Why take the long way 'round? - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Recovery of alanine from its hydrochloride salt ordinarily involves neutralization by sodiu?n hydroxide, to give a solution of the amino acid and sodium chloride. Isolation of the acid from salt calls for extraction ami subsequent crystallization — a roundabout method of purification. A more direct method is the adsorption of the hydrochloride molécule by AMBERLITE IR-4B. The amino acid passes nnadsorbed into the effluent, and crystallization produces pure alanine.

Salt conversion with Amberlite Ion Exchange Resins The liberation of weak bases from their salts represents a new field of application for the acid-adsorbent p r o p erties of AMBERLITE IR-4B. T h e s e exchange properties, also extensively used i n conjunction with the cation exchanger, AMBERLITE IR-100, produce completely deionized water comparable in p u r i t y to single distilled. T h e function of AMBERLITE IR-4B in liberating weak bases results from the fact that t h e resin is sufficiently basic to remove acid formed by the hydrolysis of certain dissolved salts. T h i s new concept in ion exchange technology opens interesting potentialities for t h e AMBERLITES. For special chemical processes . . . for the softening or complete deionization of water . . . investigate the AMBERLITES. O u r technical staff will be glad to discuss potential uses.

H a n d y Facts about i h e AmberBites You '11 find plenty of zvorthiv hile information about the AMBERLITES in OUT nciu Laboratory Manual, zohich suggests many zvays hz xvhich these Ion Exchange Resins can help you. Write for your copy. The Resinous Products