$ 2 2 5 g e t s y o u t w o i n ο ru
. . . a colorimeter . . . a spectrophotometer
the Society. In Canada, the institution selented must be approved by the Chemical Institute of Canada and the ACS. A fellowship will be awarded to the applicant believed capable of con tributing most to the advancement of the theory and practice of analytical chemistry during the fellowship and in the future. It will be voted contingent upon the successful candidate's obtain ing acceptance from the institution and professor selected for the study program sponsored.
A Precision Analysis of a Propitious Problem Reasons for Membership in the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society
EASY TO TRAIN lab personnel with this simplified, s p e e d y a n d accurate 3 control design. N o t e compact g r o u p i n g of controls, a n d easy r e a d i n g a n g l e o f the clear, l a r g e scale.
Here are four reasons why you will be proud to own Bausch & Lomb's new Spectronic 20 Colorimeter. 1. It will do both colorimetry and spectro photometry, yet costs less than most colorim eters alone. Only $22 5 without calibrations. 2. Even at this low price, there is n o sacrifice in quality, accuracy, o r speed of operation. T h e Β & L Certified-Precision Diffraction Grating, 600 grooves per mm, eliminates fil ters throughout the 375-650πΐμ range, and to 950πΐμ with a quick change of phototube and supplementary infrared transmitting fil ter. Monochromatic light of high spectral purity is assured by t h e n a r r o w 2 0 m m band pass. 3 . Heat and humidity will not h a r m the phototube and microammeter. Y o u simply plug in parts and replacements; replacement tubes are standard, available locally, and need no special balancing o r calibrating.
S M O O T H RESTFUL, ivory finish o f d i e cast case blends perfectly in modern labs. N o corners make cleaning easy. Takes up only 14'/2" χ 10 2 A" bench space.
4 . Tests with instruments priced two to three times higher show that the Spectronic 20 is more accurate, faster, and more economical than these other colorimeters and spectropho tometers. For S15 additional, you can have the timesaving Spectronic 20 Calibration Methods Manual containing 4 1 authoritative most commonly used clinical calibrations o n plastic-coated bristol board pages. N o addi tional factory o r other calibration necessary. 9076T—Colorimeter (B & L Spectronic 2 0 ) 907ST—Colorimeter and Methods
STURDY A N D SIMPLE — n o vibration problems. Easy-to-clean, t r o u b l e - f r e e design permits quick, low-cost, selfservice maintenance.
Manual. . . . $240
For complete description of the Spectronic 20 Color imeter, just ask us for Β & L Brochure D-266.
CORPORATION and subsidiaries
Scientific in WILL
1. Because analytical chemistry is t h e basis of .your career. 2. W i t h increased membership enrolled t h e Division of Analytical Chemistry carries more weight in official A C S policy activities. 3. T o enhance further t h e past decade of t h e upsurge in recognition of analytical chemistry as a prime basis supporting all advances in chemical theory a n d technology. 4. Because your career promo tion involves active professional group associations. 5. Because t h e yearly dues are only one dollar. 6. Your entire annual dues p a y m e n t serves as a credit toward t h e purchase of t h e combined a b stracts of national convention pro gram papers. B y such use your annual dues are in reality refunded. 7. Y o u b u y for one dollar vot ing rights in t h e selection of t h e divi sion officers and receive t h e abstracts of papers sponsored by t h e division a t each of t w o national conventions annually. 8. Your n a m e a n d address will appear in t h e "Directory of Members, Division of Analytical C h e m i s t r y . " T h e second edition will issue in 1955. This is t h e W h o ' s W h o of analytical chemistry. 9. Because t h e division officers need your dollar dues better t o pro mote professional projects beneficial to its membership. 10. Most of all we need you in " t h e band wagon" as career analysts. T h e division, as a n enlarged group, will be enabled t o "throw its weight a r o u n d . " Look how similar projects influenced Congress on behalf of t h e farm block.
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