Who Can Be Hosts? - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

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Vol. 22, No. 5

May 1, 1930

The New Refrigerant

the burden of the Atlanta meeting fell on perhaps not more than twenty-five willing and enthusiastic workers. One T I S a privilege to present in this issue the first discussion corporation entertained the SOCIETYat a memorable barbein print of a new refrigerant of lessened toxicity developed cue, but otherwise the meeting was financed by the local b y Thomas Llidgley, Jr., the discoverer of the use of tetra- section membrrs and by registration fees. When a liberal ethyl lead as the antiknock constituent of Eth) 1 gasoline, allowance above figures predicted for attendance n-as quickly assisted by il. L. Ilenne. You are referred to the article passed and our hosts were confronted with the necessity of for details. JTe wish here only to comment on the ingenuity accommodating almost twice as many as some had thought displayed in the search for a non-toxic and non-ii~flanimable mould attend, they did not lose their smile nor diminish coinpourid which TTould closely approach the refrigerating the degree and genuineness of their southern hospitality. engineer’s conception of an ideal substance for the purpose. K e r e extra places needed a t the dinner? Home folks stood Fluorine, itsclf a tox c material, substituted for hydrogen back, more places n-ere provided, and the event went on in an orgaiiic compound, has produced a gas as completely seemingly without a hitch. Were additional cars required noli-toxic as cwboii dioxide, and having a number of proper- for transportation? They appeared, and even the chairman ties which indicate it to be a new competitor for the gases of transportation did not knolv the source of all his assistance. which heretofore have held this field. It may be two years As outlined in our N E W EDITION story, no fault could be before the rominercial production of the new refriserant will found with the cooperation of the hotels and the churches be accomplislied, but already engineers are laying plans for that furnished meeting rooms, but we would emphasize the the use of refrigeration in places where they h a w hesitated net result-namely, a successful meeting of large proportions to venture, because of the inflammable, the toxic, or (1434 registered) managed by a section small in numbers, but the corrosive properties of materials used. We hear much self-sufficient in its energ?. Who can be host t o the AMERICANCHEMICALSOCIETY of the cooling or air-conditioning of our homes, which is soon to follow air-conditioning of theatres, halls, and other depends on willingness, on living accommodations in the public gathering places. B u t there are other demands for locality, and suitable meeting places. It is now possible such modern improvements. for meetings of the SOCIETYto go to those locations, not only I n some mines, valuable ore deposits lie protected by where it is invited, but where its presence may be of great temperatures in which men cannot work to advantage, potency in furthering the science and supporting the work of and in industry the lot of the workman, in more than one chemists in the vicinity. instance, can be improved if air-conditioning, involving refrigeration, can be carried on with greater safety. Here again we have another example of the great earning power of research. What has been done will prove it steppingstone to other accomplishments. The multitude of diffi“ culties involved in commercial exploitation will be met and Popular Science Monthly has announced, in a n impressive overcome, and the laboratory will be able to claim one more manner, the establishment of an award for scientific achievetriumph. As to the non-technical public, we can be ex- ment which is to be made annually “to the American citizen cused for reminding them that they should look for and find who, in the opinion of the distinguished members of a comthe label, “A Product of American Chemistry.” mittee of award, has been responsible for the current achievement in science of greatest potential value to the world.” The award is a gold medal and $10,000. It will be made first in September, 1930, and the yearly period which will be HE unqualified success of the Atlanta meeting serves considered will be the twelve months ending June 30. All to emphasize the specifications for those mho may be scientific workers, professional and amateur, academic and hosts to the AMERICAN CHEhlICaL SOCIETYat one of its commercial, are eligible, provided they are American citizens. national meetings. h’ot so many years ago, the plan of Nominations or suggestions should be sent to Dean Colin P. meetings and the lack of participation on the part of those Bliss, Director, Popular Science Institute, 381 Fourth attending in the expenses incident thereto served somewhat Avenue, S e w York City. to limit locations in which meetings could be held without This award, which is the largest single monetary prize in undue burden on local members. All that has changed. America for scientific accomplishment, is to serve two purThe requirements now are not “HOWlarge is your section, poses: “to heighten the interest of the American people and what financial support can be obtained?” but rather, in those conquests of the laboratory and the workshop “Have you a few really energetic and cooperative workers? which benefit the whole community;” and “to focus atHave you sufficient hotel accommodations? And can tention upon the many scientific workers who, without satisfactory facilities for meeting places be provided?” thought of personal profit, toil to better man’s control over The total membership of the AMERICANCHEMICALSo- his physical surroundings.” CIETY in the State of Georgia is less than one hundred, and With no limitation whatever imposed with respect to the


An Award for Scientific Achievement

Who Can Be Hosts?