Will CORPORATION - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Will CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1954, 26 (11), pp 28A–28A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60095a731. Publication Date: November 1954. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In ...
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$ 2 2 5 g e t s y o u t w o i n ο ru

. . . a colorimeter . . . a spectrophotometer

the Society. In Canada, the institution selented must be approved by the Chemical Institute of Canada and the ACS. A fellowship will be awarded to the applicant believed capable of con­ tributing most to the advancement of the theory and practice of analytical chemistry during the fellowship and in the future. It will be voted contingent upon the successful candidate's obtain­ ing acceptance from the institution and professor selected for the study program sponsored.

A Precision Analysis of a Propitious Problem Reasons for Membership in the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society

EASY TO TRAIN lab personnel with this simplified, s p e e d y a n d accurate 3 control design. N o t e compact g r o u p i n g of controls, a n d easy r e a d i n g a n g l e o f the clear, l a r g e scale.

Here are four reasons why you will be proud to own Bausch & Lomb's new Spectronic 20 Colorimeter. 1. It will do both colorimetry and spectro­ photometry, yet costs less than most colorim­ eters alone. Only $22 5 without calibrations. 2. Even at this low price, there is n o sacrifice in quality, accuracy, o r speed of operation. T h e Β & L Certified-Precision Diffraction Grating, 600 grooves per mm, eliminates fil­ ters throughout the 375-650πΐμ range, and to 950πΐμ with a quick change of phototube and supplementary infrared transmitting fil­ ter. Monochromatic light of high spectral purity is assured by t h e n a r r o w 2 0 m m band pass. 3 . Heat and humidity will not h a r m the phototube and microammeter. Y o u simply plug in parts and replacements; replacement tubes are standard, available locally, and need no special balancing o r calibrating.

S M O O T H RESTFUL, ivory finish o f d i e cast case blends perfectly in modern labs. N o corners make cleaning easy. Takes up only 14'/2" χ 10 2 A" bench space.

4 . Tests with instruments priced two to three times higher show that the Spectronic 20 is more accurate, faster, and more economical than these other colorimeters and spectropho­ tometers. For S15 additional, you can have the timesaving Spectronic 20 Calibration Methods Manual containing 4 1 authoritative most commonly used clinical calibrations o n plastic-coated bristol board pages. N o addi­ tional factory o r other calibration necessary. 9076T—Colorimeter (B & L Spectronic 2 0 ) 907ST—Colorimeter and Methods

STURDY A N D SIMPLE — n o vibration problems. Easy-to-clean, t r o u b l e - f r e e design permits quick, low-cost, selfservice maintenance.


Manual. . . . $240

For complete description of the Spectronic 20 Color­ imeter, just ask us for Β & L Brochure D-266.


CORPORATION and subsidiaries


Scientific in WILL


1. Because analytical chemistry is t h e basis of .your career. 2. W i t h increased membership enrolled t h e Division of Analytical Chemistry carries more weight in official A C S policy activities. 3. T o enhance further t h e past decade of t h e upsurge in recognition of analytical chemistry as a prime basis supporting all advances in chemical theory a n d technology. 4. Because your career promo­ tion involves active professional group associations. 5. Because t h e yearly dues are only one dollar. 6. Your entire annual dues p a y m e n t serves as a credit toward t h e purchase of t h e combined a b ­ stracts of national convention pro­ gram papers. B y such use your annual dues are in reality refunded. 7. Y o u b u y for one dollar vot­ ing rights in t h e selection of t h e divi­ sion officers and receive t h e abstracts of papers sponsored by t h e division a t each of t w o national conventions annually. 8. Your n a m e a n d address will appear in t h e "Directory of Members, Division of Analytical C h e m i s t r y . " T h e second edition will issue in 1955. This is t h e W h o ' s W h o of analytical chemistry. 9. Because t h e division officers need your dollar dues better t o pro­ mote professional projects beneficial to its membership. 10. Most of all we need you in " t h e band wagon" as career analysts. T h e division, as a n enlarged group, will be enabled t o "throw its weight a r o u n d . " Look how similar projects influenced Congress on behalf of t h e farm block.

ROCHESTER 3, Ν. Y. · ATLANTA 1, GA. · NEW YORK 12, N. Y. · BALTIMORE 3, MD. · BUFFALO 5, Ν. Υ. For further information, circle number 28 A on Readers' Service Card, page 47 A

28 A