What you'll need before embarking on a journey of scientific discovery

Apr 14, 2003 - What you'll need before embarking on a journey of scientific discovery: a tenacious work ethic, a never-give-up spirit and chemicals yo...
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What you7!! need before embarking on a journey of scientific discovery:

a tenacious work ethic,

a never-give-up spirit

and chemicals you can count on. Scientific success often comes d o w n to y o u r starting materials* T h e y can m e a n t h e difference b e t w e e n a s t u n n i n g b r e a k t h r o u g h or starting over. That's w h y so m a n y scientists rely o n J.T.Baker. Yon get the highest level of p u r i t y a n d consistency The j o u r n e y to discovery !>: can b e unpredictable. J.T.Baker m a k e s sure y o u r ^ > chemicals aren't. For details/ visit www.jtbaker.com.*





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