
Whalman Inc., 6 Jusl Road, Fairfield, New Jersey 07004. Telephone: £U1-ood-sc77 Fax: £ui-ooZ-ji34. Whatman (word and device) and Whalman (word only)...
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Filters even viscous samples with less hand force than ever before possible

Whatman GD/X and ZC Syringe Filters go to great depths to double your efficiency

Filters both vertically and laterally for a high flow rate

Increase flow rates with the combined prefiltration technology of gradeddensity glass microfibers and a variety of membrane filters in a single device

Doubles the volume of sample filtered compared with other conventional filters

Extends filter life and reduces costly exchanges by trapping large particles in the coarse top layer, retaining medium-sized particles in the interface meshing and smaller ones in the final layer

Double your filtration efficiency today. Whatman provides innovative solutions to even your most difficult applications. For a test sample of new GD/X or ZC Syringe Filters with gradeddensity glass microfiber prefilters, or for applications assistance, call 1-800-922-0361. CIRCLE 11 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Whatman Whalman Inc., 6 Jusl Road, Fairfield, New Jersey 07004 Telephone: £U1-ood-sc77 Fax: £ui-ooZ-ji34 Whatman (word and device) and Whalman (word only) are trademarks of Whalman International Ltd. 746-11-500