What's Happening in Chemistry? - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

Dec 5, 2011 - Anal. Chem. , 1984, 56 (8), pp 955A–955A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00272a745. Publication Date: July 1984. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of ...
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What's Happening in Chemistry?


ou should know, It can mean a brighter future for us all. Everything is made of chemicals. It naturally follows that everything interests chemists. Music interests chemists, so a chemist searched alchemical knowledge and apparently found the secrets of superior Renaissance violins. Plants interest chemists and two have discovered the chemical mechanism an insecteating plant employs to capture its prey. The unusual, the unique, more traditional research, and the major breakthroughs in the chemical sciences — you'll find it in WHAT'S HAPPENING IN CHEM­ ISTRY? What's An annual publication of the American Chemical Happening Society's Office of Public in Relations, WHAT'S HAP­ Chemistry PENING IN CHEMISTRY? presents nearly two dozen easy to understand, illustrated articles. Teacher, student, anyone with an interest in science, should have this interesting, infor­ mative and entertaining report from the chemist's world. Paperbound copy $ 3 0 0 each COST




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In this profusely illustrated booklet, r e a d e r s experience t h e birth of our universe, our solar system, a n d t h e origin of life's elements. T h e work of Darwin on evolution a n d Mendel on genetics sets t h e s t a g e for a journey t h r o u g h h u m a n a n d bacterial cells t o e x a m i n e t h e D N A molecule, m a s t e r architect of life. How a cell is m a d e to m u t a t e t h r o u g h a recombination of D N A is explained in detail. T h e new technology known a s gene splicing is described in everyday t e r m s . E a c h p a g e contains illustrations, a n d 16 p a g e s a r e in full color. 24 pages, paperbound O r d e r s of 10 or m o r e

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