W h a t e v e r y o u r p r o c e s s . . . insist o n
Glascote glass-lined products OLASS-LINED REACTORS Available for laboratory, pilot plant and full-scale commercial production* Furnished! in glass-on-steel or alloy metals, with or without tfiermal jacket ing. Designed for internal pressures tip to 500 psi capacities u p to 4000 gal. metals for fractionation, absorption stripping, extraction and other process operations. BuuQt to customer's speci fications i n diameters u p to €0". De signed for internal .^pressures to meet specific needs.
Gloss-lined, leak-
(A) Glass-coated, distributor plate support ring design, w i t h (B> teflon e n v e l o p e a s b e s t o s ; , gasket, gives tight, leakproof joint for près» , sure or vacuum service·
Glass-lining gives the u l t i m a t e in c o r r o s i o n - r e s i s t a n c e . . . zero contamination... lower cost through longer service life *\T OU can use Glascote glass-lined equipment — from start * to finish — for processing a variety of corrosive materials* Glascote's glass-linings put an end t o contamination. Whatever your processing system, you, too, will find it profitable to use Glascote's glass-lined equipment — pipe and fittings, reactors, columns, storage tanks, rotary dryer-blend ers, etc. All designed for dependability, durability, flexibility of application and economy of operation. What's more, you can be sure of product purity, because Glascote's chemical-resistant, acid-alkali glass offers greater resistance to corrosive action . . . greater versatility for proc essing products. And Glascote also offers you non-stick glass which is ideal for polymer production of all types. Remember, for efficient heat transfer and extra-long service life insist on Glascote glass-lined products.
Ask the representative who calls o n you for all the facts about Glascote products—reactors, storage tanks» columns, conical rotary dryer-blenders, receivers, con· densers and accessory products. Or, if you prefer» write direct. Glascote Products, Inc., Cleveland 17» a subsidiary of A. O . Smith Corporation· Our standard one year guarantee continues to to alt G/ascofe glass-lined products»
Glascote PR
P^>^-'S^^^^&^^^lSf&¥S^^*^&frder. Leakproof gaskets available ο suit material conveyed i n pipe.
A subsidiary of
The W o r l d ' s l a r g e s t m a n u f a c t u r e r of g l a s s - l i n e d s t e e l products Perroagïas
Glass-lined _ beer storage * tank»
Glass-lined · bulk storage
Glass-lined ΐ
aircraft > electrical equipment
GIass-lina£ pump port»)
JULY 16, 1956 C&EN