What! SOLVAY Calcium Chloride an industrial chemical? - C&EN

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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What! SOLVAY Calcium Chloride an industrial chemical? Correct! SOLVAY® Calcium Chloride is now being successfully employed in the manufacture of such diverse products as paper, portland cement, metallicsodium, petroleum, synthetic detergents and weedicides. Other industrial applications include well-drilling and rubber reclaiming . . . all in addition to its better-known uses in highway dustlaying and ice control, concrete acceleration and refrigeration. In addition to the familiar physical and chemical properties, SOLVAY Calcium Chloride has special qualities that make it particularly adaptable to commercial usage. I t is low in turbidity, boron, strontium and other metal impurities. We invite you to experiment with SOLVAY Calcium Chloride—mail the coupon. Produced in these forms —Solid, 73-75%; Flake, 77-80%; Flake and Liquor, Chromaied; Powdered, 77-80%; Liquor, 42.5-45%0. Sodium Nitrite · Calcium Chloride · Chlorine · Caustic Soda · Caustic Potash Chloroform · Potassium Carbonate · Sodium Bicarbonate · Vinyl Chloride · Methyl Chloride · Ammonium Chloride · Methylene Chloride · Monochlorobenzene Soda Ash · Para-dlchlorobenzene · Ortho-dlchlorobenzene · Carbon Tetrachloride Ammonium Bicarbonate · Snowflake® Crystals · Aluminum Chloride · Cleaning Compounds · Hydrogen Peroxide · Mutual Chromium Chemicals

Write for 89-page bulletin and calcium sample . . .

technical chloride

Solvay's Technical and Engineer! ng Serv­ ice Bulletin #16, "Calcium CMoride", contains 89 pages of general technical data, including physical and chemical properties, specifications, tables, charts and handling procedures. Ex­ perimental samples also available,




61 Broadway, New York 6, tsl. Y\


Please send without cost: Π Technical Bulletin * 16, "Calcium Chloride" Π Sample of form indicated Nam*3 Position. Company.

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Phone SOLVAY PROCESS D I V I S I O N 61 Broadway/ New York 6, Ν. Υ.

SOLVAY efeo/er* and branch offices are located in major ctnters from coast to coast.





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