What two ingredients make Texas Gulf the world's largest sulphur

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What t w o ingredients make Texas Gulf the world's largest sulphur source?

First, the greatest service—on-time deliveries by railroad hopper car, tank car, tank truck, inland barge, or oceangoing vessel. You get what you w a n t . . . the amount you asked f o r . . . at the time and place you need it. Second, the largest supply. Texas Gulf's four Frasch mines in T e x a s . . . plus three sulphur recovery plants in Wyoming and Alberta... assure you of a dependable source of sulphur. If liquid sulphur is your specification, our nearest mine, plant or regional terminal will speed it to you, no matter where you are, with a promptness that's tough

to beat. If you prefer solid sulphur, we'll break off a piece of our mountain of inventory and send it to you. Our inventories, both liquid and solid, total more than anyone else's in the world, so you know you can count on TGS for any amount of sulphur...any time...for as long as you need it. Few things you buy today offer sulphur's high value at such a low cost. With a never-ending search for greater reserves, TGS is insuring an adequate supply of sulphur for your needs tomorrow. Texas Gulf Sulphur Company, 200 Park Avenue, New York.