Will CORPORATION - American Chemical Society

Write us for literature and prices, or phone the Will warehouse nearest you. ... bridge, England, April 4 to 6. ... Third Annual Conference on Mass Sp...
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NEWS A d v a n c e s in Chelate Chemistry A Symposium on F u n d a m e n t a l a n d Applied Advances in Chelate Chemistry will be sponsored b y t h e Polytechnic I n s t i t u t e of Brooklyn April 29 a n d 30 in t h e Engineering Societies Building, 29 West 39th St., N e w York, as a fea­ ture of i t s centennial year celebration which is being marked under t h e t h e m e "Science, Engineering, Research for H u m a n Well-Being." Cooperating in t h e symposium a r e t h e American C y anamid Co., General Aniline & Film Corp., Geigy Industrial Chemicals, Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., Versenes, I n c . , Victor Chemical Works, a n d t h e M o n ­ santo Chemical Co. W . Conard F e r nelius, Pennsylvania State University, is chairman.

This is what you see on the reading scale of the WILL Catalog No. 3 0 3 8 T Mettler Type B5 Balance, actual size. Weight is 1 2 3 . 7 3 0 0 g.

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Fundamental Principles, April 29 Opening

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Molecular Orbital Theory. G. E. KIM­ BALL, Columbia University Results of Crystal Structure Determina­ tions. B. P. BLOCK, Pennsylvania State University. Enthalpy and Entropy Effects in Chelation. REED M. IZATT, Mellon Institute.

with this balance! You get high accuracy, in less than 30 seconds, by adjusting the knobs of this internationally known Swiss-made Mettler Analytical Balance. You get the speed of single-pan weighing—simple enough for the veriest beginner to operate after one lesson; accurate enough for the most exacting work. Select the Mettler Balance best for your laboratory, from these three outstanding instruments: 3038T BALANCE—Analytical, Singlepan, Mettler Type Β 5 . Provides mechani­ cal w e i g h i n g u p t o 2 0 0 g m s , with ac­ curacy + 0.1 m g . For 115 o r 2 2 0 volts. $895.00 3040T B A L A N C E - A n a l y t i c a l , SemiM i c r o , Mettler, Type B6. Capacity of 100 gms; accuracy of differential w e i g h i n g within the optical r a n g e of ± 0 . 0 2 m g ; accuracy of incorporated weights ± 0.1

m g ; mechanical weighing up t o 100 gms. For 115 or 2 3 0 volts $995.00 3042T BALANCE —Analytical, M i c r o , Mettler, Type M 5 . With a capacity of 20 gms; accuracy of differential weighing within the optical r a n g e of ± 0.002 m g ; accuracy of set of weights + 0 . 0 2 m g ; mechanical weighing u p t o 2 0 m g . For 115 o r 2 3 0 volts $1150.00 Write us today for a descriptive brochure.

Other b a l a n c e s in slock for your selection . . . Ainsworth "Right-AWeigh"; Voland Universal; other A i n s w o r t h and Voland types; Ameri­ can; Becker; Ohaus; T o r s i o n ; Roller-Smith; Seco. Write us for literature and prices, o r p h o n e the Will warehouse nearest you.

You get your choice when you purchase from Will.


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ANALYST'S CALENDAR Microwave and Radio-Frequency Spec­ troscopy. Faraday Society, Cam­ bridge, England, April 4 to 6. Optical Society of America. Hotel Statler, New York, Ν. Υ., April 7 to 9. American Chemical Society. 127th Na­ tional Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 29 to April 7. Scientific Apparatus Makers Associ­ ation. The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., April 24 to 28. Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Apparatus. Physical Society, London, England, April 25 to 28. American Association of Spectrographers. 6th Annual Conference, Chicago, 111., May 6. Third Annual Conference on Mass Spec­ trometry. ASTM Committee E-14. Mark Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco, May 23 to 27. Sixth Symposium on Microscopy. Ar­ mour Research Foundation. Sheraton, Hotel, Chicago, 111., June 16 to 18.


Rate and Equilibrium in First Complex Formation between Thenoyltrifluoroacetone and Aqueous Metal Ions. ROBERT W. TAFT, JR., Pennsylvania State University. Opening Remarks. G. H. CARTLEDGE, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Results of Infrared Studies. BURL E. BRYANT, University of Oklahoma.




Eighth Annual Analytical Symposium. Syracuse University, Syracuse, Ν. Υ., June 17 and 18.

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