When jet-propulsion needed Super-Steel chemistry helped produce it

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Timken Roller Bearing]

When iBfrpr&wMm «raM^'SiiP^eto^t chemistry helped produce it Today jet-propulsion is making aviation history. But jet-propulsion h u n g in the balance f o r years until c h e m i c a l r e s e a r c h p r o d u c e d a s t e e l which w o u l d withstand the red heat of 1 7 0 0 ° F. while whirling madly at 3 0 , 0 0 0 r . p . m .

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All attempts to make such a steel failed until T h e T i m k e n Roller Bearing Company's research produced Super-Steel — an alloy steel twice as strong at h i g h temperatures as any previously known.

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N o w , thanks t o research, the " S h o o t i n g Star"—Lockheed's famed jet-propelled fighter plane — is exciting the minds o f those w h o plan t h e future of commercial aviation. A n d in t h e heart of its jet-propulsion m o t o r i s a turbine wheel made of steel able to resist heat which w o u l d turn ordinary steels t o pur.ty.like masses.

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