What's a nice chemist like you doing in a place like this? - Chemical

Nov 7, 2010 - DOI: 10.1021/cen-v058n038.p054 ... Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a comprehensive representation of each ...
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What's a nice chemist like you doing in a place like this? Nobody told you that you'd have to cope with thousand-fold . . . or million-fold enlargements of that tidy chemical process that came out of your lab? Or explained the principles of mass transfer, heat transfer, and fluid flow that apply to the manufacture of chemical products (the ones you developed in your lab)? Or prepared you to work successfully with chemical engineers to solve the problems of getting from lab quantities to industrial quantities? COME IN OUT OF THE COLD! Take the American Chemical Society's field-tested course - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING FOR CHEMISTS — right where you work. It's available for the first time on vidéocassettes, and includes a valuable 240-page course handbook.

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54 C&EN Sept. 22, 1980