Whatman Chemical Separation Inc

even Ihe toughest reparations. Start with an analytical column from the versatile, economical I'arlisil 10 famiW. If the separation calls for more ré...
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Whatman LC columns

MAXIMIZE RESOLUTION Samples becoming more complex?. . .1urn to Whatman. Our multi-column length Micro-β system or ϋ μΐη Partisil columns provide Ihe efficiency and selectivity to perform even Ihe toughest reparations. Start with an analytical column from the versatile, economical I'arlisil 10 famiW. If the separation calls for more résolution, move up quickly ami oasih to Micro-B or I'arlisil .">. Identical select ivjlie- let you improve resolution without changing the method.

Call Whatman, the column specialists. We have Uie selection and quality to simplify, all your LC column requirements. X00-I;.">]-7J!;)0

Whatman Whatman Chemical Separation Inc. ϋ Uiiii.îwml PIJLS. Cnlton Ne.v Jersey 07014 CIRCLE 335 ON READER SERVICE CARD