Wide Variety of N e w Instruments Highlights ISA Exhibit those on instrumentation, management and education. Workshops and clinics featured informative, instructive sessions. The clinic on analytical instruments was of particular interest to those in the field of analytical chemistry, and the cooperation of the contributing companies (Beckman, Mine Safety Appliances, Leeds & Northrup, North American Phillips, and Perkin-Elmer) along with the ISA committee made the clinic a noteworthy success. Company personnel staffed the various exhibit booths and were on hand to demonstrate equipment, distribute literature, and answer questions of interested visitors. In addition to the booths sponsored by individual companies, an entire display area was devoted to special projects in measurement and con-
NEW YORK. An impressive array of new instruments was shown for the first time at the Instrument-Automation Exhibit held here during the week of Sept. 17-21. The Instrument Society of America took over the New York Coliseum fcr its 11th Annual Meeting and incorporated the use of 85,000 square feet of booths for displaying products ranging from instruments for continuous analysis of chemical streams to remote controllers for guided missiles and compact desk-top digital computers. Thousands of people representing science and industry, including many foreign visitors, attended the week-long event. Almost 200 papers emphasizing new concepts and techniques were presented at the technical meetings, and several symposia were held, including
Thermometers In Stock f o r I m m e d i a t e D e l i v e r y . Ranges and Immersion Lengths to meet Practically Every Need. 8315 Ace-Engraved Stem I - 1 0 / 3 0 Joint—Centigrade Scale. 828S and 8290 Kimbie—Centrigrade Scale. 8295 Kimble-Fahrenheit Scale. 8300 Kimble—Centigrade Scale.
trol now on the workbenches of eight leading universities. Several foreign firms—Japanese, English, German, The Netherlands, Italian, and French—also displayed samples of their instrument development and added to the international flavor of the entire program. The following items are some that were shown for the first time at this exhibit and may be of interest to our readers. New Instruments for Gas and Liquid Analysis A thermal conductivity analyzer and two models of their LIRA infrared analyzers were shown by the Mine Safety Appliances Co. All three instruments feature the specific measurement and accurate analysis of a single component in a mixture of gases or liquids. The thermal conductivity apparatus takes advantage of convective heat loss in addition to the standard thermal conductivity principles by using four detector cells instead of the usual two. The filaments of all four cells are connected to form the arms of a Wheatstone bridge, and control of the effects of appropriate bridge arms permits application of the instrument in a variety of gas analysis problems. The Model 100 LIRA infrared analyzer incorporates the null balance principle by varying voltage on one infrared source, and the manufacturer recommends it for use in problems requiring extreme sensitivity. Where streams are of a very complex nature, the high selectivity and stability of this apparatus make it particularly suitable. Operating on the principle of direct deflection, the Model 200 LIRA infrared analyzer is applicable in problems
Ace h a s t h e Thermometer you want. For Complete Listing of Thermometers see Ace Cat, "50." Also Carried in Stock at our Louisville Warehouse.
(^CaûiiiKXic Sfi-cdaCCiùi
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For further information, circle number 82 A on Readers' Service Card, page 79 A
82 A
where stability is required, but extreme sensitivity and selectivity are not so essential. This model features a compact assembly, with all component ANALYTICAL
parts mounted on a swing-out chassis, housed in a single case. 1 Thermal Conductivity Cell
For applications in gas chromatography and others which require a constant temperature of 200° C. or higher, the Gow-Mac Instrument Co. is introducing a new temperature regulated cell, Model TR-ll-B. The apparatus contains no liquids, fans, nor moving parts, and is complete and ready for operation after gas flow and electrical connections are made. The massive heater block, mounted beneath the thermal conductivity cell, contains the heater element, thermoswitch, and passages for warming inlet samples and reference gases. The company says that mass of over two pounds gives high thermal stability and that eight-filament cells may also be used in this assembly. 2
I'sing a single electrode, which combines both the reference and glass electrodes, the meter is capable of operating in the range of 2 to 12 pH. It has a memory dial for use in standardizing and operates from simple, inexpensive batteries. 3 Portable Oxygen Analyzer
A completely self-contained, portable instrument for measuring oxygen is now
pH Meter in Pocket-Size Model
A new pocket pH meter for measuring acidity and alkalinity is now made by the Scientific Instruments Division, Beckman Instruments, Inc. The company says the chief features of this battery-operated instrument are its accuracy, dependability, and easy operation.
manufactured by Arnold 0. Beckman, Inc. Designated the Model D2, it is said to be capable of measuring oxygen in almost any mixture of gases with accuracy unaffected by the other gases present. No chemicals arc used ; two flashlight batteries provide the lamp current. According to the company, range is 0-25% 0 2 and accuracy is ± 0 . 5 % O,.. 4 Ultrasonic Apparatus for Cleaning Laboratoryware
A small, compact instrument, Model AP-10-B is the newest in its line of ultrasonic cleaning apparatus, Branson ultrasonic Corp. announces. The Sonogen ultrasonic generator is designed specifically for bench-top washing operations of delicate, intricate parts. Ultrasonic activation of the solvent does the cleaning by literally blasting soils away from the surfaces to be cleaned. Effective, though gentle, the scrubbing action reaches all surfaces accessible to the fluid, including areas almost impossible to reach by conventional cleaning methods, according to the manufacturer. The apparatus consists of a power For further information, see coupon on page 79 A
ζ Despatch r.
New Truck-loading... Batch Type J
CHEMICAL DRYING OVEN • Models available in 3 temperature ranges • Controlled exhaust of saturated air • Complete removal of explosive volatile • A v a i l a b l e for gas, electric or steam • Optional equipment includes loading truck, extra shelves, timed exhaust, special controls and larger capacities
For convenience of handling large batches of chemicals, the Despatch No. V-39 is the a n s w e r ideal, too, for finish baking, curing, aging, dehydrating or preheating any heat reactive product. The V-39 easily handles big fully loaded floor trucks that can be rolled right into the oven. Specially arranged horizontal ducts provide a uniform, high volume blast of air over and under each shelf to assure thorough drying. Available in 3 temperature ranges: Standard 100°-500° F.; Heavy D u t y 250°-650° F.; Super Duty 450°-850° F.
Write for Bulletin 100
DESPATCH OVEN COMPANY 3 4 1 Despatch Building, Minneapolis 14, Minnesota
For further information, circle number 83 A on Readers' Service Card, page 79 A
2 8, N O .
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83 A
generator and a cylindrical cleaning tank with transducers hermetically sealed into the base. Tanks are available in capacities of 1 pint, 1 quart, or 1/2 gallon, with a maximum effective clean ing area of 18 square inches. 5 Sulfuric Acid Recorder
A new instrument, available for sul furic acid measurements as a single- or multiple-point recorder, and as a con troller in either electric or pneumatic form, was shown by Leeds & Xorthrup Co. Their Speedomax sulfuric acid re corder utilizes molded plastic cells of 25 constant, eliminating the need for a ratio measurement. Automatic tem perature compensators are another fea
ture. Standard ranges of 96.5-99.5% H 2 S0 4 and 98.0-99.7% H 2 S0 4 , as well as other sulfuric acid and oleum ranges, are available. 6
An air line can be provided for applica tions involving gas absorbing solutions.
Turbidity Measurement pH Electrode Assembly
A flange-type pH electrode mounting for direct installation on a standard 3inch flanged tee was another item fea tured by Leeds & Northrup. Flow-type housing, designed for use with standard electrodes at temperatures up to 100° C. and pressures up to 100 p.s.i.g., was also exhibited. Enclosed in an integral housing, the electrodes constantly moni tor a sample solution conducted to the unit. All components in contact with the solution are made of stainless steel.
The Turbistat, an instrument which permits continuous monitoring of tur bidity in fluids and measurement of sus pensions as low as .05 parts per million, was displayed for the first time at the ISA show by Baird Associates-Atomic Instrument Co. A dual-beam unit, the new apparatus operates on the principle whereby light scattered by suspended particles is com pared with fluid-transmitted light. Com pany engineers claim that the Turbistat reduces errors due to common node effects. There is no zero drift. 8 Laboratory Gas Analyzer
RBENCY Scouring and honing are things of the past . . . when you install "U.S." Chemical Porcelain Laboratory Sinks. These attractive blue-grey sinks have rounded corners inside and out and are completely non-absorbent, hence non-staining — as easy to clean as a porcelain dish. The glass-smooth, glazed finish is an integral part of the solid porcelain body — won't chip or peel and has virtually universal corrosion resistance. Hospital, Biological and similar laboratories appreciate these superior sanitary qualities . . . and buy more "U.S." Chemical Porcelain Laboratory Sinks than any other kind! Although the finest sinks available anywhere, they cost less . . . because modern production methods enable us to quantity produce them. And they are stocked in a wide range of standard types and sizes for quick delivery. We make special sinks too, and lots of them, but in the majority of cases there is a "U.S." Chemical Porcelain Sink in a standard size that meets all requirements . . . saving the buyer time, money and inconvenience
Precise measurement of gases, except the diatomics, is possible with the Model KV-1 analyzer, a new laboratory instru ment featured by Baird-Atomic at the New York exhibit. The KV-1 is de signed to facilitate study of gas char acteristics in existing systems without necessitating use of full-scale equipment. The company claims it is an econom ical infrared instrument, costing less than most standard equipment of this type, and it is said to handle routine gas analyses in a fraction of the time usually involved. A negative filter, nondispersive analyzer, it has addi tional application in tracer studies of N l s and similar isotopes. 9 Line-Operated pH Meter Available
A fully-stabilized, line-operated pH meter, manufactured by the Photovolt Corp., includes glass and calomel elec trodes but is also usable with electrodes of other makes. Said to be fast, rugged,
For further information, circle number 84 A on Readers' Service Card, page 79 A
84 A
and dependable, it features a scale range from pll 0 to 14, and divisions to 0.2 For further information, see coupon on page 79 A ANALYTICAL
pH unit, readable and reproducible to 0.1 pH unit. Several accessories are available, including adapters for use of the meter with different electrodes and a leatherette carrying case. 10 N e w Electronic Resistance Thermometer Features High Accuracy
A new direct temperature reading instrument, which is said to be the first thermometer capable of covering the range from - 1 0 0 ° C. to 900° C , has been introduced by the Manostat Corp. A special circuit in the Wheatstone
bridge is responsible for the direct reading feature, eliminating time consuming calculations normally required with high precision resistance thermometry. The high accuracy of this instrument, with .1° C. up to 400° C , and .2° C. up to 900° C , is maintained by individual calibration of each resistance bulb and bridge, the manufacturer says. Hermetically sealed heads cover the vacuum scaled platinum elements and leads in the resistance bulb. A plug-in controller accessory with .05° C. reproducibility is also available. 11 Process Radiation Service
Expanding further into the rapidly growing field of nuclear radiation, Isotope Products announces a new Process Radiation Service. The three phases of the service are: the availability of professional consultation service and technical assistance on radiation applications ; the construction of a pilot plant with a powerful gamma source which will be utilized for irradiation of a wide range of products; and the design and construction of individual commercial units for production line irradiation techniques. 12
Air Driven Magnetic Stirrer
Developed to stir open or closed vessels in the presence of explosive vapors or liquids, the new Labline magnetic stirrer is said to eliminate the hazard of the usual electric motor and rheostat. The air motor is fully enclosed with a built-in muffler, and will operate on air pressures as low as 3 lbs. Variable speed is obtained by varying the air supply to the air motor with a built-in needle valve. The sturdy cast aluminum housing has a removable aluminum top which can be replaced by a heater top if desired. Three sizes of Teflon-covered stirring bars, in both cylindrical and Egg Bar shapes, are available for use with the stirrer. 13 Electronic Filter Eliminates Interference
The availability of the Reverter, a pulse-height analyzing device, is announced by the; X-Ray Dept. of General Electric. When used wdth the disFor further information, see coupon on page 79 A
COORS U.S.A. Porous Bottom
CRUCIBLES Coors Porous Bottom Crucibles produced in chemical porcelain by an exclusive process—are exceptionally sturdy, dependable filtering crucibles that give unlimited service under the most exacting conditions. World-wide acceptance by discrimii ing chemists attests to their perfection
86 A
No. 86 A-1 on Readers' Service
Card, page 79 A
No. 86 A-2 on Readers'
Card, page
79 A
criminator in the scaler circuit of a detector unit, the Reverter is capable of eliminating higher order reflections in the low element range.
N e w Vacuum Dryer Available
Known as the Rota-Cone, a new vacuum dryer is being made by Paul 0. Abbe, Inc. The conical-shaped apparatus rotates continuously during operation, resulting in fast, uniform drying and thorough blending of a wide range of materials. A high vacuum removes vapor-laden air and reduces vapor pressure, permitting drying to take place at moderate temperatures. The Rota-Cone can be equipped with a condenser when volatile-solvent recovery is essential. The equipment consists of a completely insulated heating jacket, antifriction main bearings, gear guards, and variable speed drive. The Rota-
G r a p h shows determination of low percentage of silicon in steel using the Reverter with a G-E XRD-5S x - r a y diffraction unit, N o . 4 flow counter t u b e , and helium atmosphere spectrometer
The company claims it is an electronic filter, permitting measurement of a chosen wave length band and discrimination or filtration of both higher and lower energy radiation. It fits directly between the pre-amplifier unit and the scaler input sensitivity control of the x-rav diffraction instrument. 14
Cone is available in steel, stainless steel, aluminum, Monel, and bronze. Operating capacities range from 1 to 325 cubic feet. 15 Service Coverage for Scientific Instruments
A unique service and repair plan is being established by the Chicago Apparatus Co. for the users of expensive scientific instruments. Though similar coverage has been available for television sets and office machines, this is the first time such a plan has been offered in the scientific field, covering apparatus costing up to $10,000 per unit, says the manufacturer. A company spokesman says the plan will provide protection against very costly repairs on highly complex instruments. Periodic inspection of equipment by qualified Chicago Apparatus personnel will be part of the new service, and emergency repairs will be scheduled for immediate performance. 16
For further information, see coupon on page 79 A
FORCED DRAFT PORTABLE OVEN For OPERATION from 35° C. to 280Ï C. ± .5?C This o v e n is especially r e c o m m e n d e d f o r use in l a b o r a t o r i e s w o r k i n g w i t h steel, rubber, f o o d s , chemicals, p h a r maceuticals a n d electronics. • W o r k i n g chamber t e m p e r a t u r e w i t h in 1° C. • N e w m e t h o d o f h e a t convection — Heated air t r a n s m i t t e d t o f r o n t o f chamber a l o n g side w a l l s , then d i rected h o r i z o n t a l l y across shelves t o the back. • No loss o f heat a t d o o r . Static pressure f r o m f o r c e d d r a f t convection prevents i n f i l t r a t i o n o f cooler a i r f r o m outside. • Constructed h e a v y g a u g e enameled steel e x t e r i o r . Treated f o r rust resistance. • • •
Interior chamber o f polished c o r r o sion-resistant stainless steel. Ball b e a r i n g m o t o r silent in o p e r a t i o n . Produces r a p i d heat e x c h a n g e . Three inches of p r e - c o m p r e s s e d , non-settling f i r e p r o o f glass w o o l i n sulation between walls.
SPECIFICATIONS Model No 1303 1302
Interior Size Current Characteristics W. D. H. 110 or 220 V . A C 131/2 1200 Watts U>/2 20 1600 Watts 19V2 Send for complete
THE 5047
No. of Shelves
Ship. Wt. Lbs. 175
Price F.O.B. Phila. $225.00 395.00
Recessed control panel with visi-glas protection. Complete visibility of controls at all times, but transparent control cover prevents accidental or unauthorized a d justment. Panel light illuminates controls at all times.
HEATERS /^gV* The Heater* are, controlled by q four position switch, thereby permitting ace y rate temperature c o r i t r o i . a t ^ 9 C , 180° C. and 280° C , and is adjustable |0 «tt aifier temperatures withI*I. ils -range. • Comes complete with two solid stainless steel shelves and laboratory thermometer. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT . . . Limitstat (over temperature control); Limiter (timer) and glass-viewing door.
3 5,
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88 A