What has Monsanto Environmental Services done for you lately?

Relation Gen. Circ. Ge- neva, Switzerland 1979, WMO Report No. 538,231-237. Miller, P. R. Riverside, Calif., 1980, USDA. Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep...
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1980. Shutt, J. T.; Hedley, B. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can­ ada 1925,19, 1-10. Smith, R. A. Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, Series 2 1852,10, 207-217. Smith, R. A. "Air and Rain: The Beginnings of a Chemical Climatology"; Longmans, Green: London, 1872. Sdrensen, P. Biochemische Zeitschrift 1909,21, 131-200. Summers, P. W.; Whelpdale, D. M. 1976. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 1976, 6, 447-455. Sunde, S. E. Norsk Jaeger-og Fiskeforenings Tidsskrift 1926,55, 1-4. Tamm, C. O.; Tollan, A. Meddel. Statens Skogsforskningsinstitut 1953, 43(1), 1140. Tamm, C O . HandbuchfurPflanzenphysiologie 1958, 6, 233-242. Tollan, A. "Annotated Bibliography 1974-80"; SNSF Project: Oslo, Norway, 1981. Tyler, G. Ambio 1972, / , 52-59. Tyler, G. Soil Boil. Biochem. 1976, 8, 327. Tyler, G. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 1980, 24, 41-49. Ulrich, Β.; Mayer, R.; Khanna, P. K. Soil Sci. 1980,130, 193-199. Viro, P. J. Comm. Inst. For. Fenn. 1953,42(1), 5-51. Way, T. Royal Agr. Soc. Jour. 1855, 16, 249-267. (See also 17, 123-162; 618621). Wetstone, G. Environ. Law Reporter 1980, 10(2), 50001-50020. Whitby, L. M.; Hutchinson, T. C. Environ. Conserv. 1974,7(3), 191. Wiklander, L. Grundfôrbâttring 1973, 26(4), 155-164. Wittwer, S. H.; Bukovac, M. J. In "Handbuch der Pflanzenernâhrung und Dûngung"; Scharrer, K.; Linser, H., Eds; Springer-Verlag: New York, 1969; pp. 235-261. Wood, T.; Bormann, F. H. Environ. Pollut. 1974, 7, 259-268.

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• Monsanto C o r p o r a t i o n 1981

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