•Snow in a Wind Tunnel? Under stratospheric conditions normal air would cause a blizzard in a wind tunnel. Lectrodryers DRY three tons of air per minute here so this won't happen.
DRY Cement. High humidity and miles of ocean surround this cement ship. A Lectrodryer feeds DRY air to cement storage compartments, to keep cement DRY and powdery.
& VftC/? Yon can DRY air or gases in volume U> predetermined dewpoints as low as — 110° F . . . to a relative humidity as low even at pressures up to 6.000 psi. as 5 r ^
Safeguarding a Fortune. Philadelphia Museum art treasures require DRYness to prevent dete rioration. A Lectrodryer keeps humidity low by feeding clean DRY air as required.
You can D R Y organic liquids to a moisture content as low as 3 or 4 parts per million, or less. All over the world Lectrodryer* machines are DRYing air, other gases and organic liquids to precise, low conditions, meeting the needs of industry and science. The examples illustrated show onl) a few extraor dinary problems solved by Lectrodryers. There are thousands of everyday D R Y i n g jobs being done successfullv with these1 machines. Write for Because Moisture Isn^t Pink, a booklet describing Lectrodryers, their operation and function. Request engineering advice if you desire. Pittsburgh Lectrodryer Corporation. 305 32nd St., Pittsburgh 30, Pennsylvania.
Saves Life. This machine samples carbon monoxide in highway tunnels. Lectrodryers DRY the air samples, assuring accuracy of reading by the automatic monoxide recorder.
Protects Petroleum. Moisture condensing in storage tanks contaminates petroleum products. A Lectrodryer eliminates this problem by DRYing air breathed into tanks.
DRYing Secret. What Lectrodryers are DRYing on Air Force crash trucks is "restricted" informa tion. The DRYness specified is being adequately met by Lectrodryers. In England: Birlec, Limited, Tyburn Road, Erdington, Birmingham. In France: Stein et Roubaix, 24 Rue Erlanger. Paris XVI. In Belgium: S. A. Lelge Stein et Roubaix. 320 Rue du Moulin. Bressoux-Liege
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