Who will provide the building blocks that will shape Stacey's future

Nov 7, 2010 - ... 59 (28), Inside Front Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v059n028.ifc. Publication Date: July 13, 1981. Copyright © 1981 American Chemical Soc...
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Who will provide the building blocks that will shape Stacey's future? The chemical technology resource. At Allied Chemical, we've been helping to shape the future for over 60 years. We know that as Stacey grows, so will her needs. She'll have a growing appetite for wholesome and nourishing food. She'll need newer and better housing; safer, faster and more efficient transportation. She'll need more information to feed her young mind. Allied Chemical is playing an important part in helping to meet Stacey's needs. Our unique plant food technology is helping to create an agricultural revolution in the way we grow our food. Our oxime technology is providing the basic building blocks for a new generation of agricultural and pharmaceutical chemicals. Our fine chemicals are setting new standards for quality in the preservation of food. And in electronics,

Allied Chemical's low particle chemicals are providing the ultra-purity required by today's state-of-the-art devices for tomorrow's ever-faster information systems. In the field of solar power, our chrome chemical technology is being used to develop new sources of energy. It's all part of a long term commitment to chemical technology. A commitment that is reflected in our special product responsibility programs and in our deep involvement with research and development—an effort which has been doubled and redoubled in the past few years. Why? Because Allied Chemical is determined to provide the finest in chemical products— not just for today, but for the foreseeable future—Stacey's future. Allied Chemical, P.O. Box 2064R, Morristown, NJ 07960·

The chemical technology resource

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