What's Happening in Chemistry Today Will Benefit Society Tomorrow

Jun 6, 2012 - What's Happening in Chemistry Today Will Benefit Society Tomorrow. Anal. Chem. , 1983, 55 (11), pp 1048A–1048A. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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From the birth of the cosmos to the origin of life. From the discovery of the gene to recombinant DNA technology. The story of the "thread" relating all components of the universe is told in words and pictures anyone can understand—

What's Happening in Chemistry Today Will Benefit Society Tomorrow

W h a t happens when a normal cell is fused with a cancer cell? Can lasers detect leaks from nuclear waste sites? What difference does color make in cost and operation of solar cells? Do we need a new approach in converting biomass into fuels and chemicals? What's happening on the molecular level that causes human red blood cells to sickle? What causes cleft lip or palate? Could unique features of cancer cells lead to their destruction?

The Stellar


In this profusely illustrated booklet, r e a d e r s experience t h e birth of our universe, our solar s y s t e m , a n d t h e origin of life's elements. T h e work of Darwin on evolution a n d Mendel on genetics sets t h e s t a g e for a journey t h r o u g h h u m a n a n d bacterial cells t o e x a m i n e t h e D N A molecule, m a s t e r architect of life. H o w a cell is m a d e t o m u t a t e t h r o u g h a recombination of D N A is explained in detail. T h e new technology known a s gene splicing is described in everyday t e r m s . E a c h p a g e c o n t a i n s illustrations, a n d 16 p a g e s a r e in full color. 24 p a g e s , p a p e r b o u n d O r d e r s of 10 or m o r e The Stellar Quantity

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You will find the answers to these intriguing questions and many, many more in the new edition of WHAT'S HAPPENING IN CHEMISTRY?, an annual publication of the American Chemical Society. WHAT'S HAPPENING IN CHEMISTRY? presents an overview of some of the most interesting and promising research from the forefront of the chemical sciences. Its two dozen articles are written in easily understood language, and are profusely illustrated. WHAT'S HAPPENING IN CHEMISTRY? is a publication no science teacher or student should be without. It's an important information source for anyone who has an interest in the most exciting discoveries and achievements from the world of chemistry.

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