Whatever your process... insist on Glascote glass-lined products from

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W h a t e v e r your p r o c e s s . . . insist on

Glascote glass-lined products G L A S S - L I N E D


"Available for l a b o r a t o r y , pilot* plant and full-scale commercials production.* F.urmshed - in glass-on~steel ^or. alloy. ; metals, with or without thermal jacket* ing. Designed for internalpressures up to 5O0 %psi Λ . capacities up to 40Q0 gal:(larger in custom designs). Reactorsfeature exclusive leak-proof mechanical* seaL, glass-lined agitator arid bafSeï

G L A S S - L I N E D


Standard and special packed colnmns furnished in glass-on-steel or alloy metals for fractionation/ absorption, stripping, extraction and other process operations. Built to customer's specifications in diameters up to 60". Designed for internal ^ pressures to meet JUL ^ specific needs. I#IM£

^Gloss-lined, leakproof rotary m e · chemical seal.

(A) Class-coated, distributor plate support ring; design, with CB) teflon .envelope* a s b e s t o s gasket, gives tight, Jeakproof foînt f o r pressure or vacuum service, ~

Glass-lining gives t h e u l t i m a t e in c o r r o s i o n - r e s i s t a n c e . . . z e r o c o n t a m i n a t i o n . . . lower cost through longer service l i f e can use Glascote glass-lined equipment — from start Y OU to finish — for processing a variety of corrosive materials, Glascote's glass-linings put an end t o contamination. Whatever your processing system, you, too, will find i t profitable to use Glascote's glass-lined equipment — pipe and fittings, reactors, columns, storage tanks, rotary dryer-blenders, etc. All designed for dependability, durability, flexibility of application and economy of operation. What's more, you can be sure of product purity, because Glascote's chemical-resistant, acid-alkali glass offers greater resistance to corrosive action . . . greater versatility for processing products. And Glascote also offers you non-stick glass which is ideal for polymer production of all types. Remember, for efficient heat transfer and extra-long service life insist on Glascote glass-lined products.

Ask the representative who calls on you for all the facts about Glascote products»—reactors, storage tanks, columns, conical rotary dryer-blenders, receivers, condensers and accessory products. Or, if you prefer, write direct. Glascote Products, Inc., Cleveland 17, a subsidiary of A. O. Smith Corporation. Our standard one year guarantee continues fo to all Glascote glass-lined products.

Glascote pmo-^

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Y ^sâes^Sflfw&ragiîntsJocaîed ijTPievf York · Philadelphia^ Unfoft, t ^ * % P€ *1Wi J / · értïcagol^cievèlaiiciT· Dayton • Houston *^L h

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Efficient, corfc3&k>n-resistant H e a t Excfaangejrs a r e assembled from lengths of s t a n d a r d diameter jack­ eted pipe. A d e q u a t e h e a t transfer area is available ^for most applications using various/ Beating a n d μ J>cboling m e d i a . - T h e use^ofc either elbows oàoretum *» >ΐ bends provides a versatile* operating assembly»

GLASS-LINED CONICAL, ROTARY DR^EjR-BUNDERS Standard acid-alkali^ glass-lined, coiucaU rotary D r y e r - B l e nx d e r s available^iif c a p a cities — 5 and *35 cu. ft, a n d -large3r N on r e q u e s t ; operating températures — l i n e r 500° F , jacket 650°-F; operating pressures — tank full vacuum to 25 psi, jacket S5-75 psi (50-60 psi w i t h t a n k a t full vacuum).

C LAS 5 - L ΙΝ ΕD PIPE AND FITT IN Crîascote p r o d u c e s and stocks^ glass -'-lined p i p e hr~10' lengths a n d fittings-t o A S M E s t a n1d a r d s , in inside diameters from l /^'* to 4 " Six and 8", a n d larger sizes are fabricated to order. Leakproof gaskets available t o suit m a t e r i a l conveyed i n pipe.

A subsidiary of



The W o r l d ' s l a r g e s t m a n u f a c t u r e r of g l a s s - l i n e d s t e e l p r o d u c t s


uiass-Jinea ' ι beer storage •*

