what the well-dressed man wears - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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'Gra-Litc" clothing made by Standard Safety Equipment pu τη, Chicago, III. Β. F. Goodrich Chemical Company does not make this We supply raw materials for the coating only.

A NY man who works around dangerous X J L chemicals will tell you how necessary safety clothing is. Especially important is the length of time it resists chemicals. For it red turning nitric acid should touch t h e clothing, a matter of extra minutes or. re­ sistance makes t h e difference between safety and serious, or fatal injury. The G e o n resin coated clothing pictured gives w o r k m e n chat a l l - i m p o r t a n t t i m e margin of safety. T h e Geon coating n o t only gives high chemical resistance, b u t also an increased period of resistance. That's just the start of the G e o n coat­ ing's advantages. It h a s excellent abrasion resistance. It's light i n weight. A sait of overalls like the one pictured weighs only 2" o u n c e s . G e o n ' s c o l o r - a d a p t a b i l i t y is another b i g help. It can b e c o m p o u n d e d

in light colors—the pearl gray used here providing improved reflection of sunlight, increasing comfort to t h e wearer. There's added safety7 in G e o n ' s flameresistance. And the coating's flexibility a t low temperature is important for o u t d o o r winter work. Geon materials have m a n y advantages that help improve products improve their sales, t o o . Products of G e o n can b e made r e s i s t a n t to h e a t and cold;, weather a n d wear—to water, grease, oil, oxidation and many chemicals. Colors c a n be brilliant or delicate. We'll gladly g i v e you helpful advice o n the many uses a n d applications for Geon. For technical bulletins, please write Dept. GB-10, EL F. G o o d r i c h Chem­ ical Company, Rose Building, Cleveland 15, O h i o . Cable address: G o o d c h e m c o .

G E O N RESINS ® G O O D - R I T E PLASTICIZERS.. . fhe i d e a l team to make products easier, faeHer a n d more saleable O E O N polyvinyl materials · HYCAR American rubber · GOOD-RITE chemicals and plasticizers
