WHY PAY for 3-craft maintenance when just one will do? - C&EN

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for 3-craft maintenance when just one will do? With a frame - mounted chemical pump, piping and electrical connections have to be broken to remove the rotating element. Not so with the Goulds 3196-STD pump. With its back pull-out design, only a millwright is required for maintenance. You save the cost of disconnecting and reconnecting piping and electricity. Take your 3-craft pump maintenance labor costs for the past year. Divide by 3. Your savings are about 66%. Real significant savings! A n d this is but one of many savings you'll realize with Goulds 3196-STD, the chemical pump designed to increase processing profits by reducing processing costs. The Goulds 3196-STD line is c o m plete, 17 sizes all 23K" long. It will

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provide economic hydraulic coverage of over 95% of chemical process i n dustry pumping requirements. Head range, 10 to 425 feet T D H . Capacities, 5 to 775 GPM. Temperatures, - 3 5 0 ° F to +500°F. Working pressure, 275 P S I G ; h y d r o s t a t i c p r e s s u r e , 415 PSIG. Pump available in any machinable alloy. Three big areas of savings with the 3 1 9 6 - S T D . 1. L o w e r m a i n t e n a n c e costs, 2. Lower inventory costs, 3. Lower construction costs. Be wise. Goulds standardize! Have all these savings. Start pump by pump as well as by project. Get complete specifications from our Bulletin 725.1. W r i t e : Goulds Pumps, Inc., Dept. CEN-102, Seneca Falls, New York.

G O U L D S (g) P U M P S

231/2/17 the new standard in pumps In the Goulds 3196-STD series there are 17 pump sizes, all having one common length of

23 1 / 2 ".

A. ONE length for all sizes—23të" Β. ONE coupling for all sizes—lVe" C. ONE dimension end of suction to centerline of discharge—4" D. ONE bolt size to hold to base— l A" E. ONE bolt spacing F. ONE spacer coupling length for all sizes— 3Yz "