Will CORPORATION - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 16, 2012 - Will CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (3), pp 96A–96A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60147a807. Publication Date: March 1959. ACS Legacy ...
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NEW PRODUCTS Stereocamera Attachment. Designed for use with the company's Cycloptic Stereoscopic Microscopes, the Graflex unit is said to produce a three-dimen­ sional image exactly as seen through the microscope. Takes regular 35-mm. film, black-and-white or color. Ameri­ can Optical Co. P-51

*No. DU with unit,

24268 Beckman tine-operated Spectrophotometer, complete photo-multiplier, dual source pair of silica cells. $2995.00


Will k e e p s

W;l,,;'j Wihlff your lab

equipment performing W h e t h e r you purchase a spectrophotometer, a p H meter, a microscope, or any other i n s t r u m e n t f r o m Will, you can be sure that an experienced Will technician i s ready to keep i t in top w o r k i n g order. A t each supply and service center, Will m a i n t a i n s a staff of factory-trained e x p e r t s and complete facilities for t h e repair of Beckman, Coleman, Spinco and other electronic devices. A t Rochester, there's a Will service center f o r renovating your microscopes, too. T h r o u g h o u t the E a s t e r n U.S., Will s p e c i a l i s t s are ready to render prompt and effective e m e r g e n c y service, w h e n ­ ever y o u m a y need it. Periodic m a i n t e n a n c e of Willsupplied a p p a r a t u s i s a l w a y s available at reasonable cost . . . and m a j o r overhauls are handled efficiently and w i t h ­ out delay. The n e x t t i m e you invest in complicated and costly appa­ ratus, be sure t h a t the finest local service is behind it. It's e a s y to do ! J u s t order f r o m Will !

A progressive



a progressive


CORPORATION and subsidiaries

Specialists Scientific

in Supply

ROCHESTER 3, N.Y. • ATLANTA 1,GA. . NEW YORK 5 2 , Ν. Υ. · BALTIMORE 2 4 , MD. BUFFALO 5, N. Y. · SO. CHARLESTON 3 , W. VA. Circle No. 90 on Readers' Service Card 9 6





Electric Heater. Model S-40540 has 7-step control to 750-watt output through 3 toggle switches. Upper re­ fractory is reversible, molded for 500and 800-ml. Kjeldahl flasks on one side, and beveled for large round-bot­ tom flasks on the other. Ε. Η. Sargent & Co. P-52 Cold Light Source. Mic-O-Lite II has four rings of "cold" light in a dough­ nut type reflector six inches in diam­ eter. Reflector has a 21/4-in. aperture in its center. Temperature of matter being examined is said never to ex­ ceed 3 or 4 degrees above ambient. Aristo Grid Lamp Products, Inc. P-53 Safety Bottle Carrier. Designed for safe intraplant transport of 1-gal. bot­ tles of corrosive chemicals. Made of heavy walled polyethylene and has a snap-on cover which holds bottle in place. The Nalge Co. P-54 Microburets. Line of microburets features new interchangeable stopcock. Available in capacities from 0.5 ml. to 10 ml. Micro-Ware, Inc. P-55 Spectrofluorometers. Two new in­ struments added to the company's line. One is for transmission measurements in the spectral region from 220 to 650 ταμ. The other can be used as a spectrofluorometer, spectrophotometer, and for reflectance measurements. Farrand Optical Co. P-56 Safety Mechanical Convection Oven.

Hazard-Safe ovens, designed according to Underwriters' Requirements (Class 1, Group D), are said to minimize dan­ ger of sudden internal pressures or sparking. Bench and floor models avail­ able. Blue M Electric Co. P-57 Oscillogram Processor. Model 23109A is self-contained portable motor­ ized unit for daylight processing. Fea­ tures thermistor drum temperature control and needs no external water supply. Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp." P-58 Disposable Petri Dishes. Molded clear polystyrene items have covers with etched rectangles for marking. Packed 20 in a sterile plastic bag, 500 to a case. Contract delivery arrange­ ment available if 12 or more cases a vear are used. Fisher Scientific Co. P-59