who are never satisfied... - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - DOI: 10.1021/cen-v034n037.p4398. Publication Date: September 10, 1956. Copyright © 1956 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem...
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HPftotograph Cotirtesy-of-—^~— - the Fierschmarm Laboratories, Standard Brandi Incorpora^d

F r e e A n a l y s i s K i t . . . T h e S&S Filter Paper Sampler contains a generous assortment of 11 cm circles in a wide selection of grades. The S&S American filter papers represent a distinct advance i n the manufacture and treatment of Analytical Filter Papers. The purity and uniformity of S&S papers are far ahead of those found i n any European product, and systematic laboratory supervision of S&S production guarantees strict maintenance of this superiority. Send for your free sampler today, t f you have been using another brand of paper, here's your chance t o try the finest and compare right in your own laboratory with no obligation. Address Dept. IN.

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fe^%NîckeIvdimethyïglyoxîiner^ ^iiSilîcicfacfdrGJreèîpïtatéEl)*' ^^ntanium-hydroîCMÎe^^ _ ' SreohlamtBltliirifi^pf^on^

For highest precision specify ΟΟ available

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JÏH ι ^-v»"" " ^ ·τ r " * · * * * «A $*ϊ"}ΐτ'ΧΙΓ f " ^ * * L" t f ^


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Every year many chemists who were once satisfied with other brands standardize their procedure oii S&S A^alyticM^Filter Papers for consistent accuracy lot afteir lot, large selection of > ;grades,,andthè confidence that goes with Using the finest. And the finest costs no more. ~ Skilled S&S» research chemists developed the exclusive feantures that set S&S apart from ordinary filtration products. • FOR QUANTITATIVE GRADES: Less ttmn0jQ07%ashr-lovtert than any filter paper webepeveiyou^^

Even if you believe you are satisfied with your present filtration products» you owe it to yourself and your, work to try S&S f Analytical Filter Papers and filtration specialties, and : compare. Send for the free S&S Analysis Kit sampler described on the opposite page. It costs you nothing, mid there I J ; is no obligation. t ' " • ' 'i*:'^c- *, V" - * ^fJ 'ί We are proud to meet the challenge from chemists who aref , never satisfied. For,we at S&S are never satisfied. Through, , continued research Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co.;will ooh-;


S&S 589 Blue Ribbon ••j Û , •{Will retain moderatelyfine"^Γ ^^îprecîpitates^Ashfper^llfcrn;%j f** , >clrcle\'0.05Sr ^ / t ' * V \ ~\;J : Barium nitrate.jfrom - % .. ; ,;HNÛ3 media :.^\» „: \ Sodium chloride from Ν HCL media, : Λ ί , Strontium nitrate.frbm • H N 0 3 ' m e d i a n s *7% \


All papers except S&S 589-1-H a r c extensively used in chromatography a n d electrophoresis (available in sheets o r strips).

ANALYTICAL laboratory


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