Part of the solution, not the problem. It isn't simply that W h a t m a n AlEC's outperf o r m other ion exchange celluloses (they do, of course) or that they are unique (they are). A key thing is that they're W h a t m a n AlEC's. If y o u are s e p a r a t i n g a n d / o r p u r i f y i n g enzymes, proteins, nucleotides and the like*, and the separations are at all critical, w e suggest that you can profitably ignore the lesser breeds. W i t h W h a t m a n AlEC's you can confidently expect better resolution, higher capacity, particularly for macromolecules, good to excellent flow rates, among other virtues. A n d , far f r o m least, W h a t m a n product quality: uniformity, reliability, consistency of performance. W h a t m a n AlEC's are available in both fibrous and microgranular f o r m (either anion or cation). They pack easily and exceptionally well. They aren't the least expensive—the best rarely is. Interesting new technical data supporting these contentions are available on request. W e appreciate your requests. " e . g . , p e p t i d e s , n u c l e o s i d e s , h o r m o n e s , v i r u s e s , polysaccharides, lipids, among others.
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