Nov 7, 2010 - Article Options. PDF (726 KB) · Abstract. Tools & Sharing. Add to Favorites · Download Citation · Email a Colleague · Add to ACS ChemWor...
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WHATSACHEL THE SOLUTION TO METAL ION CONTROL THAT MANY INDUSTRIES NEED, BUT FEW RECOGNIZE. Chelating agents are chemicals that "tie u p " metal ions. W h e n found unrestrained in aqueous solu­ tions, these metal ions can result in undesirable color formation, scale and sludge buildup, spoil­ age of organic materials, and other problems. Yet f e w industries realize the link between uncon­ trolled metal ions and the problems they create. Fortunately, there's a solution—VERSENE* chelat­ ing agents, f r o m Dow. W h e n heat transfer equipment is used w i t h water, salts o f t e n deposit t o f o r m scale. VERSENE chelating agents successfully remove and also prevent this scale f r o m f o r m i n g . And in the textile industry. VERSENE* 100 chelat­ ing agent improves cleaning effectiveness and helps stabilize dye shades, while VERSENEX* 8 0 chelating agent stabilizes peroxide bleach baths. For the pulp and paper industry, chelating agents

are used to control metal ions and protect bleach­ ing agents to boost brightness. VERSENE 100 or VERSENEX 8 0 chelating agents are used for h y d r o s u l f i t e systems w h i l e peroxide systems require VERSENEX 8 0 . Household, industrial and institutional cleaners are generally formulated with chelating agents. They act as builders by improv ing soil removal and allowing built-in water hardness p r o t e c t i o n . VERSENE chelating agents p r e v e n t sedi­ m e n t a t i o n in liquid detergent products, l^-w-^y^^ws l£ . I M i l — I l 1 ^ potentiate anti-bacte­ ! |1 «i ι ill » rial agents in hard sur­ face cleaners, and act as anti-oxidents, while improving foam­ ing, soaping action, and feel in bar soap.


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«INGAGENT? For PVC polymerization, the addition of VERSENE 100 or VERSENE CA will reduce the incidence of polymer buildup and improve suspending agent performance. VERSENE chelating agents control metal ions anywhere they may be found in the polymerization process. This helps to ensure high quality plastic products and longer life of the manufacturing «g^. ^ ^ ^ ^ M equipment. HH| ^ ^ ^ ^ B In food processing, VERSENE ^m B H V CA and VERSENE NA chelating ^H ^'^HHk agents (FDA approved), help ^ H ^ a H ensure flavor, color, c l a r i t y , ^B ÈÉÊ^ÊÊ' stability, and vitamin content. •Pi ^^^SSSÊk: Even cosmetics gain ι ψ, JJÊ^^^SBÊlfk improved stability and / . I n ^ ^ ^ H ^ . increased shelf life with use of VERSENE 100.

And VERSENE chelating agents really help out in other industrial applications as well. Like photography, metal cleaning and plating of copper, and radioactive decontamination. In fact, any industry can t u r n t o VERSENE chelating agents w i t h confidence when they need help with metal-ion isolation problems. For more information about "Whatsachelatingagent" and what VERSENE chelating agents can do for you, write Dow Chemical U.S.A., Plastics Department, Midland, Michigan 4 8 6 4 0 .



CHELATING AGENTS: KEYS TO CHELATION DOW 'Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company
