Why men who know specify Oronite - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Why men who know specify Oronite


The maintenance of high qualify standards in mass production of industrial chemicals has established Oronite as a prime source of


supply to the chemical and processing industries. This combination



of quality and quantity is reflected in a group of Oronite's "-W,sâ-yH



S u r f a c e Active Agents •lÎJilMiBîHJiMltl!aiHJilliB8l'fcWMMillinîTinTîlEgTÎTi«ilÎiItl*M*·

! T h e great variety of uses for t h e many ; Oronite Surface Active Agents covers e v e r y t h i n g from textile processing t o ore flotation. Typical application j of three such O r o n i t e products are shown below.


A partial list of other Oronite Chemicals

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Detergent Alkane Detergent Slurry Detergent D-60 , Lubricating Oil Additives Cresylic Acids Gas Odorants Polybutenes Purified Sulfonate Naphthenic Acids Phthalic Anhydride Ortho Xylene Para Xylene Xylol . Aliphatic Acid Hydrofornier Catalyst

WETTING AGENT "S" is an outstanding . emulisiner for alkyd and vinyl resins and polymerized butènes. Its use improves water type surface coatings by increasing spreading and penetrating power. It is useful in the grinding of pigments and as a dispersing agent for pigments and dry colors.

ORONITE D-40, while primarily a detergent, also has high surface active properties - which make it an ideal wetting agent in compounds marketed in dry powder or 4 slurry form. Used in water soluble pastes : and glues, D-40 increases spreading power -< and penetration, facilitates mixing. t

, SODIUM SULFONATES find valuable application as components in metal de-greasing ' compounds because of their ability to ' emulsify oils and greases. They are also valuable as detergent solubilizers, and I as components in soluble oils, cutting ; oils and ore flotation reagents. They are j produced in grades ranging from low ' molecular weight (water soluble) to high ; molecular weight (oil soluble).


: If y o u are interested in i m p r o v i n g ; your processing or developing better j products through t h e use of Surface 1 Active Agents, write to Oronite for ι more detailed information.

ORONITE CHEMICAL COMPANY 3 8 S;ÀN.SOME.ST, S A N F R A N C I S C O 4 ; , C A M F . . , · ' S T A N D A R D OIL BCDÔ., L O S A N p E L E S 1 5, C A L I F . 3 0 R O C K E F E L L E R P L A Z A , N E W - Y O R K 2 0 , N.Y. * L 6 0 0 S. M I C H I G A N A V E N U E , C H I C A G O 5, ILL. '-••'' M E R C A N T I L E S E C U R I T I E S BLDG.. DALLAS. TEXAS ^ ^