What do chemical information specialists, computer scientists, and

What do chemical information specialists, computer scientists, and chemists have in common? Anal. Chem. , 1985, 57 (7), pp 802A–802A. DOI: 10.1021/a...
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What do chemical information specialists, computer scientists, and chemists have in common?

They all read the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCES. —published by the American Chemical Society and edited bv Thomas L. Isenhour—

E a c h quarterly issue of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCES is packed with exciting, new, peer-reviewed research articles on computerized applications in chemistry. And now, new feature articles written by James Avery and John Marshall keep you up-to-

date on microcomputer hardware and software developments. Join the thousands of chemists, computer scientists, and chemical information specialists who are making the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCES the fastest growing journal in its field.

Order your subscription today. Call toll free 800-424-6747. Or write American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. 1985 Subscription Rates (U.S.; ACS Members $17 Nonmembers $90 American Chemical Society chemical publishers since 1879