WILL CORPORATION - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 3, 2012 - WILL CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1954, 26 (1), pp 55A–55A ... Search. C&EN Online News. C&EN Online Current Issue News RSS Feed...
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2 6 , N O . 1, J A N U A R Y

The magic whispers...


55 A


Laboratory Equipment



New Beckman RECORDING Spectrophotometer runs complete analyses practically unattended! Easy t o operate, this new " r o b o t " instrument enables you t o r u n complete laboratory analyses practically unattended. Once t h e controls are set, i t can run by itself for a w h o l e day. All you do is change samples, chart paper, and scanning regions. It can be turned instantly t o manual operation or back t o automatic. When Grandpa tucked you between his knees, you knew you were going to listen again to his wonderful watch —to hear its magic tick . . . tick . . . tick . . . And as you listened, those measured whispers of time shut away the world, leaving you close to Grandpa, secure in his love. T h e privilege of p r o v i d i n g s e c u r i t y f o r those w e love c a n b e found only in a land like o u r s . A n d r e a l i z i n g t h i s privilege for ourselves, w e achieve t h e s e c u r i t y of o u r c o u n t r y . F o r t h e s t r e n g t h of A m e r i c a is simply t h e s t r e n g t h of one secure home t o u c h i n g t h a t of a n o t h e r . Saving for security is easy! Here's a savings system that really works—the Payroll Savings Plan for investing in United States Savings Bonds. Go to your company's pay office, choose the amount you want to save. That money will be set aside for you before you even draw your pay. And invested in Bonds which are turned over to you. If you can save only $3.75 a week on the Plan, in 9 years and 8 months you will have $2,137.30. For your sake and your family's, too, how about signing up today? The U. S. Government does not pay for this advertisement. It is donated by this publl· cation in cooperation with the Advertising Council and the Magazine Publishers of America.

Scanning speeds are faster than t h e best manual operation—takes only 8 seconds t o plot a point for one sample—10 seconds for t w o samples—12 seconds for all three samples! This new Model DR automatically measures and records percenttransmittance from 210 t o 1000 millimicrons. I t can run as m a n y as three samples simultaneously w i t h each curve plotted in a different color. Spectrograms are made on standard notebook-size paper w h i c h can easily be filed and replaced. 2 4 1 4 4 T — O b t a i n a b l e as a n attachment coupled directly to standard DU Monochromator in your laboratory


2 4 1 4 3 T — C o m p l e t e instrument including DU M o n o ­ chromator


Both for 115 volts, 60 cycles. Prices include installation assistance. Write for detailed

Complete Beckman Service W h e n y o u b u y Beckman instruments or consider their use, call WILL . . . your g u a r ­ antee o f complete Beckman service. A l l five WILL warehouses a r e author­ ized Beckman distributors. WILL provides technically t r a i n e d assistance a n d e x ­ p e r t r e p a i r facilities b y f a c ­ t o r y t r a i n e d p e o p l e . Beckman bulletins a n d complete Beckman service a r e yours on request. WILL stocks the complete line o f Beckman instruments a n d accessories.



Order from your nearest WILL officewarehouse. PHONE — WRITE — WIRE — TELETYPE


Rochester 3, Ν . Υ.


N e w York 12, Ν. Υ.

WILL CORPORATION of M d . . Baltimore 1, M d . SOUTHERN SCIENTIFIC CO., INC.. Atlanta 1, G a . BUFFALO APPARATUS CORP.. Buffalo 5 , Ν . Υ