Where do new Spencer "Poly®-Em"* Emulsions fit in the picture

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Where do new Spencer "Poly@-Em"* Emulsions fit in the picture ? That depends on your point of view. Right now, for i n s t a n c e , we can point out two specific areas where new Spencer " P o l y - E m " emulsions fit in as a n important ingredient in improving consumer products:

What is "Poly-Em"? I t ' s S p e n c e r s name for a new series of emulsions m a d e by a unique polymerization process. Initial commercial quantities of " P o l y - E m " p o l y e t h y l e n e emulsions a r e now available.

1. Floor polishes — increased durability, wearing life a n d soil resistance, plus high gloss. New 'manufacturing economies, too.

Why is "Poly-Em" different? "PolyE m " polyethylene e m u l s i o n s a r e the first such compounds made in ready-to-use emulsion form. T h e advanced polymerization process assures consistent q u a l i t y a n d out-

2. Textiles — better body a n d softness with greater scorch a n d abrasion resistance. N o d i s c o l o r a t i o n from aging. These are just two of the end-use applications we've explored to date. B u t then, " P o l y - E m " is still a yearling prodigy born of Spencer research. I t s unique properties also promise superior r e s u l t s in m a n y other applications — papers, paints, adhesives, leather a n d lumber treating, to n a m e a few.




standing uniformity of specification grade emulsions. Superior physical characteristics of " P o l y - E m " polyethylene emulsions a r e : high solids content, small particle size, low viscosity a n d c o n t r o l l e d molecular weight ( v a r i a b l e from 3,000 to 28,000 in nonionic form a n d 25,000 to 28,000 in anionic form). How can you use "Poly-Em"? Let your ingenuity be your guide. T o sample it without charge, just fill out this coupon now: I w a n t to know more about " P o l y - E m " : Please rush me free •

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