Where too many "cooks" DON'T spoil the broth! - C&EN Global

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Where too many "cooks" DON'T spoil the broth! fc


Good "cooking" makes for good cellulose. Here at Buckeye, giant 60-ton digesters give our raw materials just as fine a "cook" as m a n can devise! B u t . . . while each "cook" is in progress, samples are continuously being checked and tested in our laboratories. The result? Exacting down-the-line production control to guarantee you a Buckeye product precisely suited to your need. This is one of 27 controls used by Industry's first producer of c e l l u l o s e . . . a process t h a t combines care with imagination in the making of both cotton linters and high alpha wood cellulose. Two great plants . . . at Memphis, Term, and Foley, Fla. . . . offer t h e finest facilities for production, research, and customer service. If you have a cellulose problem, why not write to Buckeye? You'll find our staff of technicians easy to talk to . . . and, better still, quick with the answers! Please address inquiries to: Buckeye Cellulose Corporation, Dept. 5-2C, P.O. Box 6746, Memphis 8, Tenn.


.first in cellulose



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