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THESE WHEELCO INSTRUMENTS SHOULD ALSO BE SERVING YOU! PROPORTIONING CONTROL The Wheelco Proportioning System is an electrical device which may b e applied to any Wheelco "Radio Principle" Temperature Controller, i.e., Capacitrol, Potentio-trol, Therm-otrol, Remote Controllers, and Pressure Controllers. It i s used where continuously variable fuel input is required to maintain constant pressure. By eliminating overshooting and undershooting. Proportioning Control provides closer control than that possible with two or three position controllers. Write for descriptive literature. PROGRAM CONTROL

W h e e l c o continues to set the p a c e in control instrumentation standards by combining Prog r a m Control with the Proved-in-Service Superiority of the Wheelco Therm-otrol ("Radio Principle" Thermometer Controller). This n e w control combination permits the enforcement of any desired heating or cooling cycle, with completely automatic temperature regulation, plus the benefits of the extreme control sensitivity which distinguishes all Wheelco "Radio Principle" Controllers. These Controllers have unlimited applications in all types of processes for measuring—recording or indicating—and controlling temperatures up to 1000°F., or equivalent °C. The W h e e l c o Recording Program Therm-otrol gives you instantaneous control, a n extremely accurate temperature record, and dependable, automatic program supervision. Complete information on this new instrument is given in Bulletin G502. Write for your copy without obligation.

WUeelca utoaitutmenL· 6a. H a r r i s o n a n d Peoria S t r e e t s




C h i c a g o , 111.

Program Controllers permit the enforcement of any desired heating or cooling cycle with completely automatic regulation. Program Controllers consist of a synchronous motor driven disc, which is so contoured as to move an arm mechanically coupled to the temperature setting lever of a Capacitrol, Potentio-trol, or Therm-otrol. Rotation of the disc raises or lowers arm and changes temperature control setting to produce heating or cooling cycle desired. Complete information on request. CAPACTTROL An indicating millivoltmeter combined with a "Radio Principle" Temperature Controller. Temperature ranges between 0 and 3600°F., or equivalent °C. Completely described in Bulletin D2. POTENTIO-TROL Wheelco "Radio Principle" Control combined with potentiometric temperature measurement, for those applications requiring the utmost accuracy and sensitivity. Temperature ranges between 0 and 3600°F., or equivalent °C. Request Bulletin A 2 . THERM-OTROL Wheelco Therm-otrols ("Radio Principle" Thermometer Controllers) include both indicating and recording types. Temperature ranges from 0 to 1000°F., or equivalent °C. Write for Bulletin G502. Resistance Thermometers are available as indicators—either wall mounting or portable—and as indicating controllers. Temperature ranges between minus 50 and plus 400 °F., or equivalent ° C . Complete information is given in Bulletin G202. UMITROL A n Indicating Pyrometer with automatic furnace shut-off control, protecting against furnace overheating w h e n furnace temperatures rise above predetermined temperature point, whenever thermocouple break occurs, or upon failure of control, switching or electrical apparatus. May be used alone, or in conjunction with other controllers. Temperature ranges between 0 and 3600°F., or equivalent °C. See Bulletin D202. REMOTE CONTROLLERS

W H Y " R A D I O PRINCIPLE"? The "Radio Principle" is a simple electronic circuit applied to industrial control instruments. It eliminates the faults inherent in mechanical type controllers by the elimination of gears, cams, levers, motors, etc. Faster, more a c c u r a t e control results, because of its instantaneous action a n d freedom from all interlocking between indicating a n d control sections.

Visit us i n Booth No. 10 at the Chemical Show See new and interesting applications of Wheelco Controllers

The W h e e l c o Remote Controller employs the famous "Radio Principle" Control System, for applications other than temperature control, and can b e utilized for most applications where control is essential. Complete description i s given in Bulletin J2. RHEOTROL The Rheotrol is a manually operated temperature control for electrically heated furnaces, ovens, etc. It effects a considerable saving in power consumption by eliminating current waste thru rheostats. Stepless control permits holding of any desired temperature within the furnace range. Write for Bulletin J302. COMBUSTION SAFETY CONTROL The Wheelco Flame-otrol provides positive protection against combustion explosions. It is the only Combustion Safeguard approved by both Underwriters' Laboratories and the Associated Factory Mutual Laboratories for all types of fuel. Flame failure, for any reason, instantly shuts off fuel supply to the furnace. Bulletin L2.