What Progress Against Corrosion in 1955? - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 5, 2010 - And with today's trends toward higher pressures, higher temperatures, continuous processes, you can expect corrosion to step up its atta...
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Gorrosioneering Ν. i\ews

Quick facts about the services and equipment Pfaudler offers to help you ^



reduce corrosion and processing cost.

by The Pfaudler Co., Rochester,


What Progress Against Corrosion in 1955? A top-level

report by DONALD A. GAUDION Executive Vice-President, The Pfaudler Co·

H o w big a problem is corrosion? Some sources tell me it costs i n ­ dustry about s i x billion dollars a year. In petroleum alone, every barrel of crude oil processed eats up 94 worth of equipment. A n d w i t h today's trends toward higher pressures, higher tempera­ tures, continuous processes, you can expect corrosion to step u p its at­ tack on y o u r equipment. A t Pfaudler, we traffic in c o r ­ rosion-resistant equipment. Our specialty i s a material called "glassed steel"— acid - alkali - resistant glass, permanently fused to steel, to give you the corrosion resistance of glass plus the structural strength of steel. A t the same time w e have devel­ oped a broad knowledge of c o r ­ rosion-resistant alloys, like Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel; the stainless steels; aluminum; copper; titanium; and synthetics, such as Teflon and Kel-F. Guarantee against corrosion Several innovations appeared, to help you lick corrosion. A hitherto unheard of guarantee w a s given: No corrosive destruction for 12 months o n Pfaudler glassed steel equipment! W e also introduced a n e w glassed steel dryer-blender . . . Bigger r e ­ actors in money-saving standard designs . . . N e w nonmetallic seals for agitators on reaction kettles . . . N e w glass Turbogrid column trays . . . and other n e w or improved units.

While our research crew probed the future, w e also added greatly to our knowledge of corrosioneering b y examining reports from users of Pfaudler equipment over the past year. For example, w e learned that, i n 28 installations, our "packaged" s y s t e m for plating acid recovery usually paid for itself in 6 to 12 months. More engineering services To further help you with cor­ rosion problems, w e revamped our technical staff, adding a new Appli­ cations Engineering Group. You can add their experience to yours w h e n e v e r you are faced with special projects. They can "take over" if y o u want them to. Corrosion Seminars To increase general knowledge of n e w developments, w e conducted four Corrosion Seminars during the year. Also, technical talks and arti­ cles w e r e delivered by Pfaudler people. In research, -we have con­ tinued our scholarships at Ohio State, Rochester, and Penn State Universities, Rochester Institute of Technology and Rensselaer P o l y ­ technic Institute. To you, who must pay the bill for corrosion, w e believe these progres­ sive steps are significant and worthy of your investigation. Meantime, we are searching daily for new ap­ proaches, and will report frequently to y o u on the pages of this publi­ cation.

N e w glassed steel T u r b o g r i d column, inspected by Mr. G a u d i o n , is o n e of many new corrosionresistant developments. (Details on p a g e 3 of this insert.)

FOR HIGHLIGHTS of new corrosion-resistant equipment, turn the page.