What Is Past, Is Prologue - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

What Is Past, Is Prologue. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (9), pp 134A–134A. DOI: 10.1021/i650585a813. Publication Date: September 1958. Copyright © 19...
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I/EC September 1958, Volume 50, No. 9 Parti APPLIED J O U R N A L S , ACS Director of Publications, C. B. Larrabee Editorial Director, Walter J . M u r p h y Executive Editor, James M . C r o w e Production Manager, Joseph H. Kuney NDUSTRIAL A N D ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Editor, Will H. Shearon, Jr. EDITORIAL


W A S H I N G T O N 6, D. C. 1 1 5 5 Sixteenth St., N.W. Phone Republic 7 - 3 3 3 7 Teletype W A 2 3 Associate Editors: G . G l a d y s Gordon, Stella Anderson, Ruth Cornette, Katherine I. Biggs, George B. Krantz Assistant Editors: M e l v y n A . Kohudic, Arthur Poulos, Robert J . Riley, Robert J . Kelley, Ruth M . Howorth, Eugenia Keller, Sue M . Solliday, W i l l i a m H . G a y Editorial Assistants: M a l v i n a B. Preiss, Ruth Reynard, Gloria H. Wills, Katherine H . Ginnane Layout and Production: M e l v i n D. Buck­ ner (Art); Hanns L. Sperr, Betty V . Kieffer, Roy F. N a s h , Clarence L. R a k o w BRANCH



C H I C A G O 1 , ILL. Room 9 2 6 , 3 6 South W a b a s h A v e . Phone State 2 - 5 1 4 8 Teletype CG 7 2 5 Associate Editors: H o w a r d J . Sanders, Chester Placek Assistant Editor: Laurence J . White H O U S T O N 2 , TEX., 7 1 8 Melrose Bldg. Phone Fairfax 3 - 7 1 0 7 Teletype H O 7 2 Associate Editor: Assistant Editor:

Bruce F. Greek Earl V . Anderson

NEW Y O R K 16, N . Y-, 2 Park A v e . Phone Oregon 9 - 1 6 4 6 Teletype N Y 1-4726 Associate Editors: W i l l i a m Q . H u l l , Harry Stenerson, David M . Kiefer, D. G r a y Weaver, Walter S. Fedor, Morton Salkind Assistant Editor: Louis A . A g n e l l o S A N FRANCISCO 4 , CALIF. 7 0 3 Mechanics' Institute Bldg., 5 7 Post St. Phone Exbrook 2 - 2 8 9 5 Teletype SF 5 4 9 Associate Editor: Richard H. N e w h a l l Assistant Editor: David E. Gushee EASTON, PA. 20th a n d Northampton Sts. Phone Easton 9 1 1 1 Teletype ESTN Pa 4 8 Associate Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assistants: Joyce A . Richards, Elizabeth R. Rufe, June A . Barron EUROPEAN OFFICE Bush House, A l d w y c h , London Phone Temple Bar 3 6 0 5 Cable JIECHEM Associate Editor: Albert S. Hester Contributing Editors: H . C a r l B a u m a n , S. M . MacCutcheon, Robert F. W a l l , James B. Weaver, W . J . Youden Advisory Board: A . H. Batchelder, James M . Church, Lauchlin M . Currie, A r n o C. Fieldner, Leo Friend, Gustave H e i n e m a n n , Samuel D. Koonce, C, J . Krister, Ε. Ε. M c S w e e n e y , F. D r e w M a y f i e l d , W a y n e E. K u h n , M a x S. Peters, Earl P. Stevenson, H. Gladys S w o p e , Richard C. W a u g h v IUM»SHIt-7 «tSUI.CH V Advertising Management REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. 4 3 0 Park A v e . , N e w York 2 2 , Ν . Υ . (For Branch Offices see p a g e 131 A)

134 A


What Is Past, Is Prologue ANY VISITOR to Washington w h o passes the stately Archives Building must be impressed by the simple statement carved above the columns : " W h a t is past, is prologue." As this September issue of I / E C ' s 50th year of publication rolls off the presses, the A C S Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry will be putting the finishing touches on a p r o g r a m to mark its fiftieth year, a program to show, in the words of its chairman, t h a t " t o d a y ' s research knowledge contains t h e seeds of tomorrow's great technological advances, t h a t indeed w h a t is past, is but prologue." T h e time will be Tuesday morning a n d afternoon, September 9 ; the place, the Conrad Hilton Hotel in Chicago, a n d the A C S 134th National Meeting. T h e Golden Anniversary Lectures will be presided over by D . O . M y a t t of Atlantic Research Corp., a former M a n a g i n g Editor of I / E C a n d now C h a i r m a n of the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Designed as an a t t e m p t to peer into the deep well-spring of present research knowledge, a n d to speculate on the challenges to development a n d utilization t h a t can be seen there, these lectures will show in their most practical sense the impact of science on society. At a special banquet on T u e s d a y evening, honoring the fiftieth anniversaries of the Division a n d of this Publication, M r . David E. Lilienthal, former C h a i r m a n of the Board of T V A , former C h a i r m a n of the Atomic Energy Commission, a n d now p a r t n e r in Development a n d Resources Inc., a consulting firm to advise foreign countries in their programs of economic a n d industrial develop­ ment, will be the featured speaker. M r . Lilienthal will have as his general subject the reverse of the day's technical program. H e will speak on the i m p a c t of society on science. Tuesday's technical p r o g r a m is not detailed, but it is star-studded, both in person a n d in subject. H e n r y Eyring, Farrington Daniels, R o b e r t R. Jeffries, John M a u c h l y , a n d A. H . Rubenstein will be the speakers; their subjects will be prologues to new chemicals a n d m a ­ terials, to engineering economics, to process design and control, to automation, a n d to technological productivity. W e urge readers of I / E C to take a d v a n t a g e of this unsual program, to " m a k e a day of it." C o m e early, stay late. W e guarantee mental stimulation t h a t will be long-remembered.