∆S°protein, was determined as the difference between the macroscopically determined ∆Go and the one corresponding to the free energy of the bond in the crystal lattice, evaluated from the density of the growth sites, as discussed above.34,102,146 It was found that ∆S°protein is, as expected, in the range of –15 to –100 J/mol K. Thus, in many cases, the only factor in the above free energy expression that favors crystallization is ∆S°solvent.34,35,153 The estimated values of ∆S°solvent reach >600 J mol-1 K-1, corresponding to the release of ∼5 to 30 water or solvent molecules upon the incorporation of a protein molecule into a crystal. Thus, the structuring of the water around the protein molecules underlies the main thermodynamic driving force for crystallization.146,153 Given the crucial role of structured water in the thermodynamics of crystallization in solutions, it is natural to hypothesize that the water structuring plays a major role in crystal growth kinetics. This suggestion was first put forth by Chernov as a part of the first definition of a kinetic coefficient for crystallization from solution.15,16,86 As discussed above, the rate of the elementary step of crystallization, the attachment of a molecule from the solution to an existing growth site on the crystal surface, is determined by the rate of diffusion over a repulsive barrier.34–36,127 Within the hypothesis of the role of water structures in the kinetics of crystallization, this barrier would be the repulsive maximum depicted in Figure 13. There is no contradiction with the other interpretation of this barrier as excess free energy of a transition state in which the water shell of the kink and of the incoming molecule are partially destroyed: the repulsive maximum in the intermolecular interaction potential has the same origin. The two schematics highlight different features of the process of association of a molecule to a kink in solution. Critical tests of this hypothesis were carried out with the protein insulin. In laboratory conditions, this protein crystallizes in the presence and in the absence of an organic cosolvent, acetone. Thermodynamic analyses revealed that acetone destroys the shell of structured water around the insulin molecules in solution.104 Figure 15 shows that this leads to faster kinetics of crystallization and a 5× greater kinetic coefficient β.26 When transport limitations were overcome by using the edges of larger crystals, around which buoyancy-driven convection is faster,67,154 or by forced solution flow, 69 β in the presence of acetone reached 0.4 mm s-1, comparable to those of small molecules compounds.155 Thus, the destruction of the water shell correlates with faster kinetics, supporting the important role of structured water for the kinetics of incorporation. The destruction of the water shell around solute molecules is likely the main component of the barrier for incorporation in

kinks not only for protein but also for other materials. For evidence of this hypothesis, the enthalpy part ∆H‡ of the barriers was determined for about 10 diverse substances and were found to fit into an unusually narrow range of 28 ( 7 kJ mol-1.156 The chemical nature of these substances ranges from inorganic salts, through organic molecular compounds, to proteins and viruses. Hence, the narrow range of the activation barriers is unexpected if they should reflect the chemical variety of the crystallizing compounds. On the other hand, if the barrier in all cases reflects a high-energy state of partial destruction of the water structures around the solute molecules and at the kinks, the consistency of the barrier is natural. This magnitude of the barrier corresponds to the energy of one or two hydrogen bonds; that is, one can think that the high-energy state is when these bonds have been broken and the new bonds that exist in the crystal have not formed. While the participation of one or two hydrogen bonds in the association of small molecules and ions to kinks is expected, one may wonder why the barriers are not higher for protein crystals, where a greater number of hydrogen bonds may be broken. The answer seems to be that the large protein molecules have relatively limited areas of intermolecular contact in the crystal lattice,157 where only few hydrogen bonds exist. Another piece of evidence for the applicability of a Kramerstype kinetics law, in which the barrier for incorporation is due to the structuring of the water molecules on the surface of the solute, comes from data on the kinetics of adsorption of solute ions on the surface of a growing ammonium-dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) crystal.23,24 The data for the temperature range 29–67 °C were fitted to an equivalent of eq 17 with njk–1 ) 1 to account for the suspected density of the adsorption sites.23,24 The fit yielded Λ exp(∆S‡/kB) ) 13 Å and ∆H‡ ) 27 kJ/mol. ∆H‡ is in the range found for all other studied systems, as expected for a barrier due to water structuring, demonstrating the applicability of insights, derived from experiments with proteins, to small-molecule materials. Assuming that the value of Λ is 13 Å, it would correspond to the thickness of a layer of several water molecules. The correspondence of the found values of Λ and ∆H‡ to the expectations stemming from the water structuring model suggest that ∆S‡ is essentially 0. Clearly, the barrier for incorporation which is due to the water structuring contains a large entropy component, which, as the entropy of crystallization, splits into entropy due to solvent and entropy due to the solute molecules. The solvent component may be both positive and negative, depending on whether additional molecules of water are trapped in the transition state, or some of those associated with the solute molecules are released. The contribution of the solute molecules to the


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Table 1. Kinetic Coefficient, β, Diffusivity, D, Effective Molecular Diameter a, Point Symmetry Group of Molecule G, Order of Symmetry Group Z, for Protein and Inorganic Systems system insulin no acetone ∼5% acetone apoferritin ferritin canavalin, R3 form lumasine synthase catalase hemoglobin C lysozyme {101} typical no step bunching lysozyme {110} STMV thaumatin various inorganic systems (ADP, KDP, alums, etc.)

β, 10-4 [cm s-1]

D, 10-6 [cm2 s-1]

a [nm] 5.5

90 420 6 6 5.8–26 3.6 0.32 0.2 2–3 22–45 2–3 4–8 2 ∼100–1000









3 m5 222 2 1

3 60 4 2 1

102 127 27 79 160 8

0.79 0.32 0.32 0.4 0.16 n.a. 0.5 0.73

0.2 0.6 ∼1–5

activation entropy is due to the necessity to orient the molecule in a way suitable for association to the kink.86,158 There have been estimates that the solute reorientation may slow crystallization kinetics of large molecules by as much as 1000× . The estimates of this contribution are based on the following line of thought: With the typical translational diffusivities of the protein molecules of order 10-7 cm2 s-1, see Table 1, a protein molecule spends ∼10-7 s traveling through the last 10 Å prior to incorporation. During that time, with the typical rotational diffusivities of 106 s-1, the molecule could rotate by ∼0.3 rad. Since an incorrectly aligned molecule would not be able to form the necessary bonds with the kink and will be rejected, only 0.3/4π ≈ 0.02 of all attempts of incorporation will succeed, decreasing by 50× the kinetic coefficient. This factor corresponds to a contribution to ∆S‡ of about –(30 to 40) J mol-1 K-1. Since the rotational diffusivity scales as a-3 (ref 159) and the translational diffusivity scales as a-1, (ref 123) the slowing down is significantly stronger for larger molecules. For small-molecule materials, this contribution is insignificant and may be completely compensated by the contribution from the release or trapping of the few, in this case, water molecules. This seems to be the case of discussed above, for which the total ∆S‡ ≈ 0. To evaluate the significance of the contribution from the loss of rotational entropy of the solute molecules upon incorporation into kinks, in Table 1 we compare the step kinetic coefficients β of about a dozen proteins, protein complexes and viruses, as well as some inorganic substances.8,26,27,34,51,69,79,102,127,160–163 The β values for the large molecules fit in the range (0.2–420) × 10-4 cm s-1. The molecular symmetry groups of these large molecules have orders ranging from 1, through 3, to 24 for ferritin and apoferritin, and 60 for the viruses and lumazine synthase. No correlation exists between higher molecular symmetry and higher kinetic coefficients. This lack of correlation once again suggests that in the case of solution growth the activated state is not a classical one with stretched bonds, but rather is a state in which the water shell is slowly destroyed, while the molecule retains rotational freedom. The slow destruction of the water shell prolongs significantly, by a factor of exp(28 000/RT) ≈ 105, the approach of the molecule to the kink from the above estimate based on uninhibited diffusion all the way to the kink. During this extended approach time, the incoming molecule tests different orientations and finds the “right” one. With some inaccuracy, it could be said that overcoming of the barrier due to the water

13 13 3.5–8 16 11.5 5.5 3

18 4.0 0.5

m5 1 1, 2, 2¯, m, etc.

60 1 1, 2

161 69 162 51 163 34

shells is the rate limiting step in the association to a kink, while the selection of the proper orientation is significantly faster and does not affect the kinetics. Clearly, further theoretical and experimental developments are needed to fully understand the role of molecular symmetry for the crystallization, and more broadly, aggregation of proteins. This insight about the nature of the barrier for incorporation into kinks was used to understand the effects of biomolecules on the growth of calcite (CaCO3).164 The step velocity of calcite was determined in the presence of 15 peptides and proteins, and it was found that while at micromolar and millimolar concentrations the biomolecules act as typical impurities and inhibit step propagation, at nanomolar concentrations they promote calcite growth by increasing the step kinetic coefficient. The growth enhancement was interpreted in terms of reduction of the magnitude of the activation barrier ∆G‡ by the biomolecules, which displace water molecules around the solute. The reduction of ∆G‡ varied from 12 to 2300 J mol-1 and was small, compared to the total barrier for incorporation of Ca2+ and CO32– ions into calcite crystals of 32.8 kJ mol-1. The degree of promotion of calcite growth was found to correlate with the molecular hydrophilicity, which can be independently evaluated.165 From these results, the acceleration of step velocity can be estimated a priori from the composition of the additive and its hydrophilicity and net charge.164 This is a first example in crystallization research and practice, in which the effects of a dopant on the crystallization kinetics can be quantitatively predicted. This prediction is based on the understanding of the nature of the activation barriers for incorporation into kinks. Conclusions and Perspectives for Future Work On the surfaces of crystals growing from solution, the density of kinks, the sites at which molecules from the solution can associate to the crystal, is low: only about 10–3 of all molecular sites on the surface are kinks. Thus, the availability of kinks is a major factor for the rate of growth of the crystals from solution. The surface kink density is determined by the density of steps and the density of kinks along the steps. The step density is typically on the order of 10–2 to 10–3. The density of kinks along a step is bound from above by geometry to 0.5, and if one accounts for the entropy of the different kink configurations, to about 0.3 kinks per molecular site. If the free energy of the bonds between the pairs of molecules in the crystal is relatively low, this upper bound of the kink density along a step is reached

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even in saturated solutions and the kink density does not increase in supersaturated solutions. If the free energy of the bond is high, the kink density is low in a saturated solution and may increase as supersaturation is increased. Two mechanism of generation of new kinks in supersaturated solutions have been put forth in literature: by “nucleation” of new molecular rows (1D nucleation) along the steps and by association of 2D clusters, preformed on the terraces between the steps. These two mechanisms yield increasing kink density as supersaturation is increased, leading to faster step motion and a superlinear dependence of the step velocity on supersaturation. The action of the 1D nucleation mechanism does not depend on any materials parameters, and it ensures that at supersaturations (C/ Ce – 1) > 0.3 the limiting kink density along a step is reached so that the step velocity becomes a linear function of supersaturation. Potentially, the 2D cluster association mechanism could be used for control of the step velocity at supersaturations lower than 0.1. For this, further insight is needed into the parameters that govern the formations and stability of the 2D clusters and in particular their mobility. The rate of step motion during crystallization from solution depends on the product of the kinks density along a step, the rate of attachment of molecules into the existing kinks, and the concentration of molecules in the vicinity of a kink. The latter concentration depends on the parameters of the pathway that a molecule uses to reach a kink starting from the solution. In most of the cases where this pathway has been probed, it was found that the solute molecules adsorb on the terraces between the steps and then diffuse towards the steps and kinks. Very little is known about the adsorption and surface diffusion rate constants for crystal surfaces in contact with solution. However, the available experimental evidence allows conclusions about the major factor in the kinetic barriers for adsorption on the surface and for incorporation into steps from the surface. It appears that these barriers are due to the structuring of the water on the surfaces of the solute molecules and the crystal. Furthermore, emerging experimental results indicate that the step velocity and the crystal growth rate can be significantly slowed down or accelerated by rearranging these water structures. Further progress in the regulation of crystal growth rate crucially depends on the understanding of how solution additives: ions, organic, and inorganic molecules, and others, affect the structures around the solute molecules and the surface of the crystal. Acknowledgment. My deep gratitude goes to my colleagues to who took part in the original experiments, from which many of the insights reviewed here were gained: S.-T. Yau, O. Gliko, D. Georgiou, D. N. Petsev, I. Reviakine, and K. Chen. This work has benefited from in-depth discussions with J. J. De Yoreo, A. A. Chernov, Z. Derewenda and B. M. Pettitt. Support by the Welch Foundation (Grant E-1641) is gratefully acknowledged.

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