when is a "Mettler" not a balance? when it's a Mettler thermal instrument for... conducting TGA/DTA/DTG on one sample at the same time
identifying materials by hot stage microscopy
measuring temperature to ±0.15°C
The Mettler Thermoanalyzer 2 allows you to directly compare these test data because test conditions are truly identical. Other systems use a single recorder, two samples and two in struments for TGA and DTA. This raises some question as to whether test environments and samples are identical — if you're lucky to have enough sample material for both tests.
Attach the M e t t l e r FP-2 to your microscope. Program the feedbackcontrolled linear heating system. The hot stage will automatically give you precisely c o n t r o l l e d temperature (±0.05°C) —from below room to 300°C — as long as you need it. Without the lags and surges experi enced with manually operated sys tems. Your eyes don't leave the microscope as you pushbutton record the temperatures at which thermal events occur. These temperatures are digitally displayed and stored on the FP-2's readout panel until you're ready to write them down.
The new Mettler TM-15 offers the important features you look for in a temperature measuring system. Accu racy. Ease of use. Economy. It can be used in a broad spectrum of tempera ture measurement applications. In li quid baths. In gas and d i s t i l l a t i o n p r o c e s s e s . For time-temperature r e l a t i o n s h i p re c o r d i n g . A n d in just about any laboratory applica tion where BTU's are added or re moved from a liquid, slurry, gas or solid. Depending on the temperature, accuracy will range from ±0.15 to ±0.5°C.
Work in multigrams as well as in mil ligrams with the Mettler Thermoana lyzer 2. It doesn't restrict you to the sometime-impractical, sometime-im possible small-sample conditions im posed by other systems. And it gives you one of the highest capacity/ weighing sensitivity ratios available anywhere. You can select any of three weighing ranges for your test. As the weight diagram is recorded for this range, an expanded scale dia gram is simultaneously plotted which amplifies the primary curve by a fac tor of 10. You're able to read the curve more accurately, and to detect all subtle slope changes. An invaluable pre-pilot plant research tool, the Thermoanalyzer 2 is a medium-priced, modular, table-top version of the research- and industryproven Mettler Thermoanalyzer 1. It will help you establish optimum para meters for your new processes, im prove existing manufacturing tech niques, reduce production costs and upgrade the quality of your product. Whether you're working with inor ganic materials at elevated tem peratures, or with polymers and or ganic chemicals at relatively lower Select from 26 temperatures, ing rates, or run heating or coolnations isotheryour d e t e r m i mosphericpresmally. At atcuum. In inert sure, or in vagases and gas o r corrosive mixtures.
Investigate all sorts of fusion phe nomena. Micro melting points. Equi librium melting points. Eutectic tem peratures. Indices of r e f r a c t i o n . Examine p o l y m o r p h i c substances. Study crystal growth rates. It will take you longer to write your report than to conduct your analysis. The FP-2 will help you in pharmaceutical re search. Use it with a polarizing micro scope to recognize the more soluble forms of thermodynamically stable pure drugs. It will show you how to make them. And stabilize them.
Readout of the TM-15 is completely digital — including the tenths-of-adegree value. Other systems claim digital readout, but you have to read tenths of a degree from a scale. So you have to be fairly close to the instrument. The TM-15 display is in large, especially legible numbers so you don't have to be on top of the reaction.
0 2 6.8 '[ The TM-15's platinum resistance ther mometer sensors can be interchanged without loss of accuracy. So if a sen sor is broken, order a new one from Mettler, plug it into your TM-15, and go about your work. Use the TM-15 to calibrate your other thermometers, especially those which are an important component of an other instrument such as the meter which measures the temperature of the column in a gas chromatograph. There are t w o other a u t o m a t i c "Mettlers" in the FP series. The FP-1 takes subjectivity out of melting and boiling point determinations. The FP-3 determines dropping points electron ically. Both are easy to use. Their digital displays are easy to read. For more information,
Or read temperatures in six different containers — up to 12 feet away — by using an optional multiple sensor unit and six sensors. Interface the TM-15 with recorders, controllers, monitors, alarm systems and any other instru ment which will accept a millivolt signal.
write Mettler Instrument Corporation, 20 Nassau St., Princeton, Ν J. 08540
Mettler® Circle No. 116 on Readers' Service Card ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 42, NO. 1, JANUARY 1970
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